People are judgment about how i manage money

I'm 26 years and used to travel internationally every 3 months back when I was 23-24 years old. Before this happened I was extremely scared about possibly becoming homeless after moving out of my mom's house. So I saved money by fasting and working overtime. At one point in time I had both a full time and part time job. I made money and rarely spent money on things like cloths, leons, entertainment...etc... Some people who spend there money on leons for vehicles, overeating, useless things that they will throw away within a year, etc... Make fun of me act like I'm cheap and what I need to be doing is spending more money on random things.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    good for you

    keep at it and screw the haters goin broke tryinta look rich

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Describing my sister. They make alot more than me but with their lifestyle youd think they make millions a year

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  • ospry

    Where do you live? The reason I ask is because if you live in America or Canada, travelling internationally every 3 months would be insanely expensive. If you live in Australia, a little less so. In Europe, that'd barely even be a big deal

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    • I live in Canada

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I live like that but I domt travel either. Most of the money I make I save.

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