People call me fat

Today evening while doing my shopping a mother and her daughter came to a adjacent shop . While i was busy doing my shopping i could hear that the daughter was calling some one as fat . So i looked at her and found out that she was reffering to me . (She was looking at me but when i looked at her she shiffted her gaze to some where else).

There have been many situations where people have called me fat along with other hurtfull things . Even sometimes they have touched me in a wrong manner .

this hurts a lot and hearing this makes me feel deepressed . What should i do .

Coming back to the situation that i have mentioned the girl was accompanied by her mother , and while she was calling me fat she didn't do anuthing to stop her and she continued chatting with the shop keeper . I mean do not children learn manners at home and from their parents why didnt she said anything to her daughter????

So i thaught i would talk to her and ask her why did she called me like that but i didnt have the guts and i came back . I came back because i thought that me asking a little girl would be a scene and
in return people will think me as mad . So i just came back but i need some answers to my problem

I have heared people saying to me "look at that man he has such a big boob" and other such comments . Please help me as this is making me depressed as well as angry at myself as i dont have anyt one with whom i can share anything without being judged .

Thank you

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Comments ( 3 )
  • (s)aint

    Well, do you have a medical reason to why you have gotten obese?

    If not, why not try to work on it? I´m sure you´ll feel better about yourself if you are working towards something better for yourself.

    Children are children, it´s true that their parents should have reacted and told them it´s rude.
    Yet in my experience it´around ...30% of the parents that actually reacts (I´m a REALLY tall gothic girl, go figure how mch negative and positive attention that gives me)

    "Look at her hair!"
    "Yeah it´s blue! You like it?"

    it´s parenting done right. Encouraging your children to compliment strangers rather than talking about them.

    I guess some parents gets embarassed and scared that I´ll lash out at them.

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    • rickymicky

      thanks for the repply feels good to know that you are stilll valued in the world. Thanks 4 response

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  • turdferguson73

    That little brat should've gotten talked to by her mother and then she should've been made to apologize. So what if you're fat, people dont have the right to judge you. Its like making fun of someone who has burns on their body or a handicapped person. Im sure youll lose weight when youre ready and if you are never ready to lose weight, thats your business.

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