People that comment on porn videos...they aren't normal...are they?
There is an unusual strain of the homo-sapian genome that feels an unnatural necessity to integrate their...private stimulation...with a little social media.
Now of course as the decent human being I am I have never watched any porn myself (...ahem) but I have been told that these social butterflies leave all sorts of intelligible and meaningful comments, such as the classic, "Dam id tear that ass open filthy cunt ill fk her til she bleeds!!!!!!!"
And not forgetting the immortal, "DAMN THAT SHIT IS HOT PISS IN HER WRINKLES!"
My real question here is, what the actual ballsack possesses these scum sucking imbeciles to post a comment, on freaking porn!!! I don't want to see that! I don't want to know how much you "creamed like a faulty mr whippy machine" whilst watching that!
I don't want to be thinking about THAT!!! ARSE BUCKETS!
So, thoughts?