Penis wiping
I've recently started wiping the end of my penis with toilet paper after taking a piss, I guess similarly to how girls do when they've taken a slash. It makes sense to me as otherwise my boxers will absorb all the piss surely. Normal?
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I've recently started wiping the end of my penis with toilet paper after taking a piss, I guess similarly to how girls do when they've taken a slash. It makes sense to me as otherwise my boxers will absorb all the piss surely. Normal?
Finally...someone who does...that!!!
Totally cool.
i ask my brother to do that because he smells like piss...but he says thats gay...i said would you like it if i smell like fish or pee. he says...oh thats dirty girls...i say...go clean yo pissy ass.
This has actually started to bother me lately! Finding myself doing that--but it's better than just normal: it's clean. Which is sadly a little rare among men.
The fact is: most men walk around every day with just a LITTLE splotch of pee in their boxers or briefs, sometimes, I imagine, staining out into their pants... because they DON'T wipe off, after. THEY'RE the ones who are f---ing a little sick! And sometimes, when you're unfortunate enough to stand close to one, you'll smell the f---ing pee--that's sickening!
The same guys, who don't wipe after peeing, are the guys I imagine give up while wiping their asses, even though they see fresh shit on the paper--becuase they've been "wiping too long" and "don't have all day." ALL this, in short, is why men tend to stink more than women.
No, men stink because we have testosterone and armpit odor. It has NOTHING to do with not wiping you're penis. No guys give up wiping, thats stupid, because a rash will develop. We naturally cant prevent from stinking, even taking showers. You cant get rid of hormones. At least we can get a blue waffle infecition from not cleaning OOHHHHH
Good job, keep wiping, that way you won't be smelling of accumulated dried pee and your girlfriend/boyfriend will be happy.
I thought my 10 yr son was being weird because he does it. He complains that if he doesn't he gets droplets in his undies. Thank god, I guess he must be normal then.
it aint weird, who wants to have dried pee throughout the whole day? its just for the sake of being sanitary
I don't quite know what kind of retarded countries you guys live in, but amongst 'normal' people, you clean yourself by using pieces of paper called "toilet paper" after going to piss or shit.
That's such a standard and basic hygiene rule to follow, that only idiots would not do it, as you would smell, stink, be repulsive, and risk quite a few infections otherwise.
As for wiping being gay... if being a dirty, stinky walking piss stand is so manly, then I'm surely gay!
But weirdly enough, my gf doesn't complain!
Yeah sometimes a few drops come out after putting it away. Beat rather to Shake n Wipe boy! Better be safe than sorry I tell ya..
I often put some toilet paper in my underwear for that reason. My damn penis has to ejaculate some pee ONLY when I pull my pants back up/put my dick back in. Sometimes, I try to trick it. I try to make the last drops come out, but it rarely works. I always end up with some drops in my underwear.
Well it depends on if you're cut or not, either way it doesn't seem like a big deal if you do or not. My boyfriend wipes his dick. It seems preferable to getting piss on your boxers.
Not only is that normal, it's a good policy. Guys leak, my ex did and it was gross. I wish he had done that. Perhaps by now he has learned his lesson.
This is funny as my lady always loved this about me. I've been wipping since as long as I can remember, if not you will leak in your draws. It's no different then a garden hose, you shut-off the hose and you get after drips, all men should sqeeze from the top to the bottom of the head, and then wipe.
Totally normal, although I'm the only guy that I know who does it.
i started to do that abou 5 years ago after i realized i had to change my underwear like 7 times a day. I don't like the pee stains!!!like to keep myself clean.
Shaking just doesn't work Like using toilet paper.
Toilet paper > Shaking.
no this is unmanly and considered a sign of homosexuality where i come from, let the piss drip down your leg, it will make you feel like a man
Lol everyone should wipe. If you only shake it ur discusting and need to wash ur briefs better.
I think normal guys just shake it off, but your way works just as well...
my ex did that. I don't think it's odd. Peeing in the kitchen sink though? Most def. gross.
I can't remember the last time i've wiped. Its what were taught when guys are younger, but most guys shake it off. Plus its saving the environment.
It indeed is normal. Just because men have a penis with the urethra inside doesn't mean they don't have to wipe after they pee. Many men don't wipe because they jump to a conclusion like that.
One of the advantages of having a very long penis: I just suck out with my mouth that remaining pee. Just kidding. I do wipe it with toilet paper, but then I have those remaining stinky fragments of paper stuck in my penis tip which after a while seems disgusting also. This is an annoying problem I have no solution yet, which drove me to this 6 year old thread.
I have always done that, I suspect that I got it from my mother wiping it for me when I was too little to use the toilet on my own, so I always thought that's how you're supposed to do it.
And only very recently have I learned that most guys don't do it (and I'm 32!). I think it sounds gross, because you always have a little droplet left that would get soaked up in the underwear otherwise.
I signed up just to comment on this post, and I don't know what country your from but in my country there's no toilet paper at the urinal. So I think if everyone wiped their dick after pissing there would be toilet paper at the urinal. So mate you don't have to wipe your dick. And as always have a nice day!!
I have been doing it since I was maybe 10 years old. I think I realized I had to do it because the doctor gave me some ointment to apply on my Tool; I believe it was because I never wiped it and I am uncircumcised so it kinda just went bad!
Everything is perfectly normal now, it was just an antimicrobial/antibacterial cream to clean up.
The worst is when I told my guy friends they would laugh and be like "wtf, why?" And sometimes I feel I lose masculinity by walking straight into a stall and urinating instead of a urinal. Sorry I had to put that all out there because I thought I was weird but trying to be clean!
The only reason most people say it is normal because men that do wipe their penises are the only men that search this question!!!!
Its not normal. Its gay if you do it. After peeing dont shake the drops just slide it back into the underwear. It feels nice after you pissed. The wet spots cool your willie and it feels good. Guys love having pee spots in their underwear if you dont your gay.
I do this myself and I was going to ask this question myself. I think it's normal and quite sensible. I don't want pee in my boxer briefs.
I do. I'm 50 and at that age where my body is changing. I have a slower flow, have to go more and always a few dribbles at the end. No matter how good I clean, I usually get a few after tucking in.
I think its normal. nothing wrong with being clean. the after drips happen because the urethra is slightly u shaped creating a tiny reservoir which holds a little wee after the main flows over. this can be passed by firmly but gently pulling ur bell end outwards and lifting up behind ur balls a few times. this pic makes it easy to visualise:
followed with a final shake this should stop you getting dirty pee pants. but personally i love just sitting around in my dirty pee pants all day long :)
I whipped my dick on a cat once, then dried my hands with a dog and jumped out the window backwards and done a fanny fart, so what sue me?
Just shake it off, us guys gotta get back to bein men again. Shake it like a polaroid picture!
yeah guys don't talk about this but now I do it everytime I piss I guess other guys don't mind piss on their boxers or their penises are too small but I always squeeze out and wipe. pretty clean person too
I just caught my boyfriend wiping this morning, which prompted me to search the internet for the normalcy of this act. Although he's the only guy I've ever seen or known of to do this, and although eight of the nine people I mass texted asking if this was weird said it was, I guess I feel a little better knowing that this is not necessarily the thing that determines whether or not he's gay.
Maaaan!!! I heard about a few dudes who I know doing this, now for some stupid 'pissing' reason I've started doing it! forget about this post and ever hearing of this, dick wiping is growing out of control, don't become a victim of its wildfire spread! its like a yawn but with piss and paper.