People who blame their weight on a disease are super human, iin?

If you think about it, it's pretty amazing that a human can survive without ever eating. If you are trapped somewhere for several years with only water to drink, you'll never starve or lose weight because of your "disease."

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Comments ( 10 )
  • CountessDouche

    I agree with you to a certain extent, because, in essence, weight loss is a simple math problem. More calories out than calories in. People who say it's impossible due to metabolic disorders are lying to themselves or miscalculating their caloric intake.

    Having said that, you obviously have no compassion for people in that situation. There are health problems that significantly lower your basal metabolic rate. If you had to drop your calorie intake by, say 250-500 calories a day, you would definitely feel deprived unless you carefully managed your diet. Imagine having to feel deprived just to maintain your weight; I doubt you would be able to add enough of a caloric deficit on top of that to lose weight without feeling malnourished or lethargic. Now imagine having to feel deprived PERMANENTLY, as in being on a permanent diet without ever having a single meal where you could overeat, or a single day where you could indulge in unhealthy foods, because every single time you did that it would slowly add to your already existent weight problem.

    I eat healthy. I love healthy foods. I love exercise, but I could never do that. Fuck that. If I had a metabolic disorder, I reckon I'd still be as healthy as possible, but probably overweight because I enjoy balance in my diet, which includes moderate and occasional amounts of unhealthy foods.

    Have some compassion. Metabolic disorders are often used as an excuse, but they are real, and they do happen.

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    • Darkoil

      It's not solely based on calories in vs calories out. If you gave 3 individual people the same amount of calories a day but 1 from carbs, 1 from fat and 1 from protein there body composition would start to vary greatly.

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      • CountessDouche

        Thanks for the correction/extra info. I know it's your area of expertise, and obviously not mine.

        So is that a difference of muscle mass/body fat percentage or something?

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  • kittycatrelle

    Fucking push back from the table Mc Fatty Orca Ring

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  • GlassRain

    I have hypothyroidism But i'm actually underweight, and the only way i maintain is 500 calories or less a day, and if i get over 700 a day i actually gain weight, however you are right to an extent, if you actually take your pills for a metabolic disorder like levothyroxine for hypothyroid you will not really see a difference, and people dont really have an excuse.

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  • Arm0se

    Screw you. I really do have hypothyroidism.

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  • I_Hate_My_Life123

    What exactly are you implying ? Either you don't like fat people (for whatever circumstance) or you really admire them ?

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    • I admire them because I don't believe in common sense.

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      • Gaylord_Sucksacock

        Are you really bashing fat people? Just leave them alone already, they have enough on their plates.

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        • MR.SexyJesus

          that's fairly heavy I must say

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