People are acting as if my thinness is normal

My weight, body mass and fatness yet everybody called me thin was never normal, and my gut and still being skinny when only one man believes me isn't normal. I have an eating problem, and I was born with an eating problem and I was never diagnosed. I don't know what the problem is, I was eating lite foods, like sweetener and low fat foods and genuinely fat-free items, does that mean I'm naturally thin? Do you think my body is natural? It's not, it's a serious problem. I was worried that I while I can't lose weight was always getting thinner, I put on a bit more meat in my head and collar bone but it's no laughing matter, I don't think the food I'm eating is healthy, it's too lite, too slimming, I ate 1 gram of fat a day when I should eat 30 grams of fat, I don't know how to eat and I never knew how to eat. Even if I was educated in healthy eating the problem won't go away, I'd probably learn it correctly and take it the wrong way to mean I have to have no fat, salt or sweets whatsoever, not once, I was born to think that way, but I'm eating lollies sometimes, I hardly ever eat, why are most people calling me fat? I'm not fat, that gut doesn't prove I'm fat, the problem is I thought I was fat when I was slimming down, and I've got a gut and I'm pretty skinny and can see my collar bone, it was also a problem when I was bulking up, 78 kilos and people kept telling me I had no weight, this pissed me off. I feel better when I do eat, I even like marmalade (with sugar) on toast when most of the time I eat a sugar-free marmalade. I don't need these weight loss foods, it's making me too thin, I need a normal diet and a normal body.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • Sanara

    Okay if you eat one gram of fat per day that's extremely low and I imagine that could cause some health issues because we need some, especially omega 3. You can get that from fatty fish, walnuts and pumkin-seeds. You could just eat a good handful of nuts or seeds and you'd probably be well above that fat amount already. You may already get more by cooking foods in oil or butter. Do you even know what foods contain fat? Also you need some salt especially if you sweat, start adding a little bit in your food. If you don't eat enough salt you probably feel nauseous and have trouble keeping water in your body (like being often thirsty but also having to pee shortly afterwards). Why wont getting educated help you? What exactly keeps you from following advice?

    Not sure how you track nutrients but consider tracking your actual nutrition on cronometer (its free if you don't sign up for premium). It sounds a lot like you just don't understand nutrition:

    Also all your explanations seem a bit messy and confusing even if we can figure it out eventually. Get someone to help you write those texts/prepare what to say, maybe you get taken more seriously

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    I'm really confused. I can't tell if people are calling you fat or skinny.

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  • LloydAsher

    Depending on your height you are within the nominal weight group.

    People that tell you are skinny arent wrong you could be judged based on how other peoples general weight.

    I'm not a healthy weight but I look like I am (good fat distribution) so people have called me; skinny, fat, thicc, overweight (true) and obese.

    Dont listen to other people, if your weight is consistent with the average of your height group you should be good.

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