People hate on weed so much why?

So I just made a poll really fast of things that I have seen from people and what they think about weed.

My view - People should not get judge for doing drugs unless there hurting people. If all drugs were legal at least they wouldn't be a lot more people selling drugs of the streets adding there chemicals in the drug

I've only smoked weed but want to do mushrooms just the one time.

People just think what they heard from school is the right answer 60
People hate drugs because they have heard stories 33
People are happy as they are now so they don't see why people do it 30
It's called a drug so people think that it's really bad to do 73
None of the above comment!!! 58
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Comments ( 102 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I don't think your crappy spelling helps our case out, man.

    Honestly, I think the reputation garnered by drugs was earned by people who abuse them and hurt others and the sad part is that a lot of the people who become abusive druggies were once people who thought that they would never become addicted, that they were too smart to succumb to the more terrifying effects of drugs and would not fall victim to addiction.

    I would never advocate that drug use be taken lightly. The fact is that many people who do drugs, especially drugs like alcohol, cocaine, heroin, crack, meth etc. go in with that mentality and often come out having their lives destroyed and I think we should take drug use very seriously as a public health issue rather than a criminal issue.

    As far as the Mary Jane goes... Most of the people that *I* know that smoke MJ have jobs, go to school, are married, have families (or a combination of the aforementioned factors) and are, generally, contributing and well-adjusted members of society. For most of them, just looking at them isn't enough to judge whether or not they use pot. I, myself, am a clean-cut individual overall.

    However, people like me don't shout from the roof-tops "I SMOKE DOPE", wear shirts with pot-leaves or broadcast it to the world (this, for the record, is the only public outlet in which I speak of what I do and don't smoke, on my Facebook page, I am virtually mute regarding any and all of my more personal activities). The people who often ARE making public displays of their drug use are the stereotypical, lazy-asses that hold no employment, go to college smelling like shit, living off their parents money or dressing like dirty ass hippies that most regular people can't relate to so of course they attach the stigma to pot-heads.

    That's just how it is. The worst publicity is usually the greatest publicity and right now, people who use MJ that get the greatest publicity are the kind of people that most regular people wouldn't want in their homes and if regular people can't relate to you, they're probably not going to sympathize with your cause.

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      Nice Neptune, but hey don't always stab someone's grammar on here. Your so negatively anal like that sometimes. I don't know you but it really doesn't matter if your grammar is perfect. IN HERE is what I mean. Lighten up and smoke a joint. Eat a burger.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        God yeah I'm such a bitch. Love how that's all you got out of my post. Splendid.

        If I remember, my next long post will start off with "I fucked your Mother" if you guys are only interested in the first sentence, I will make it a good one. Since you seem to be on top of my posts around here it is up to you to enforce it. Go.

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        • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

          Like I said I don't know you. HAHA! Laugh, it helps sometimes.

          Lol I like you. I was in here a little while back and I have read a large portion of posts you've made. You are usually one of the first to put something in to a post that everybody seems to find themselves on. Usually it's informative, crisp...engaging. Usually it's well written, smart and to the point. Really, you do have intelligence from what you write, I can tell. You do belittle slightly, everyone has flaws...but hey I did'nt call you a bitch.

          I will be enforcing that next long post of someones mother being...engaged in personable relations with an intimate, but rough nature. I just hope it's not mine, she is very religious.

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          • NeuroNeptunian


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            • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

              Seems so, maybe next time :0

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    • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

      His spelling is fine, it's his grammar that is poor.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        True. But that's all you got out of it? Srsly >.<

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        • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs


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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      Wow! ^Nuff said^

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    • Imposturously_yours


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  • Corleone

    I don't hate weed. Hell, I even use it occasionally.

    But I hate the potheads who keep bitching about how freespirited they are and how the government is keeping them down.

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  • westoptic

    A lot of people hate things they don't understand. The most common things I hear are:

    1) It kills brain cells.
    2) It's laced with other drugs.
    3) It's bad for you.

    Well first of all

    1) Sneezing kills brain cells, that doesn't mean you shouldn't sneeze. Literally, almost everything kills brain cells, your cells constantly die and regenerate everyday. It's normal.

    2) Contrary to popular belief, people don't lace marijuana and sell it as unlaced marijuana. Why? Because that is a massive loss of profit for them to combine a drug with another drug and pass it off as unlaced marijuana, they could be losing hundreds of dollars in profit depending on what they lace it with, so no, that doesn't happen. Many people choose to lace their own marijuana when they buy it, but that's their choice.

    3) Compared to what? Marijuana is healthier and safer than 99% of prescription drugs that are out on the market today, that contains dozens of ingredients and side affects. I have a cousin who is addicted to Gravol for fuck sake, she pops 15-20 a day and yet she can go and buy as much as she wants. Gravol is highly addictive, legal and can have horrible side affects when used in excess. I agree that the smoke is bad for you; the chemical reaction that occurs when smoke is produced creates carcinogens, that's no different then if you're lighting a joint or you're starting a campfire. However, smoking it is not the only way it's taken so I disagree with the blanket statement that it's "bad for you." It also has close to a 100% cure rate for glaucoma, fights cancer cells, helps increase the quality of life for patients who suffer with anxiety, chronic pain from chemotherapy, arthritis and dozens of other ailments.

    I used to be strongly opposed to marijuana, always thought I was better than everyone else who smoked it and that they were just burnouts with no ambition. I also suffered from debilitating anxiety. Once I tried it, my life was changed.Literally, the ONLY thing that has helped me get a handle on my panic attacks, insomnia and anxiety has been marijuana. I suffered for two weeks with a ruptured ovarian cyst last month and the only reason I was able to eat and not throw up all day long and get through the pain was because I used marijuana. It has helped me regain control of my life. I am incredibly smart, I got all high 90's-100's in school, played many sports, I have plenty of ambition and drive. I've never experimented with other drugs, nor do I have the desire to. I am a successful citizen who contributes as much back to society as I can.

    Anyone who sits here and judges someone for smoking weed and then has to get up and make a pot of coffee first thing in the morning, or pops an aspirin or an ibuprofen everytime they get a headache, or a Midol when they get cramps from their period, or Tums for their heartburn, or cracks a beer when they get home from work give your fucking head a shake. Goddamn hypocrites, you all have a drug, I don't care what it is. You're no better than anyone else so get off your fucking pedestal, we're all just trying to make it by in life and sometimes things aren't easy and we need some help along the way. NONE of you are in a position to judge.

    I don't go around advertising that I smoke it. If you saw me in public I'd be the last person you'd think would be a marijuana user. I don't buy into the hippy culture or "420". I don't advocate the use of other drugs. The majority of people I know that use it are actually older, with families, that hold down steady jobs, and not just young teenagers who want to rebel against "the man".

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    • Sillygoose

      I think i'm in love with you.

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      That was one of the most beautiful things written, and I have read. If people thought like this, weed would be legal. The ominous brain dysfuction in American society today is that alcohol or cigarettes are okay to spend money on, share, and imbibe.

      When you stack the dangers of marijuana against cigarettes, you would have to be stupid to think marijuana is worse. When you stack the dangers of marijuana against alcohol, you would have to be stupid to think marijuana is worse. Well why is it illegal and the other two are not??? Beats me. Personally I think it's so the drug trade can thrive, pharmaceutical and criminal. When you look at it that way, the pharmaceutical might as well be criminal also dammit. So Americans, you are stupid. You let your government make ridiculous laws that you don't pay attention to thoroughly enough; your children are all on adderall and ritalin, everyone takes ambien and ibuprofen...your all sick in the head.

      Where in gods, or "the" god's name is this retarded, superficial society going??????

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      • Antir0b0t

        Marijuana was banned as soon as the big wigs realized hemp is too cost efficient and convenient. They wanted to make lots of money and by producing other materials they got richer. Happened in the 30s or some shit.

        Pisses me off that our country thrives on the "Pill for every ill" mentality. Fucking loons.

        If it was up to me, (I'm an American) I wouldn't let our government make such shitty decisions. We the people do not have the power anymore, and we haven't for a long time. It's kind of depressing, so I smoke a bowl and move on with my day. :)

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      I think I creamed my pants.

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      • Antir0b0t

        You should.. Probably clean that up.

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        • myboyfriendsbitch

          Eh, the rain will wash off...

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  • Darkoil

    Mushrooms grow in my garden. How the fuck can it be wrong to go outside and eat something that grows in my garden.

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    • MacG

      Many things in a garden can be quite deadly. Just sayin'.

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    • Hoppy2142

      That is fucking hilarious, oh my god, i think im going to cry, thats the best ive heard all month...LOL

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      Dam right

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  • xxWilky

    People who hate on my grammar can go fuck themselves. I've never been smart and I struggle with Education. I have many problems with maths and reading ever since I can remember. I don't see how people can hate on grammar and spelling. Not everybody is smart or even average. Weed has never made me less smart or smarter and it's not weed that has made me not good and spelling. As I speak now I have properly made many mistakes but trust me I am trying to make seance. Please don't hate on people just because of bad grammar you don't know anybody's life story of Education.

    Ps. I was drunk when I wrote the original question

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      People hating on you for your grammar got me so angry I made a post about it, I don't think it even made it through moderation.

      Just goes to show you how bigoted people are, even a lot of the ones who claim to be "above" those kinds of things.

      Maybe they should just get down from up there and stand on the same equal ground as the rest of us. They might actually like it down here

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  • disthing

    I think weed mostly gets a positive reception here, and on the internet in general. I don't agree that many people hate on weed, I'd say the haters are in a minority web-wise.

    Those that do dislike it tend to because they've either had negative experiences with weed, have a friend who has or have never tried weed. It's perfectly valid to criticise a drug and the negative aspects of it, as long as they are valid criticisms.

    I personally think it's an overrated and underwhelming drug - hence why I don't understand either the pot-obsessed stoners nor the fervently anti-weed brigade. It's nothing special.

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  • I hate weed. Even in college I met the stupid ass stoner kids that want to make some huge subculture of hipster pot heads. Weed makes people annoying, slow and everyone thinks its just this huge miracle plant. I don't care how you slice it, it is NOT good for you (unless you have a legit medical issue). Inhaling anything other that AIR is bad for you. You are overworking your cannabinoid receptors in your brain via the THC chemical reaction in you blood stream (yes, THC is a chemical, so pot heads need to stop bitching about how they are different than chemical drug users). But I have no issue with the plant itself, except that nasty ass smell. I have an issue with the idiots who smoke it. The stupid, slow, hipster fags that think they are so modern and "edgy" for smoking pot. They just seem like drugged out little useless punks who have nothing to live for. I want pot to remain illegal just to piss them off.

    Be happy though pot heads. Just imagine, if weed was legal, you would have nothing to bitch and cry about.

    And OP, if weed can't harm you, then explain your grammatical issues.

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      Then goddammit make alcohol and cigarettes illegal it's the same horse-flying nonsense. I mean why, weed doesn't have the marketability to say it kills 1,000 people everyday like tobacco does. WTF??? Are you serious Kaiser? Hate the alcohol and the cigs before the weed. Those two actually kill PEOPLE yearly in the thousands. Oh wait, it's extremely rare to overdose on marijuana, in fact I have had no one I know do it, and I would put a $1 down hundreds more would say the same then the reverse.

      Is this retarded? Or is this just retarded?

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      • Antir0b0t

        Yup, retarded. I agree with you, not just because I enjoy smoking weed frequently, but it makes god damn sense. (I have struggled with depression and anxiety for years and anti-depressants turn off my emotions completely. Hence, I socially lubricate with a joint and can slow my mind. I become functional and less fucking crazy.)

        Anyways, there's been so many studies that prove how much worse alcohol and tobacco is for you than marijuana. And not just that, but how much shitty shit alcohol causes! Unwanted pregnancies, verbal and physical abuse, drunk drivers, I could go on for ages.

        You'd have to be a fucking twat to not notice these facts and still despise weed and those who use it.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        You have to smoke several times your body weight within half an hour to overdose. Physically impossible

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      • Again, I don't hate weed. I said I hate the people who try to make some huge subculture and act like it is a miracle leaf. And I never one said Alcohol OR cigarettes are good for you. It may be rare to OD on weed, but your not taking account driving accidents, machinery accidents, or any of the other billions of ways it could get you killed. I'm just here to say that it's not some huge miracle drug with no side effects, it's a chemical drug that harms your body just like any other drug.

        And I'd call you the retard, seeing how nothing about my post was incorrect at all, and your only points about my post were about things I did not say nor imply. Guess that makes you the retard.

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        • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

          Lol, i wasn't entirely talking to you as I was talking to the entire room on this. The reason why I replied to you, directly for a second, but more indirectly is that it just bugs me. Why would you have the slovenly audacity to say you hate marijuana, but it doesn't KILL grandfathers and mothers and grandmothers, fathers, brothers and cousins everyday on the scale out of 10 that alcohol or cigarettes do? It's practically harmless next to the two. Why don't you add you hate them as well? It wouldn't be so biased sounding. I "know" you hate cigs, I "know" you hate alcohol don't you?

          If you must hate, invest your hate on something much more useful. Like toward the real murderers of this society. You hate weed because people think it's a miracle leaf? Let people think whatever the fuck they want to...Flying Spaghetti Monster, Christianity. What's the difference? What causes more violence? If you say weed then you underplay the governmental role in the whole matter..because people have inhaled weed for thousands of years. Weed is not the culprit. Peyote is not the culprit. It just grows. MAN puts the rules on the substances that are growing freely about the earth. Why huff and puff over it Sovereign Kaiser88, let them feel high and mighty. Does it ruin your day as much as the child who gets beat everyday by his abusive alcoholic father?

          And your first words were "I hate weed" so you could have been more specific.

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          • "I hate weed" was my hypothesis, then followed by the body of my subject, which further explains the hypothesis. You will find all of my writings here are generally in that format. But anyways, I doubt you have seen my profile, or else you would have seen my "I hate religion" post. Again, the point is. Weed is bad, and I dislike they trype of people who smoke it.

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    • Finding_Peace_In_A_Mad_World

      Haha I love this :D

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  • zackattack

    It's dumb. Weed is bad for most people though. However, the fact that it has a reputation of ruining lives and is illegal while alcohol is legal is just stupid. And I don't even like smoking weed that much.

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  • Goomats

    I dislike weed because, starting in middle school, my friends who took it slowly became really boring and trashy and always wanted to talk about weed. They lost a lot of their vigor and personality but didn't appear to notice it, compared to my friends who didn't start smoking weed.

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  • Maykittens

    Everything you said are real reasons why people might hate me. Personally I think so many people hate it because it IS ILLEGAL. It's a simple as that. Then again a lot of people don't like drinking. and that's completely legal. Some poeple just dont like anything that turn you into somebody you're not. And sorry, but weed does EXACTLY that.

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  • keeka_renea13

    weed stinks. bottom line.

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    • a 1 liner then god stinks bottom crack line ----

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  • LookSomeonesWelding

    I suppose it's not allowed for the case of those who DO abuse it or for those who have the potential to abuse it.

    But in my eyes, I generally don't like anything that makes us someone we're not. But i suppose for those who want to, it's up to them and that's cool too.

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  • reneerenee

    every time i smoke i get paranoid, cotton mouthed, hungry, slow, stupid, sleepy, lazy, or just brain dead. Weed is a waste of time and money.

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    • xxWilky

      Everybody has different effects with weed. Why can't you see that some people like it and it's nit hurting them like fags.

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  • Shackleford96

    I had a person come up to me today and ask if I sold weed. When I said no, he asked if I knew someone that did. I said no again, and he said thanks. I told him good luck as he was leaving.

    There is nothing wrong with smoking weed. Unless, that is, you abuse it. That can also be applied to anything though.

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      Wasup shackle, don't probably remember me, but I do you hahaHA!

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      • Shackleford96

        Hello stranger that seems to know me from before. May I ask who you were?

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        • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

          I was this same name I got, and the same game. Do know that you are cool in my book on here. I have come back from a period to check it out once more. I will find your replies to me on some older posts and get back to you.

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          • Shackleford96

            Well thanks man! You seem pretty cool too :)

            Okay then, I'll be eagerly awaiting your response.

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            • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

              THUMBS UP

     seems I have a back-log of 10 pages of old comments from last phase I was here, and I thumbed thru an amount of them and was not able to find ya.

              But Hey Who Cares? I remember ya mane it's good to be in here to be an ogre to the trolls again and an inspiration to the know-it-alls ha...

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  • kelili

    I have tried weed but I will no go further. i would not like my children to smoke weed. I have seen people who get real weird with weed.

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    • Terence_the_viking

      Weed is great

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    • me like cannabis/grass don't you either way god made it and tobacco but i can see where you wouldn't like it because some people don't

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    • Antir0b0t

      People get weird with bananas. Are you going to deprive your children of potassium because you saw some bimbo stick one in her twat?

      ..Didn't think so.

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      • kelili

        Haha! Well after that wise comment I would think about it and maybe I'll change my mind.

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  • MissyLeyneous

    Indoctrination, indoctrination, indoctrination...

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  • Lynxikat

    You DO realize that your awful grammar isn't helping your case, right?

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    • davesumba

      you do realize he stated that he threw it together really quickly, and didn't bother making sure it is grammatically correct. i didn't even notice that it wasn't, because i can still easily tell what he is trying to say, get a life grammar nazi.

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      • Lynxikat

        Ah yes, how DARE I mention the irony of someone not understanding why people look down on those who use drugs while using awful grammar? (Do I need to explain why that's ironic?)

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        • xxWilky

          I have never been smart from when I was in pre-school Just leave me alone!

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          How dare some people have better parenting, education, and opportunities than other people!

          Seriously, this shit pisses me off. Get off your high horse and realise that not everyone has a good childhood full of learning and wonder.

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        • davesumba

          yes, keep being all high and mighty and look down judgingly at everyone.

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          • xxWilky

            That's not me man

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            • davesumba

              it was @Lynxikat.

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        • Antir0b0t

          If you don't like his grammar or spelling don't bother to read or comment. If you were as educated as you lead on you would know the value in having respect for others.

          So piss off.

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  • OzzytheWizard

    Lets see given the list of issues drugs cause. The cancer or the smell and the fact it mentally impairs you might be the why. You do not think about the fact that you are impaired and a lot of smokers like the ones I know will smoke so much they have no idea which way is up or down.

    A lot of them will wake up in the middle of no where not knowing what happened. It also has been proven over prolonged use can distort ones reality to the point they can not separate fact from fiction.

    This is a symptom of many schitsophrenia and if you do not know what that is it is a mental disorder that create many things and one such thing is that you "See things that are not really existent, some live in a dream like state and they will imagine reality to look very different next to the rest of us.

    Also as Neuro stated the ones advertising are often lazy and care about no one beside themselves. However you are most likely high and will not understand this and most likely to the point that brain damaged head is to dumb to comprehend anything any of us are saying to you.

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      Dude... I felt kind of brain damaged reading that.

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      • OzzytheWizard

        Maybe you need to lay off the pot. I am sure it will clear things up.

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        • myboyfriendsbitch

          Yes. I'm sure that is the problem...I won't insult you, though, because English may not be your first language. I'm taking a foreign language right now and I'd probably sound like a tard as well, if I tried to write complex ideas in a tongue that was not my own.

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          • OzzytheWizard

            Fine I will put it simple so you can understand. It has many side effects and impairs judgement and if you do things you can not remember who to say you did not hurt yourself or someone.

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            • myboyfriendsbitch

              I never said I didn't understand. My brain just had to squint.

              That doesn't happen. I've been smoking for almost 10 years and never have I done anything harmful that I could not remember. If anything, when I'm high I reflect on the negative aspects of my personality and become motivated to make myself a better person.

              Maybe you're thinking of crack.

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      • thats funny i did to

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    If you bothered to read what you typed before you posted you probably wouldn't come across as such a moron. Either that or you're high right down. Crack head.

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    • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

      Bitchy reply. This is just bitchy lol. Like it matters.........................

      He said he was "DRUNK" IF YOU bothered to read his replies you squealing sack of pigs.

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      • squeallikeasacofpigs

        Cool it matters........

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    • LOL!

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    It really depends who you talk to. A lot of people still believe the shit D.A.R.E. taught them in school. A lot of the older generation grew up with the worst of the propaganda, a lot of them will probably never change their opinions. And of course the stereotype is still strong, and stupid kids running around screaming about "420" and doing stupid shit definitely doesn't help the image.

    In the larger picture, I think people just find it easier to reject that which they don't understand. A lot of drugs are bad, thus people don't really want to do the research and find out which are relatively safe and which arent. The only people (for the most part) then who do that research are the people who experiement with those drugs. So the non-druggies still are unconvinced by the research, using the validation of "you do drugs, of course you would say that."

    It's really funny. The same person who may demonize you for doing MDMA will drink their whiskey like it's nothing, even though alcohol is much much worse for your body. People really don't know the effects of drugs, really people take a lot of information at face value and never fact check. Why we have so many "common knowledge" snippets that are actually dead wrong.

    Like hot water boils slower. D: No it bloody does not.

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    • MacG

      HEY! We of DARE-exposure age aren't all that old yet, kid.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Wait, what? First I'm half tempted not to reply to you for calling me kid, that's not a very respectful way to speak to a young adult.

        And propaganda has sure been around for a long time. I was thinking about the 30s and 40s and the papers William Randolf Hearst published.. my parents still believe in that era of drug propaganda.

        I'm not even sure how long DARE has been around honestly, I need to look that up

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        • Antir0b0t

          I'm only 19 and remember that DARE bs. Sooo apparently it's been around for awhile. :)

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    • myboyfriendsbitch

      Does boiling water really freeze faster?

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      • i think so yeah

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        o.o Not sure. Maybe I should conduct an experiment.

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  • Never really done drugs, but I don't see why alcohol would be allowed and marijuana isn't...Oh wait, I do, because government can control alcohol easier.

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    • LesserKnownCharacter

      It's not a matter of control. The government controls and taxes tobacco, which is a free, easy growing 'DRUG' plant, just fine (they control EVERY commercial crop, just fine, let alone drugs). There's no law that says a private citizen can't grow their own tobacco yet virtually NO ONE does, they all buy it from stores and the product is taxed. The same would go for weed if legalized.

      It's very simple to distill liquor as well, yet virtually no one does it as it's cheaper and easier to just buy it from the store, and have no risk.

      It's a matter of having the balls to say 'OK smoke, who cares'. Everyone knows it's true yet no one wants to be the one to say it and be OK with it.

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  • Hippie

    Harry Anslinger:
    Those who smoke pot are likely to kill their brother.
    Marijuana makes the darkies think they are as good ad white men.

    This dumb fucker is partially responsible.

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  • ccjigsaw

    I dislike weed because I've seen what it has done to people in my lifetime. The same with alcohol. Weed might not be as bad as they say, but it's not as good as you make it out to be either.

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    • Goomats


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  • davesumba

    one you left out is that it is illegal. But mostly, it's because a lot of people who smoke weed are dumb losers (and those are the ones who are more open about their smoking) and they give it a bad name.

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  • sikfrik

    I don't think people should do it just for fun, experience, etc. I'm not against weed, I'm just tired of people talking about how they smoke when they have NO reason to. Weed is suppose to calm you down, relieve depression, anxiety, and other things, but don't take it if there's nothing wrong with you...

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    • xxWilky

      Same goes with alcohol and fags

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  • im to help legalize cannabis in the united's not gonna help with nothing but pay off court fees in the long run money won't help legalize cannabis, words will.

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  • well one thing marijuana/cannabis is not a drug its a herb that your god in the sky made like he made tobacco too and its a herb healthy to eat you fucking haters

    if you hate either one of these you must hate god their his damn plants that he is giving to us all you dumb fucks is this not what it says in his bible

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  • what kind of drugs. People hate pot because they have heard bad stories about marijuana so they believe whatever they hear thats not true

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  • purpleflower

    I like people who smoke weed occasionally- Every 2 months, and only with friends. They're fun. Hell, I've smoked it a few times in my life.
    It's when you see people smoking it everyday. Whenever you see them, they're high. Or if they're not high at the time, they're complaining about NOT being high. It not fun to try to have a regular conversation with someone when their head is in the clouds. Plus, if someone does it every day, they won't have much to pride themselves on, unless it is 'smoking pot everyday' (but does that even count?) It's just a waste of a life, especially if they get their drug money from someone else, or they see you as a potential meal ticket.

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    • Antir0b0t

      I smoke pot most days. And guess what? I'm a functioning member of society. I can afford to buy my own weed with money I earned working 50 hours a week. I have a lot to be proud of and deserve to live my life as I please.

      Not everyone who smokes weed regularly is irresponsible or lacking in conversation. Just sounds like you hang out with twats.

      Twats will be twats, regardless of how stoned they are.

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      • Immune2BS&way2Illuminated

        Well said Anti-robot. Why I know of just such a guy. Smokes like a lighthouse, but functions superb like he was born with a bong. He takes pride in doing what he needs to get done, done. So it's all about who you hang with. You know they say birds of a feather flock together.

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        • Antir0b0t

          He sounds like one cool dude. :)

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  • I've smoked weed, I've done a few things in fact, however I'm now straight edge. Do I look down on people who smoke it now? I try not to but a lot of them are complete douchebags, I often sit there and wonder was I this lame when I was high? probably. I don't have a problem wiht people who smoke it I'm still friends with those that do, but the people I do hate is those that go on about smoking weed all the time, I find it a bit pathetic, even when I was smoking it it wasn't on my mind constantly I did other things but there ar a few people I know who it seems there only recreational hobby is smoking weed and I find that pretty lame. To be fair I find it lame when anyone only has on thing they do all the time, when there's so much to do in this life it's like jeez fucking vary it up a bit once in a while fuck!

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  • Dot123

    Because most of the American people are brain washed into thinking it's awful, dangerous mind altering drug. But truly if it's used for medicinal/spiritual proposes it does wonders to the body and mind.

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  • 707femmefatale

    Because were programmed by the government,schooling system,work,tv ... ect... that it is bad. Simple..

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  • svali


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  • drugsrbadmkay

    None of the above. People hate weed because they have been brainwashed by the government into thinking it's an evil drug when it's really harmless. Both tobacco and alcohol are more damaging to individuals and society than marijuana.

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