People who are against religion

I'm not talking about a normal atheist person. But the ones that constantly complain about religion are usually degenerates. I'm not talking about someone who challenges the bible to religious people. They're often drug addicts, lazy, gay, trans, or some type of degeneracy. I say this as a non religious person myself. But I notice this.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I mean, most religions directly disallow gay and trans people and tell them they're sinners. That's not even factoring in that you're considering being gay or trans a "degeneracy". (Which is an outdated thought process.)

    As for the lazy and deug addicted people, I'm sure you know there's plenty of religious meth addicts in rural America and plenty of lazy religious people across the world.

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    • Being a man in a dress and a wig pretending to be a female looking ridiculous is definitely degenerate and you know it deep down but wont admit it

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      • PurpleHoneycomb

        No, I don't believe that. I have zero care about what others wear or whether or not someone has a penis or a vagina. Especially when many of them pass perfectly fine. As a general rule, I don't care about anyone's appearance unless I'm planning to date them.

        In fact, my childhood best friend has transitioned from being a woman to being a man with the help of hormone treatments and breast removal surgery.

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        • I dont care what they do either until they start encouraging kids to do it and tell them its brave and normal. Then it becomes my problem.

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  • LloydAsher

    I'm agnostic so I dont directly believe in the identity of god. Whether it's just the universe itself or a singular entity.

    As long as people dont burn you at the stake or throw stones for non believing I will respect it on religious grounds. Though I reserve the right to criticize the fine points.

    As for the asshat atheists they seem to throw stones more often then the theists now a days.

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  • Yeah. They believe it makes them superior and intellectual. Just like the obnoxious religious folks who push their religion on everyone for the same reason. Both suck.

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    • Youtube comment: "Im sorry your child died of cancer. I will pray for you..."

      Some degenerate: "wHaTs yOuR sKy fAiRy gOnNa dO fOr hEr cHiLd!? HeAvEn iSnT rEaL!"

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