People brand you to discredit you

Have you noticed that recently we have come to a point in society to where peopld will brand someone a label and refuse to listen to any reasonable argument about the discussion because they branded them something like racist, transphobe, antivaxer. You could literally be explaining to them something factual like the sky is blue and they are able to shut down any intelligent, reasonable, valid points by trying to shame then and brand them as being transphobic, racist, anti-vax, Trump supporter.

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Comments ( 127 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    Yeah, I've seen people do this too. Republicans labeling people communist and having a tantrum over opposing views and Democrats labeling people fascist and then having a tantrum over opposing views. I'm tired of the whole thing which is why I don't bring up certain topics in conversation anymore. I'd rather just stay out of other people's drama. XD

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    • LloydAsher

      Is labeling bernie supporters socialists too far when bernie identifies as a socialist?

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      • Correction

        Bernie identifies as a socialist as much as Trump identifies as a Nazi.

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        • LloydAsher

          But bernie actually said hes a socialist. If anything bernie is closer to nazis than trump is because nazis were fascist SOCIALISTS.

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          • Correction

            ...what? Nazis were on the complete polar opposite end of the spectrum from socialists. Hell, the Nazis went after the socialists before the Jews! Saying they were socialists just because they had socialists in their name is like saying North Korea is a democracy just because they call themselves the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea. Hitler himself admitted they called themselves that to discredit socialists. I mean, Nazis basically invented capitalism(fun fact: the world “privatization” was first coined to describe what was happening in Germany), clearly they were nowhere near socialists.

            Anyway, back to my original point, Bernie has said he’s a democratic socialist, not a socialist. If that makes him a socialist, then Trump calling himself a nationalist certainly makes him a Nazi.

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            • SweetNLite

              Yeah, the National Socialist German Workers Party wasn't socialist. Good grief.

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            • Clunk42

              Democratic socialism is socialism; it's in the word in itself. The difference is just that democratic socialists want a socialist democracy, while most other socialists want a socialist autocracy/monarchy. It's still socialism either way, and it's just as dysfunctional. It still wants the government to control the means of production: the main trait of socialism.

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            • LloydAsher

              The nazis went after the communists first. Socialism is close to communism but isnt the same thing.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Nope. Lol

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        • LloydAsher

          Good. Cause I think they are socialist.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      dont forget the people that insist you gotta pick a side or else

      its like bein in prison and not joinin a gang or somethin

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  • Tommythecaty

    If they were smarter they would take this on board...

    “It Is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    first they start with the interrogation so they can calibrate their bullshit against you

    then comes the cable news talkin points style debate fulla loaded rhetoric and bullshit statistics where theyre tryinta play verbal gotcha and apparently teach you a lesson

    thats the endgame to label & belittle

    theres nothin constructive ever considered from this kinda discourse

    so my tactic is to give ridiculous and contradictory troll answers durin the question phase and then mock the individual as they desperately try to calibrate a coherent argument

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    • yesterday this dude in politics VC was like "if you could snap your fingers and the CEO at your company would get millions of dollars would you do it?" And im like "yeah if my wages stay the same sure idc."

      "well obviously you dont want that money going to poor people!!" Epic gotcha

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      • LloydAsher

        Yep I do not want money going to poor people. Why? Is it purely because they are poor or is there an objective reason to do so?

        Just because a bill is labeled as "initiative to hug the wounded veterans" doesnt mean that it can include anything involving wounded veterans. I vote for people and propositions that I understand. Not because of the color of their tie.

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      • RoyyRogers

        Oh you mean the minority red herring. Yes that is very annoying. You can not have that opinion since I am so triggered by everything anyone says.

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  • There is no need to explain anything to retards, live only for yourself(and those who are near and dear to you).

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    • xeus

      Perfect answer.

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  • SwickDinging

    Yes, I've noticed this. It's very annoying.

    My personal favourites include Jewish people being referred to as Nazis because they happen to be right leaning in their political views, and lesbians being referred to as transphobic because they don't want to have sexual relationships with men who have transitioned to female.

    It's the mark of a moron.

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    • a-curious-bunny

      I love the second one. Always amuses me that people get offended by that when someone simply has sexual preferences

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      • SwickDinging

        That's literally all it is - sexual preferences.

        Humans like what they like. I happen to be attracted to tall white men with lots of body hair. It's just my thing. I'm not going to pretend to be hypothetically attracted to a short little black guy with no hair just so that I don't hurt someone's feelings. Human sexuality doesn't work that way.

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  • Whatintarnation

    That's because there's not many adults around right now. We have a bunch of children that just want to dunk on others. It's pathetic and annoying.

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  • litelander8

    Wow. This is really hitting home for me. Bless.

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  • ellnell

    Cancel culture is a toxic thing. It must be especially hard to be a public figure these days, someone can get cancelled both for not commenting on their stance on something AND for commenting on it because they accidently said something mildly offensive or weren't allowed to comment on that topic because they're white/straight/cis or whatever else that makes them privileged.
    Even shitty people can be smart and right about certain topics, doesn't mean you agree with everything they do all the time and people who have gotten branded as something years ago may have changed or was falsely branded. Cancel culture is very black and white and most likely because it was created by teens. It's just sad that adults go along with it too.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      What makes me cringe is when they apologize and bend over and take it up the ass for everyone and gets canceled anyway. People need to stand up for themselves sometimes. Id be like "Yeah I did black face when I was 15 and I thought it was hilarious. Everyone wasnt so sensitive back then. And btw I dont care if you beta males on twitter are commenting angrily on my posts. I wore black face. DEAL WITH IT"

      If everyone stood their ground and quit bending over to these crybabies it would stop. When you cry and beg it just makes you look guilty.

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      • LloydAsher

        That's why strong people arent apologizing anymore whenever this cancel culture shit pops up.

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  • LloydAsher

    I find it super retarded when someone says that trump is a fascist yet think obama was a saint dispite obama doing way more fascist shit than trump ever pulled off.

    Fascism has a specific set of criteria and trump (and) supporters dont fit that since they arent trying to deplatform people from social media or getting people fired from their jobs do to thinking differently. That's what the left is doing to anyone who doesnt hold their niche views and god help you if you said something fine 10 years ago yet retroactively you are racist for saying so.

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    • Correction

      Colin Kaepernick would like a word. Not to mention Target, Nike, Starbucks, Keurig, Oreos, Uber, Wal-Mart, Netflix, Pepsi, Macy’s...need I go on? None of them were allowed to think differently without incurring the wrath of dear leader and his supporters.

      Whataboutisms aside, if something you said 10 years ago is now declared racist, newsflash, we all knew it was racist 10 years ago too. Or 20 or 30 years ago. That’s about how long I’ve known Dr. Seuss was racist. That’s what happens when you’re exposed to differing points of view instead of growing up in a bubble. Conservatives wouldn’t be so surprised by all these changes if they weren’t so closed minded to anybody who didn’t look or sound like them, they don’t just pop up out of nowhere one day.

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      • LloydAsher

        Oh yeah just because it is offensive now we should burn and remove all traces of it? That's what a functioning society does?!

        I understand not producing more books. But removing Ebay posts for selling books because its "offensive" material yet you can sell Mein kampf?

        I'm not for removing history. Cant we come to an understanding that while its offensive now it deserves the right to be preserved due to the importance of the author?

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        • Correction

          Who’s burning or removing traces of anything? The books that have already been published aren’t going anywhere. A private business made a decision to stop publishing something. Do you think the government should be allowed to step in and force a privately owned business to do something they don’t want to do? That’s how a functioning society works?

          I think the one thing we can come to an understanding on is that anything that’s offensive “now” has always been offensive. This is the problem with the bubble that Republicans live in, by refusing to interact with people who don’t look or sound like them, they have no idea what offends those people until decades later when people who do look and sound like them start deciding they don’t want to offend those people anymore. The select few Dr. Seuss books that are no longer being published were offensive the day they were written, and they’re not the ones that are well known or historical in any way.

          As per the other thread about publicly shaming unwanted behavior out of people, we can also now come to an understanding that the best way forward here would be to shame these always offensive books into oblivion. But, unlike so many LGBT books over the years that have been banned and destroyed undeservedly, these books will always be accessible for people to see just how offensive they always been.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    "black people are profiled in the streets. Everyone be watchin you thinking you stealin in the store"

    "thats because there's so much crime in black neighborhoods"

    "racist ass Trump supporter"

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    • LloydAsher

      Think america is bad with racism? Try asia! That shit is worse than the deepest parts of the south.

      Dispite being a minority there (white) I was still treated somewhat with respect... then again I couldn't speak any language besides english so I dont know if they were talking shit.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        China has it figured out honestly. You go around and preach Jihad in China you get sent to a camp and are forced to eat bacon and burn the koran. You dont hear about terrorist attacks in China. They dont play.

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        • LloydAsher

          Oh there are terrorist attacks in china it's just that china doesnt report it. Since that would cause more terrorists to flood the country to liberate them.

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  • It's been the case since forever. Blasphemer! Witch!...Ze Jewden?

    The difference now is that we have a grand access to audiences with tremendous ease and little to no consequence if we fuck it up or dare I say lie about what labels apply to who, infact sometimes you can be blatantly wrong and people will still apply a label that doesn't fit.

    Why are we seeing this more and more? I'll be blatantly honest with you. Leftists. There's a hilarious irony when you consider the fact that the people screaming to "burn the witch" or asking "Ver are'yo' paypehrs?" in the modern day are left wingers and it would almost be depressing when you realize that it's become so popular to throw around life destroying labels simply because the people with power listen to these deranged loons.

    But yeah, lefties. Hate me for it but you know it's true.

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  • Somenormie

    They don't bother me much meh.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Perfectly normal, if I was an anti-Semite they brand me as a Nazi.

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  • a-curious-bunny

    Some call me an animal rapist and refuse to listen to anything I have to say due to this false accusation. Its more than a little annoying

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