People lie about their political beliefs

Im not gonna name names but have you ever noticed someone will say "Im a republican" but then every single thing he says is defending progressive stuff and cheerleading Biden while they talk down about conservatives and the right.

Why do people feel the need to lie? Do they think people are buying their bs?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • jackstormwater

    Can’t say I see too many people who call themselves Republicans praising Biden. Can’t at I see too many people who call themselves Democrats praising Biden either come to think of it. What weird land do you live in?

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  • Tommythecaty

    Politics is a lie.

    Politicians are liars.

    Political beliefs are lies you tell yourself.

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  • Meowypowers

    I haven't seen anyone say they are of a particular American political party

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    • LloydAsher

      Only because libertarians unironically make very poor congressmen. Often running on single issues. Except for the free state project but that's where all the Libertarians apparently flew to.

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