People said fuck much less often in the 30s and 40s?
I realize that the word fuck is several hundred years old, but I've also picked up a lot of info on that it was still much less widely used in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s compared to today where 90% of us say "fuck this", "fuck that", "fuck you", "motherfucker", "fucking this" and "fucking that" in almost every single sentence we speak.
I believe back then, the word existed, but it was not used in even close to almost every sentence by people, there were a much higher percentage of people who never said it, and then many of the people who did say it only used the term fuck in regards to sex, they did not add the word to non sex related conversations like for example "go to the fucking store", or " fuck you!" to someone they were pissed at, or "what the fuck!?", "fuck that shit!", etc.
I've watched and own many films from the 1930s and 1940s, and I'm aware of pre-code Hollywood, the uncensored films before 1935. And even in pre-code films, the films that much of that time's more old fashioned conservative America fought to put a stop to, and succeeded, even those pre-code films never had the word fuck in them. Never once and I've seen plenty of them. I'm plenty aware of flappers and the speakeasies, and other evils, hard times, etc. from that era, all of it which were often shown in pre-code films, but never the word fuck. Also, flappers, speakeasies, etc. was only a certain percentage of American culture back then, there were many more conservative people then too, but that's another conversation. This one's about the word fuck.
I've heard people today say that people then talked exactly like they do today, but that just ain't true, especially when some of the people saying that are obviously young enough to where they weren't even close to being born yet. I realize how someone may throw the same argument at me since I wasn't born yet either, but I have an interest in that time period far beyond the normal person today. Not just all the old films I have, but I've read lots of non fictional information from that time period, I've worked in old age homes and have always connected very well with the elderly, much more so than most people my age (40 something), I was very close with my grandparents, and have spoken to many older people over the years who were around then.
I know that fuck was much less common in the 1930s and 1940s, and I was just curious on anyone else's opinion on that and everything that I've said here.