Peeing in movie theater bathrooms. why does it feel so satisfying?

I don't know what it is, whenever I leave a movie I feel good peeing in the urinals of a movie theater bathroom.... am I a weirdo?

What the fuck are you talking about? 45
I don't pee in public restrooms. 7
Yes 22
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Comments ( 18 )
  • I almost always piss all over the walls in public bathrooms. I just can't help it, I go in and the first thought is "hahaha yeah, take that society".

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    • dirtybirdy

      No, its not "take that society" its take that you poor individual who has to clean it up! Ugh I know, you don't care. You CAN help it you filthy freak! Stop pissing on the walls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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      • Not at all, I forget about cleaners. An image of the next person who needs to piss coming in and going "oh god damn it! You son of a bitch, who does this?!" is what brings the urge.

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        • dirtybirdy

          You thumbin me down?!?! Evil. I never forget about the poor cleaners considering I am one :( not so fun but I am my own boss so there! Fine then, piss away. I don't have to clean down there anyway.

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          • I didn't, I just replied. Now we find ourselves at the top of the page, oh joyus contentment. It was no doubt one of my many adversaries, ill-equipped to contend with my insurmountable divinity. They take the more passive aggressive route as I would, sure as the sun will cross the sky, destroy them in direct confrontation of any nature.

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            • dirtybirdy

              Oh I see. I've got even more haters now since a little disagreement the other day. I think a few people have been stalking my comments and thumbing them all down. It's pretty amusing and pathetic.

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  • elenaki

    May or may not have something to do with that 750ml of coke you drunk during the movie

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    • dirtybirdy

      Haha basically what I was going to say. I don't know how people can drink that much soda. Ewww.

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  • KnightNigelWellingtonXXI

    ME TOO. I spend maybe 2 hours watching a movie and drinking soda the entire time. By the time the movie is over, I'm rushing to the bathroom to empty my piss sack after holding it in through the entire movie.
    So yes it's normal although it doesn't have to be in just a movie theatre.

    Knight Nigel Wellington XXI

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  • slings_and_arrows

    I think I might feel the same. Maybe its because you have been waiting to pee because you were watching the movie, so that makes the release even more satisfying. If you were at home you would have just paused the movie and gone to the bathroom.

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  • GottaWeeGirl

    What many others say is that they pee IN the theater, in their seat, on other seats, or on the floor. I love peeing but not here. Used to work in one, so no way would I defile one.

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  • martymcfly88mph

    I know it's weird, it's just my favorite place to pee

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  • martymcfly88mph

    I don't know why I like it, it just feels refreshing in a way.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Dunno that is the first i have heard of it.

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  • NotFloydzie

    I don't use public restrooms. I feel uncomfortable peeing anywhere else that isn't my house. I don't think this is abnormal, though.

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