People's faces change before my eyes but i'm sane and also sober?!?!?
Title says it all. It usually isn't like a major hallucination so much as just a light morphing type visual like you might get on a light psychedelic trip. It has happened even before i ever used any drugs though so it couldn't have anything to do with that. It happens about once a month to once a week max. It isn't like stuff is morphing and shifting in front of my face constantly (just from time to time people's faces change in front of me). Strangely, people's faces shift into what ends up being their true selves. I don't have any mental illnesses either that could cause this and no one in my family does, I'm actually more sane than most people I think. I know people will suspect that I am slightly nuts, but they are totally wrong. I have lots of friends, do well in school, and am well liked by others and this does not bother me in the least