People on my facebook feed were freaking out about bidens dog pooping?

They were freaking out about it the other day. Like, it's a dog. Animals poop indoors sometimes. What's the big deal? If they were whining about the second biting incident I'd understand, but they weren't. They were whining about a dog pooping.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Grunewald

    They need to get a life.

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  • Somenormie

    Jeez it's just a dog....

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  • RoseIsabella

    Joe Biden probably doesn't know how to train his dog. Then a again, it's quite rare, but sometimes you just end up with a bad dog. German Shepherds need to be properly trained, and socialized!

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  • CountessDouche

    People on facebook will freak out about anything and everything if given the chance. They exist in a constant state of outrage. Apparently dog shit is the absolute worst thing in the universe right now...but isn't that kinda a relief??? I mean look at the sunny side. This is the worst of the worst drama happening right now; a dog shitting on a fancy rug? I'll take it.

    It's not like trump didn't proverbially smear his giant shits all over the white house. He really shit the rug in new ways every single day. It's kinda nice that an actual dog is doing it now.

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  • Meowypowers

    I think the real issue people had was the fact Biden blamed the dog for his own incontinence

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  • Boojum

    No dog I've ever known has had perfect control over its bowel movements. It seems that, just like with us humans, there are times when they've just just gotta go. If the humans who control the dog's access to socially acceptable pooping areas don't pick up on the signals, they're gonna do it wherever. And if the dog hasn't yet figured out exactly where those proper pooping areas are in a new environment, that can lead to accidents too.

    Many presidents have had dogs in the White House, and it's absurd to believe that this is the first time in the history of the building that a dog has taken a crap inside it. But these days, every damn thing in the USA is so politicised that even an incorrectly-placed dog turd is a huge fucking deal for some people.

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    • Exactly! His dog used to live in a smaller place with a small amount of familiar people and was surrounded by familiar smells. Now that all of that is gone, he's probably out of sorts. The White House is bigger, with a lot of strangers, and nothing familiar at all.

      When I was a kid, we had a lovely family dog. My family moved around five times in her lifetime and each time we moved, she was stressed out for quite sometime after the move. She'd get really snippy with people, chew things she wasn't supposed to, and piss in places she shouldn't have, despite the fact that she was trained. She'd get adjusted after a while, but it took a few weeks to a few months.

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