People dislike me as they say i am arrogent.

I have a lot on my mind today.

One of the main gripes I have about other people is that frequently they say I am arrogent. In actuality, nothing could be further from the truth.

I admit to my faults, lousy spelling for one, as you see, but I see no reason to hide my overall natural brilliance in general. I try to set an example, but most dolts are unworthy of my input.

The problem really is, I feel, that many people are intimidated by a strong, beautiful woman such as myself. They cannot handle the fact that I AM as wonderful (Smart, sexy) as I am and they fear measuring up to my standard.

I have explained to some of them that if they can't stand me being the best at what I do they ought to take it as an incentive to try and do better...but all they can do is whine and try to downgrade me by telling me I am full of myself.

I try so hard to educate the masses around me, but sometimes it gets me down.



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Comments ( 114 )
  • Ill comment on your post to make you feel beeter. This post was utter shit

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  • i think your an arrogent bitch

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    • randomette101

      i dont think ur arrogant i have a friend whos the same she knows shes fabulous and she doent let anyone tell her otherwise, you should do the same theres nothing wrong with accepting that ur awsome lolz

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      • There's nothing wrong with thinking (knowing) you're awesome. It's just when you act like you're awesome-er than OTHERS that makes it a problem. Act humble. Even if you aren't.

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  • mjbicester

    You mention you are bad at spelling. Can you spell TROLL!!!!!

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  • littlemissgiggles

    It's great that you're confident and have high self-esteem but u do seem to come across a bit arrogant. Maybe if you thought a bit more about others then you wouldn't be considered as stuck-up.......

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  • lol_bamf

    My God you're stuck up. Learn some humility before I kill you with the forces of Internet.

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  • CoolStoryBro

    Cool Story Bro.

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    • BRO?

      Feel again, Tiger!


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  • "I'm oh so amazing that I just MUST spread my knowledge and charming looks to the masses!"

    That's how I read your post. Try re reading what you wrote and tell me you don't sound like you think you run shit.

    Post a picture of yourself or something and tell us about your accomplishments. I'm sure there are people out there that can top how "sexy and smart" you are.

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    • Check out my bio page, cupcake.

      The Divine Ms. O.

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  • UnderTheBridge

    If anything you're not arrogant enough. It's quite obvious that you have low self-esteem.

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  • AbsAreUs

    I agree with Tobra. They're just jealous.

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  • Bud: Here's my advice: somehow get over your huge feelings of inadequacy.

    Big leap, but it is the foundation of your misogyny, racism, sexism etc.. A big leap for you.

    Try to create what your child will need: a secure economic and interpersonal family foundation. Then you will be OK.

    But frankly, I think these are beyond your reach.

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  • Well Bud even the girl you impregnated has doubts about you:

    Poor thing. I hope her Mom is strong enough to guide her way.

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  • Teenageguydan

    yep, your arrogant alright, arrogant and self riteous

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  • Ms October, see what I mean now. They attack every almost everything I write anywhere. I truly understand and although I have been wrong on this site before, this has become rather rediculous.

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    • Jen118584

      You're the one who brought the argument to this post you hypocritical piece of shit.

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  • mikits

    Nothing in your post indicates that you are any higher intellect then the mindless morons with which you have surrounded yourself. Smart, intelligent people of superior intellect surround themselves with people of equal or superior intellect. It would seem that you do not. Thus, you are most certainly an arrogant bitch who only "thinks" she is smarter than the morons around her. If you were smart you would not have to "educate" those around you because they would be as smart or more start than you. You're really an idiot. I bet you're ugly and fat too.

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  • Trust me, your fine. I am getting that same type of crap here as well. Hell, I have even been attacked for my comments but yet it appears to not be okay to stand up for myself.

    I do like it here though and I am not going to be a lame person and change my name or self for others. I just wanted to state that I completely agree. Also, I find it really odd that people will turn and instantly hate you for one or two stories out of line or at least different from their own "norm."

    Lastly, the people who do this crap and insult people like you are those who truly can't write worth a damn and probably will die working at Burger King.

    I'm sorry, I am just writing to tell you I understand.

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  • "The problem really is, I feel, that many people are intimidated by a strong, beautiful woman such as myself. They cannot handle the fact that I AM as wonderful (Smart, sexy) as I am and they fear measuring up to my standard."

    You arrogant? pfft your a fucking idiot

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  • NeonRainbow

    Yeah. I can understand what you are trying to say, and I've experienced that too. Sometimes, you're confidence feels like it is dropping, so you tell yourself that you are a great person, to make yourself feel better. However, sometimes we do too much.

    And if people can't accept that, dont' try. Just tell them that you are just hardworking, and not arrogant. But don't push it too hard, or take it overboard. Then it comes to crossing the line of arrogance. Just try your hardest and don't let anyone get you down. :)

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  • vanishedwithoutatrace

    Okay, so you're gonna think this is weird, but bear with me.

    I essentially have the same problem. I'm smart and confident and quick with words, and also female. But I can be a real douche bag. I didn't really think it before, but I realized that I do in fact want to "bring up", so to speak, those around me, but they don't learn or think or grasp the way we do and they just take our favored blunt way of communicating as being an asshole. Not to mention, I really can be a dick.

    In order to really get ideas through to the duller-minded, you gotta be a bit more gentle with constructive criticism or whatever it is you're going for. You gotta give it to them slower.


    Marijuana. Seriously. I can deal with people since I've started smoking pot. Not that it gets me down to their "level" or whatever (I'm pretty stoned right now), it just makes you more... empathetic toward others and more patient. Quite useful, as I was entirely anti-social before I began habitually using the herb.

    Seriously, find your zen and it'll help you guide others around you to seeking knowledge for themselves.

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  • wtf are you talking about.. Your insignificant honestly no one cares your a woman and thus your only purpose is to breed. What makes you strong and intimidating? Unless your 7 feet tall and can bench 500lbs you sound like another insignificant woman who has no purpose except for breeding. 20 years from now you will be some old run down woman and then what will you be asking on "is it normal?"

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    • How can you say that a woman's only prupose in life is to breed? We are not dogs.

      Pardon me, but are you a religious fanatic or just the average chauvenistic, domineering male? If your a the former, try reading a translation of the Septuagint - Proverbs 8: 3-33.

      If you are the latter, a chauvenistic prick, then get a life.

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    • Wow, such vitriol. You have some deep seated anger issues with women, I can tell. Could it possibly be that you *in certain, uhm, areas* fail to Measure Up?

      My guess is that the last "Woman" you attempted to engage in "breeding" with had a tatoo on her reading: INFLATE UNTIL ANKLES SWELL.

      You need to learn a thing or two about real live girls, jr.

      In any event, as events have so recently, painfully impressed upon me, odds are good that I am not "Breeding" material.

      Dream about it though.


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      • Updated from my last post. I am quiting this site. I was wrong in letting my opinions be shared and it turned more into a spiralling hate match between me and this skank. Then, people tried to jump in and if you read my last few stories, this point will become clear.

        There is no forgiveness here on this site and I understand why you left, you are better than this site. I truly respected your opinions and insight but I'm out. I guess I never did top you and that is fine.

        Lastly, you are genually more intelligent than the children who write here so please don't make the same mistake I made by bashing them for choosing to remain stupid. I'm out, have a nice life. I just have more better things to do than be in a poo-flinging contest and having observers laugh at the rants. Fuck them, I am better than that inside and I am truly better than them.


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        • tygeronherbed


          i laugh at you now. its so sad that you actually live with this diluted, backwards view of yourself and of the world....

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          • I actually had some time today to myself and I decided to read some of your other post on some other stories and it leads me to one question.

            Do you even read what you write or think out the ideas before you make a mess with a keyboard?

            Well, I have too much respect with the author to continue this shit with you and your disciple, Jen, on this story. If you two bad people attack my post, thats fine but please repect others such as this author who has done nothing to you. Are you actually stocking my posts to get at any message I write? If so, well then you two are truly more sad than I will ever be.
            Ms Ocober, I am truly sorry that this 'tard is disrepecting your post. I am also going to comment toward the other 'waste of space' and these two assholes are part of the main reason I wanted to leave for a while. But now, why let them win?

            Thanks for all your posts in the past and at least I respected them.

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        • Jen118584

          There's no forgiveness because you never offer an apology.

          That's your problem. You think you are better than everyone but you are very, very wrong.

          You can dish it but you can't take it in return, so what do you expect?

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          • I can take anything you can dish out but the sad thing is that you are attacking me on a story that I had no part in creating. But back to your post though, I only apologized twice but I will be damned if I give you a third.

            Please, be a better person and leave someone elses story the hell alone when you attack me. Way to follow the group, I hope they will be your 'super best friend' over your work here and that is sad on its own. At least I can think for myself.

            As far as thinking I am better, I AM BETTER THAN YOU. I had to put that in allcaps for emphasis as this site doesn't offer bold text. I bust my ass getting my life in order and I EARNED a great job from that hard work in school. I have a great fiance who I care deeply for and I truly enjoy my life.

            Sadly you don't, you spend way too much time here (Also with the other three as I am inclucing them with this.) bitching and moaning over other people over insignificant stuff. Do you really think anyone here gives two shits about your opinion on this or that or how you pointed out that I was wrong on story X?

            Perhaps if you spent half that time and did other things, your life would be better. I'm not innocent either, I ranted my fair share here. However, I changed myself mostly when I realised my line of thinking wasn't helpful and now I mostly respond back to the three fuckholes that attack my posts each and every day.
            Please, lets respect Ms October and leave her stories the hell alone. I doubt you assholes will but it is how I feel.

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    • Lastly Ms October, stupidity is rampid upon the internet and let this moron prove this. He should just shut the hell up. If he ever got a woman pregnant, he would skip out and run as he is truly not a man.

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    • Urg, I care and I'm a guy.

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  • Thanks for the kind (and not so kind) comments everyone.

    I have come to the conclusion that I might well be a little arrogent. On the other hand, as I can back up my egotism, it is only natural.

    I can be the epicenter of beauty, brains and sex appeal.

    Or I can be an arrogent little bitch. (Okay, I admit it. More than once I have been told I overcompensate for other shortcommings.)

    But you, Silly_person, say I am cruel?

    I don't see that at all.

    Thank you for the kind comments Budthewise, I think I like you, but please when you are here if ya see a post where ya think I am out of line, don't hesitate to smack me down.

    I like this place because I can use my natural wisdom to help others, but others can maybe keep me grounded. We are all, more or less, equal here. (though Goddess how I miss many of my friends here from the old days. Knuck, Nicey, Stargirl...Even spam, ass though he was.)

    I am about equal to everyone here, and I can like that while still retaining the wonder that is me.

    The Eternally Effervescent Ms. O.

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    • silly_person

      'I realized that most of the dolts out there are unworthy of my leadership.'

      'I try to set an example, but most dolts are unworthy of my input.'

      'I try so hard to educate the masses around me(...).'

      maybe you do not realize this..but it does sound cruel. you can feel amazing about yourself(i would like that feeling..)without screaming it at people's faces..

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    • You stated: "Thank you for the kind comments Budthewise, I think I like you, but please when you are here if ya see a post where ya think I am out of line, don't hesitate to smack me down."

      Don't worry, I will. It doesn't mean I have to be a dick about it though. However, if you come off as an idiot, I will call you on it and I expect the same back.

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  • Excuse any typos, I screwed away this whole day and I wanted to write that before I started on my homework. Feel free to tear me apart or call me names anyone as I truly do not care.

    October, your a good person and I wish my fiance (Who I truly care for and wrote nasty things about to get out anger to get to acceptance toward how good she truly is.) would be half as strong as you are. I vote that you are definently normal although I do wonder if that is what you want.

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  • silly_person

    you having a bone disease doesnt mean you can be such a terrible deuche towards anyone.

    jebus christ, you are not even smart, that kind of common smart that people gain through the years, you know? you behave like some teen cheer leader, full of herself and feeling a bit more beautiful everyday.

    i had to remove a breast tumor at the age of 17. i kept my breasts and my hair, even through chemo, but tomorrow, next week, next month, i might have to go through the same thing, all over again. should i pronounce myself as the next 'educator of the masses'..?

    this is just..not normal. you are cruel.

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  • Phifur

    I think your perfectly normal! i to find my self being belittled by people all around me who will say i'm a smartarse or arrogent when i'd get good grades and achieve with my a/a 's I don't shove it in there faces or anything but time and time again they still think like this and are too lazy, i will take the incentive approach thank you .

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  • chunkybongo

    I think you're the product of someone's imagination. Why don't you go read a few books first before you try to be clever and impersonate some one-dimensional stereotype for the sake of the attention you'll get online

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    • Oh I am the Real Deal, ask anyone who has been here for a few years (though I don't get to grace this place with my presence as much these days!

      Though I agree that a lot of guys like You WOULD imagine someone as classy, sexy and smart as Moi - if only for very brief amounts of time.

      @ esreverlogic (9945)

      Moi is Not good looking? Check my profile pic and get back to me on that one, tiger. Try not to drool upon your keyboard.

      I have PLENTY of friends, thanks. I try to set an example, and online I have a few good friends. People are so jealous that sometimes it is difficult.

      Tobra - Near Perfection in Heels!

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      • chunkybongo

        And what's with the Ms. Piggy 'tude?

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      • chunkybongo

        Ok...well, maybe you are real. It looks like you have some sort of disability. I won't pry, but being disabled doesn't give you an excuse to act like a jerk towards everybody. I have problems myself, but if I go around telling people they're idiots and I'm a genius, I'll get skewered just like the next pompous asshole who comes along. I mean; what are you not able to see here?

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        • Ms Piggy 'Tude?

          I don't GET you. Yes, I am real, in fact, I used to be more active here - before things went south for a time.

          Yes, I have a disability. I have a form of bone disease that makes my bones brittle in the extreme, thus I spend most of my time in a chair and try to avoid football scrums (LOL)

          I just don't see myself as arrogent, though I am perfectly will to agree that the possibility is there. I am young, beautiful, intelligent, sexy and well spoken (though my spelling sucks) and when one has all THAT...

          Well it is only Arrogence when one cannot back it up. Moi can! :)

          Still, it could be that I am stuck on myself A Little, even if I try not to be.

          Thanks. :)

          The Divine Ms. O.

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          • Please come back. I need an equal and I haven't found one yet. I am busting by butt studying and I need a release or at least someone to debate/talk to.

            Please come back, I need you, if only to have someone bitch at my post. Thank you


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          • If I didn't get my point out. Your not Arrogent as I have read a lot of your post. You are just more intelligent than the average person here and that is how they see you.

            YOU ARE FINE. Even if you are a little stuck on yourself, its normal because of a well adjusted self esteme. You don't need to apologise for being you because lord knows, nobody else here who are far worst than you will.


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  • normalSam

    Yes, you are arrogant.

    Arrogant people think they are better than others.

    You think you are better than others.

    Here is what you typed:

    "I try to set an example, but most dolts are unworthy of my input."

    "I see no reason to hide my overall natural brilliance in general."

    "They cannot handle the fact that I AM as wonderful (Smart, sexy) as I am and they fear measuring up to my standard."

    "if they can't stand me being the best at what I do..."

    "I try so hard to educate the masses around me..."


    If someone was having a converation with you and they said the things you said, and lumped you into the category of the ignorant masses you would probably see what arrogance is, but since you are the one doing it--YOU can't see it!

    So listen to this: "I try so hard to educate the masses around me, including YOU, but most dolts including YOU are unworthy of my input."

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  • esreverlogic

    If I knew you, I would probably be dating you. I can't seem to find a smart AND good looking woman. Unless you aren't really that good looking, and by the nature of your post, you really aren't that smart. Asking for advice over the internet? Asking for sympathy for being smart? All you will get is a bunch of people, as seen above, yelling at you and each other. Unless you intended this to be a breeding ground for hate.


    You are not smart or good looking. You are very full of yourself, and I wish you can see yourself and change before you loose all of your remaining friends.

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  • RedPanther1


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  • Derrik

    You are all wrong to call her arrogant. Tobra: I am also a victim of this feeling of loss that you are experiencing. Ever since I went back to school and started learning things and actually advancing my life, I have lost more and more of my long standing friendships...mostly because these people either refused to talk on MY level or because they were (at least they seemed to be) jealous that they were still stuck in their rut, as it were. I don't think this makes me superior in any way. I find that it makes me different though. An academic life is merely one type of "successful" life and finding what makes you successful is more important than clinging to what makes others successful. If you feel like people are downgrading you, then they probably are and this is exactly the sort of jealously of which I speak. Look at these pissants: they can only deride you, for their entire existence revolves around their voluntary ignorance. Keep going and keep are not meant to simply exist: LIVE.
    As for most of the rest of you, maybe you should try to think about life from other people's perspectives. Maybe then you could find something that makes you "better" and different from others. The angst of a teenager is acceptable as a growth process toward maturity, but the angst of a disgruntled, ignorant adult is self-inflicted. Grow up.

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  • Malfoy

    oh, and lastly, the way you type can tell a bit about you, such as your arrogance. One of my friends is very, very bright but doesn't radiate anywhere near as much arrogance as you do when he types.

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  • Malfoy

    Besides, who the fuck is named Tobra? A retarded dog? Man that name alone proves 100%% that you're full of yourself.

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  • Malfoy

    I think you might be deluded.
    Bright people don't say they're bright because they tend to be humble. They also know that it's usually pointless to say it.

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  • wazup132




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  • usedtorunalotnowieatcake

    Best troll attempt ever.
    I especially like the way you purposefully misspell words to come off as sincere as possible.

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  • Fifinka32

    What is it you have contibuted to the human race. While you believe you have self awareness there is an evident lack of introspection as you feel the need to voice your brilliance as to confirm it to yourself. Those who are humble with thier achievements and abilities have self acceptance than the 'empty vessel that makes much noise,. If you begin to actually become more aware of who you really are you will understand that your deep rooted insecurities are manifested in arrogance. Just because you believe you are something does not make it true. However I dont want to judge you but I have yet to read any litrature that you have published and have not been privy to any of your amazing discoveries that are about to set the world to right with your genius.A beautiful,intelligent woman such as yourself must surely realise that if you have to force how amazing you are on everybody and disscuss yourself that this amounts to self absorbtion which is the mind and soul in stagnation trapped alone in the 'playground of your mind, not exactly a hotbed for intellectual development. You say you like to read over your posts,try to gain some insight from this and use it for growth and development.

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  • toodleoo

    Keep your comments to yourself. Somebody are just naturally dumb and truely arrogant, and there's nothing you can do about it. People don't like to be belittled. Just keep the know-it-all comments to yourself and you're likely to make a few friends.

    You say you try hard to educate.......are the people you 'educate' ASKING for this information? That is a question you need to ask yourself whenever the situation arises.

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  • EverythingsbetterintheUS

    I'm the exact same way. Whenever someone doesn't know how to do something and I jump in to try to help by giving suggestions or do it myself someone says I'm arrogant and a know-it-all. One thing I realized is that the best thing to do is to sit back and when they fail pick up the pieces but don't gloat and say they did it wrong. And p.s that pool toy guy is on this site too much to be giving advice and then claim they can decide so many matters.

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  • xMasterGunZx are arrogant big time. You think of yourself as so superior to the masses around you *as you so-told us yourself*, but do not think that you are the sexiest and all that, that is unjust and apparently very very weird. Did you have too much sex when you were a teen or something? Or like masturbated like crazy? Cause saying you are sexy and strong..that's weird...completely weird. And no, you are not strong, if you were, you wouldn't need the feel to make everyone like you.

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  • Zedhunter

    This is the single greatest troll in the history of the Internet.
    There is not a number to express how successful this troll has been. I have never, in my entire life, in my entire existence, raged as hard as I did reading this post.

    On the off chance you are actually serious about all of this, then you need HELP. There's arrogance, but this rises far above the graph of that. You need, desperately, someone to take you down a peg, because, and honestly, I have no idea how you're still alive. From this post alone, I can tell that you are to be one of the most despicable of people I have ever, and will ever meet.

    TL;DR version:
    Successful troll is successful.

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  • MzPatrick

    you were kinda gloating even if you didint recognize it you need to pick your words carefully

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  • Motogoon112

    Damn your an arrogant bitch...

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  • slimjimsucka

    hey it seems like you have solid elf esteem by giving yourself credit when due and assertive. people may think that you are mean and arrogant because of this. for the most part, i myself treat myself alright but the kicker is that i value modesty. i think if you do that your whole life would change for the better because some things can be bypassed an not said or insuated. i hope people will start to feel comfortable around yo so you can with them. best of luck!

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  • Yes you may be a confident, srtong woman,and people probably all ready know that, so don't go telling them every muinute of the day. I don't mean that in a rude way, it's just I know people like you:my whole family, and I try and tell them in a nice way, and they don't listen.
    You need to be a little less forward with your confidence. If you are confident, people get that automatically, so don't go and throw it into their face like my sister always does. Then they won't 'hate' you as much for it.

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  • youre arrogant. i hate arrogance...

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  • russellnb

    The men who are intimidated by your intelligence are unworthy of you and would not make you happy. Real men appreciate women who are intelligent, self assured and successful.

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  • lk4me

    if multiple people tell you you're arrogant you probably are. they probably are jealous of you but there's no need to go around rubbing it in people's faces. i bet i'm smarter sexier and more successful than you, how bout i come and knock you down a few notches, eh?

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    • FJK_frm_AK25

      U sound jus like that girl but lil bit worse

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    • Sexier than moi? Maybe. Anything is possible, though you bio page says you are male, and male standards of beauty usually can't hold a candle to those of females.

      SMARTER than moi? Perhaps not, but, as I say, anything is possible.

      Take me down a peg? Oh I think not. :)

      I have been in hosptial for awhile, but now "The Divine Ms. O" -

      - Is Back

      October Marie

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      • drizzyFTW

        i dont ever think someone is arrogant or anything . if people think you are let them think that , you`ve got your own life to think about . You got only one life, why spend it caring about what the haters think ? :) your probably a strong independant woman who everybody wants to be :) cause your not self concious and you think your smart . LET THEM DEAL WITH IT . dont think anything low of yourself just cause people say sh*t :)

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        • honeybuns

          that comment was not meant to be @drizzyFTW I just hit the reply button at the bottom of the page without realizing it would do that

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        • honeybuns

          I think you sound pretty arrogant Ms October. While you may very well be better at some things and a good looking person you have very poor people skills. Letting people know that you think you are better than them even if you are is what makes you unlikable and offends people. It's rude. If your attitude wasn't so poor and you learned a little bit of humbleness people will admire and compliment you on what you do well. Stop praising yourself.....

          Obviously if no one likes to be around you it's because you're unlikable not because they wish they could be more like you.

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  • hello_there

    you are so completely arrogant it is not funny
    BUT that is just your personality. Your mistake is your tone and the fact that you assume that a lot of people are jeolus of you . (the post even sounds a bit whiny now that i think about it). However if you believe that you are as perfect as you say you are than the comments of others shouldn't bother you. (after all they are simply "inferiors"). the fact that people are even complaining shows that they already acknowledge that you have worth. In the end i would simply suggest being a bit more praising of others(though no backhand compliments) and a bit more humble.
    (also... sorry for the long comment in order to explain such a simple thing)

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  • Helpplz

    Yes you are arrogant very arrogant
    guess what the world doesnt revolve round ya
    i hope you learn that the hard way because i am being a terrbile person right now

    I aim for controversy

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  • noodlemasterX

    People are right, you are arrogant.

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  • housecat

    Arrogance - overbearing pride evidenced by a superior manner toward inferiors.

    Or rather, perceived inferiors. There is nothing in there about whether or not you can back up your arrogance. Like "emptiness" said, it's your attitude that people don't like. Simple as that. I used to be the same way, but my life has improved so much ever since I realized that I'm just a speck of dust in a vast universe.

    I'm probably better than you at programming, writing and performing music, and singing, but I'm not arrogant because I recognize that you have your own strengths as well, and if you don't have any strengths greater than mine then that's too bad, but how could I expect you to be any other way? You have your history and I have mine.

    Arrogance stems from insecurity and a need to prove yourself. And it also prevents you from realizing this.

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  • slushies

    If you're as great as you say you are, you wouldn't have posted this. You'd be spending your time with all the people that adored you for the qualities you say you possess.

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  • Arrogance is a third-party perception of who they think you are. This means they are the judge of arrogance and not you. This doesn't mean that you are arrogant, the fact is you probably are highly intelligent but this high opinion of yourself reflects onto the outside and makes you seem arrogant. Are you a bad liar? This is probably why. Arrogance is simply confidence envied by those around you. Simple as.

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  • Stryker

    you sound like me.

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    You sound like you are Right Brain Dominant and highly intelligent. You said you have poor spelling... do you like to read? Do you think in pictures, not words? Is math VERY tough for you? (I can tell you are incredibly well spoken, so that answers my next question) Do you often find yourself alienated because no one understands you? Do you sometimes feel that most people, (50-99%%) act or are of the same mentality of, children, or like children? Are you constantly thinking and updating your personal store of knowledge? Are you sloppy sometimes? Unorganized? Do you think outside of the box? Love music? Love art? Do art? Play music? You are probably not arrogant, just highly gifted.

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    • Yes I think in terms of pictures, spelling is difficult for me and math is...well, lets just say I got in trouble not long ago for not paying taxes for a few years, I figured if the gov needed anything they'd let me know.


      Anyway, I worry.

      arrogance... I worry, but I have been of the mind that one is only arrogant if one cannot back it up.

      I can.

      Still, I like to set an example for others, and I hate the idea of people (even jealous people) thinking I am full of myself when I am just trying to set an example for them.

      BTW - I Could have been a model, I think, if I was not, err, horizontally challenged. I have a twin sister and she did a little modeling at one time.

      October Marie

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      • FJK_frm_AK25

        Wtf is being horizontaly challenged?

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      • XxINCHAINSxX

        Hmmm. Yeah most likely. I have become so arrogant I don't care if people think I'm arrogant unless it gets in the way of persuading them. lol.

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  • PassportStyvesant

    Wow, you're really arrogant, and that is why I dislike you! lol.

    If you think all the people around you are so inferior to you then why care if they like you or not? The fact that your posting here indicates that you have a hidden insecurity, you know deep down that your not all that.

    You're probably annoyed that people don't think highly of you, and compensate by going into narcissistic overdrive.

    When you realize that other people are just as good (and/or bad) as you you might develop some friendships.

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  • Solimorphic

    Arrogant is just an adjective.

    For the linguistically gifted like yourself, a noun for you is NARCISSIST.

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    • Perfection-in-heels is more apt.


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  • bluezebra

    I have to say, you kind of came off as somebody who would be arrogant, maybe you should try toning it down a bit, my friends, aren't so great with big words, but since my mom used them all the time growing up it is a habit to use them sometimes, but if i just tone it down a bit, everything is fine. If you don't want people to see you as arrogant, or full of yourself, try a little modesty, don't talk so fondly about your high points, let people see them for themselves, sometimes biting your tongue is the best thing to do.

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  • BurntheOcean

    That was kinda funny, you have an arrogant nature. I bet I could find so many cracks and flaws by meeting you. I'm sure there is hope, unfortunately it seems like you would have to learn the hard way, which is not likely.

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  • I feel your pain.

    Work on yourself, I can be an example.


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  • lurvejazz

    The way you talk, is arrogant. I can already see it like that. It is so obvious. People might not be jealous of you, and yet you are so sure that people are jealous of you. That IS arrogance. And arrogant people don't gain people's favor. That is why, people disliking you is perfectly normal.

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  • i_am_cornholio

    I've seen too many of your comments lately to think you're arrogant.

    You seem like a very self confidant woman. And probably one of the few smarter people on the website.

    Dont let it get you down. We all have tough days.

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  • springintokyo

    I think you come off as arrogant because you are in love with yourself. Not that it's totally a bad thing. It's good to have a healthy amount of confidence. I think that the 'arrogance' you find it to be is that these people don't think you're as wonderful as you think you are. And from my POV, heres why:

    It might be that in general, other people are the judges of someone who is beautiful and 'brilliant', not the person claiming it about themselves.

    Others may not think that of you and not say it to your face because it's rude. (In your case, they'd probably just end up saying you're full of yourself instead of actually saying "hey, I don't think you're too smart and beautiful to handle"). And normally they won't want to be around someone constantly flattering themselves.

    On the other hand, there are people in your life who probably do think you're smart and beautiful, those who don't mind you saying that about yourself.

    In my case, if I were to flatter myself, I would say that yes: I believe I'm pretty, and more intelligent than not, but I am actually soft-spoken about it and don't try explaining it or expressing it to other people. Other people don't want to hear it

    Get what I'm saying? I hope you don't think I'm trying to be rude. Take care.

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  • shadow1004

    i think you pretty gorgeous... and look like you have a nice personality...
    and seem to be nice... and innocent...

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    • Innocent?


      Ahh mon petite'... not for awhile now. LOL.

      Thanks for comments, all.

      October Marie - IIN Diva

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  • dontknow

    So Audubon Society member or closet ornitholgist? Either way you appear to appreciate the sighting.

    Speaking of sightings, where's Tobra? And how'd you come to be accused of stealing her "original" moniker?

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  • dontknow

    Thanks! albeit, there's a typo or two in there.
    i.e., should be:
    happened (not happed)
    "W" character who's (not "W" that's)
    and there should be no cut-&-pasted Copyright between the 2nd Self-confidence juxtapose Arrogance piece.
    But you knew that already.
    So much for over-reliance upon spellcheckers - oops.
    Thanks for the post.

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    • some of my best friends are rara avi, btw

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    • sure. but i still say you talk funny. :D you must be a rara avis.

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  • dontknow

    Hello Tobra Marie,

    I wrote a poem years ago about arrogance and I would suggest you go ahead and allow yourself to spell it correctly, otherwise it's a bit like that "W" that's been told time and time again that it is spelled and pronounce "nu cle ar."

    I can only imagine that either you met the nice guy or happed into a wheel chair "a year or so ago" either way I'm sorry and joyful for you simultaneously, as we generally come to realize everything that we get is always a gift.

    Here's my struggle to define that of which you speak:

    Self-confidence is not arrogance.
    Self-confidence is not confidence in self, but in one%%u2019s connectedness to all things.
    Arrogance is fear bound confidence in the already accomplished.
    Copyright © 2003, DontKnow


    Self-confidence is not really confidence in your individual self but security in your self%%u2019s role and place in the connectedness to all that is.
    Copyright © 2003, DontKnow

    Arrogance is confidence in the infinitesimal separate ego self born of the perceived dominance over its smallness.
    Copyright © 2003, DontKnow

    Self-awareness is not self-consciousness.
    Self-consciousness is loathsome and fearful.
    Self-awareness is accepting and loving.
    Copyright © 2003, DontKnow

    I highly recommend reading (several times and for the rest of your life) the Tao te Ching. I particularly like Stephen Mitchell's translation, as it honors the feminine well.

    In it is where you will find this on your leadership quandaries...

    When the Master governs, the people
    are hardly aware that he exists.
    Next best is a leader who is loved.
    Next, one who is feared.
    The worst is one who is despised.

    If you don't trust the people,
    you make them untrustworthy.

    The Master doesn't talk, he acts.
    When his work is done,
    the people say, "Amazing:
    we did it, all by ourselves!"

    -Lao Tzu

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    • you talk really funny.

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  • Quests

    "The problem really is, I feel, that many people are intimidated by a strong, beautiful woman such as myself. They cannot handle the fact that I AM as wonderful (Smart, sexy) as I am and they fear measuring up to my standard."

    Speaks for itself....

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    • Amen.

      People can't handle it.

      And as I have said, I often tell these kinds of people that, if they cannot stand me being the best at what I do, it should inspire them to try harder.

      Now that I know
      The things I know
      I do the thing I do
      And if this means
      You don't like me so
      Then to Hell my love
      With you.

      Tobra Marie - Near Perfection In Heels ;)

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      • dontknow

        just learning how this works...
        See above, as I originally did not post as a reply :)

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  • AverageTMcFlannigan

    "One of the main gripes I have about other people is that frequently they say I am arrogent."

    If you really are as your post suggests, the "other people" would be correct. It just means that you tend to see yourself as more important or worth more than you really are. If your post isn't meant to just stir up a reaction for your own entertainment then it is clearly so. Perhaps you're just getting caught up on the semantics.

    You're arrogant? So what. So are a lot of people. It won't win you a congeniality award, but ultimately it doesn't matter what other people think of you.

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    • "ultimately it doesn't matter what other people think of you"

      no it doesn't. except if you want to be loved. But is it better to be loved or feared?

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      • Now THAT is the question for the ages. I am still unsure.

        "Let those who FEAR me, FOLLOW me. Let those who oppose me perish!"
        - Ghengis Khan

        Always liked that quote. When I was a little girl I had a goal to become "Supreme Ruler of the Earth" - yeah, childish I know.

        It was only later that I realized that most of the dolts out there are unworthy of my leadership.

        Found a nice guy now.


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        • "Found a nice guy now"

          lol, that's a funny statement coming right after you've just compared yourself to Ghengis Khan.

          well your guy is very lucky indeed. I hope he can fully appreciate the complex sexy woman he now has the pleasure of knowing and exploring.

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        • that is if you really ARE come you don't use your old account? you weren't banned.

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          • I dunno.

            I tried using my old acct but couldn't get it to work, soooooo.

            I have a better 'tude now anyway. :)

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  • buriedalive

    well, if you're happy with who you are don't worry about what people think of you :) self confidence is a blessing, as long as you don't make other people feel small

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  • Perhaps it's the way you talk to them, try getting down to their level, or just don't let them bother you. Ever since I was a child I can remember people not liking me, even adults. It has of course followed me as an adult, and I get pretty confused when strangers are nice to me. I always wondered if it was b/c I was short, but I think it's because I'm smart and maybe even pretty, I don't know if that's the case. I know I must not be ugly, because I seem to get a lot of attention from guys, and the girls don't like me much. HAHA. I say I don't care but I do wish people wouldn't judge me right off the bat, but if they do that you have to think, would you really want them as a friend anyway?

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  • Divadelamort

    Wow. Can this post be a ploy to get people all in an uproar? Is it a lame attempt to portray someone you are not? If not let me say get help. You sound as if you might have a narissistic personality disorder which in the end will leave you feelling superior but utterly alone. Also despite what you may think other people are not as interested in you as you think. Here's the deal the majority of people are not measuring themselves up to you. The truth is we are all way to busy thinking of ourselves to be worried about how we stack up to you. If you were as beautiful as you think you are you would most likely be a model and therefore not on here posting. Most people will only call someone arrogant if they feel the esteem in which a person holds themselves is unrealistic. Models aren't called arrogant even when they talk about how beautiful they are because people agree that they are as beautiful as they think they are. Genisus aren't arrogant when they talk about their smarts, etc.... if people are calling you out its not jealousy, its out of frustration. If people called you a bragger then we would know you were as beautiful smart and sexy as you think you are, people call you arrogant so we know you have an inflated unfounded and narcissistic view of yourself. Get help or be alone. Your choice.

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  • @flikr

    Hey, you don't Know me well enough to call me bitch! Am I arrogent? I honestly don't know, though I don't think so. It's Not arrogence when one can back it up.


    Nice. Cute. A cheap shot about my chair - I expected more from you, wait, From You, no I didn't. Funny thing is, wheels and all, I am Still more woman than you've ever had without paying.

    I just wonder about myself at times. Helps to keep me grounded.

    The Divine Ms. O.

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