People act awkward when they find out i had a condition

I was born with a hip condition and have been left with a permanent limp that isn't too bad, but noticeable. It has never bothered me and I've never felt self conscious about it, in fact, I forget about it most of the time. I've always just seen it as the way I was.

About once per year or so, I'll get asked if I'm injured. If I explain that I was born with a condition, people get really awkward and look embarrassed, as if they overstepped their boundaries by asking me that question and think I am going to be mad at them. TBH, it makes me feel awkward that they feel awkward about it. I have accidentally made someone feel really bad when I told them it was from a condition I had at birth, and I felt really bad about it afterwards and started telling people it was just an old injury after that.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • rocketdave

    Many years ago I was at after document signing piss up. We were hosting a rear Admiral and he was tossing the pink gins back like they were going out of fashion. We all had had a skinful and I happened to say "Blimey, you must have hollow legs" whereupon he banged his walking stick against his two false legs. I knew he had a limp but I didn't realise that he was in the Bader association!

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    • bigbudchonga


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      • rocketdave

        He actually took it as a bit of complment that I hadn't noticed he'd got two false legs.

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  • bigbudchonga

    Normal polite people problems. It's nice that you feel bad for making them feel bad, and it's nice that they feel bad because they probably thought they made you feel bad, lol

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  • litelander8

    I wait tables and as such, this topic can be a hot subject. You might notice people noticing you and over think it. “Personal awareness” Is key in life. Shit like people randomly opening a door for you just shows they’re aware. Same as holding a door for a lady.

    Anyhow, you should be honest and not afraid to talk about it if you want to.

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  • olderdude-xx

    People often do not know how to respond to non-normal conditions.

    You need to learn to tell them the truth in a way that disarms their concerns...

    Perhaps something along the line of: "I've learned that there are positive benefits if you look for them. I was born with abnormal hips; which has not prevented me from developing my mind and pursuing a fulfilling life. It's also allowed me to learn earlier than others to consider the potential value of a person by looking at what they doing and saying over looking at how they look."

    If you have something personal to add to that about what you are doing or obsticles you have overcome... that just makes it your story and richer.

    People like people who are over-comers... Tell people the truth and how you have overcome it - and why it has helped you move forward in life...

    You'll get a much better response...

    I wish you well with this,

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  • my_life_my_way

    Sometimes disabled people get all pissy and over sensitive when people treat them disabled so they’re probably just worried about offending you

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