People who disagree with lgbtq+, give a few (actual) reasons why

i actually want to know why. we didnt do anything wrong. pls i just want 1 valid reason why. no "sNowFlaKeS11!!" or "theyre just gross".

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Comments ( 59 )
  • MonteMetcalfe

    You do realize there are lgbtq+ who don't agree with lgbtq+ don't you?
    There's gay people who don't agree with bi people, Trans people who don't agree with trans people. (Ex:Caitlyn Jenner on transgender atheletes.)
    It's not a monolithic group with the same concerns. Someone else on here recently pointed that out recently and nailed it. The only thing they have in common is that they aren't heterosexual.

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    • Clunk42

      Wouldn't the transgenders claim to be heterosexual?

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      • MonteMetcalfe

        I would guess there are transgenders who claim to be alot of things.
        Genetic males with a penis who claims to be female & lesbian. Genetic males with penis claiming to be heterosexual women attracted to men. Etc...

        It's beyond my paygrade.

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        • Clunk42

          You're right. I have seen "lesbian transgenders" before.

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          • LloydAsher

            That's why the transgendered movement is completely at odds with the gay community.

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          • S0UNDS_WEIRD


            That must have really affected your life. Are you okay?

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  • Saturnian

    It's a religion more than it is about representing a minority who are opressed, the opression went a few years back...

    Same with BLM.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Because of what lgbt stands for now. I don't like the movement. I'm fine with homosexual and bi people, etc. I just don't think there should be a pride march for sucking cock. I don't think drag queen story hour has any benefit to society or to children. I don't think wearing a dildo suit or dressing up as a leather dog who's getting whipped in public is good for society.

    What the movement stands for nowadays is just degeneracy and weakness, pure and simple. It's not about tolerance for gay or bi people. It's about being told your a bigot for not wanting to suck "girl dick" and that me being lead round on a leash in public is behaviour that should be normalised.

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    • Pilum

      Seriously. What ever happened to common decency? A person can be gay or whatever and still dress and act like a normal human being. It's the loud, in your face stance they take and the vulgarity that people are sick of at this point. Nobody cares about their sexual orientation. And that seems to be the issue now.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I have met really cool gay people. But I do not like the annoying LGTB ppl the activists ones that virtue signal and complain about the country beinf so non accepting. They will even have the weirdest parades where they will cross dress and dance around with sex toys infront of your kids with signs that read "accept gay people". It'd be a lot easier to accept them if they werent so annoying with it. I wish some of these people would just shut up about it and not make it such an issue because they really arent that important. No one really gives a shit that they're gay.

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    • Tinybird

      Yeah they think they have it so tough well then try being me then then you'll see who's REALLY hated not accepted and oppressed

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I'm cool with bi or gay but once you go chopping up your genitals and making people call you the opposite gender I'm out

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    • trans peoples brains literally have a different composition, also you wouldnt call a heart surgery "chopping up your heart" so why would you call bottom surgery "chopping up your genitals?

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Have you seen the Frankenstein vaginas? Google it. That shit is not fuckin normal no matter how many times you say it is. Now they want to preach this shit to children.

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      I can see how other people's genitals could have a profound effect on your life.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        It can because they want me to feed into their fantasy and call them a female when they're it does have a huge effect it messes with my own sanity don't need that garbage in my life

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    • There are some chill trans people who truly don't care what pronouns you call them. You call them by the opposite pronoun, and they are like "Meh, whatever."

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Those are rare especially where I live, where I live they're the over the top sensitive kind

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  • So, is there anyone here that actually hasn't watched Con-Air?

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    • RoseIsabella

      I've seen it.

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  • Mini69

    I don’t care what people do in their private lives that’s their own business. But if they want to be gay they shouldn’t be allowed to have kids living with them.

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    • LloydAsher

      To me the gays are fine. The trans is where the serious mental illness kicks in.

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      Why not?

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      • Mini69

        Because it’s unnatural and also opens the children up for being bullied.

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          Living beyond 30 is unnatural.

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          • Mini69

            That really depends on your lifestyle.

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  • jethro

    If you want to be gay, that's fine, be gay. Just don't try shoving it down my throat. And if people don't care for gay people don't force them into interacting with you. Don't sue a merchant because you think that their beliefs are lesser than your beliefs. You're not better than them but you want everyone to thing it is so. Just go to another merchant. Leave the lawyers out of it. It's actions like that, that makes other people to not want to be in your presence.

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  • Eventually when equality is fulfilled, the LGBT will disband because they don't need it anymore. The reason the LGBT exists is to make those people feel important and proud of who they are, but sometimes there are bad apples that take it too far.

    LGBT people take straight people too lightly, and they forget that they are the reason they exist in the first place.

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  • Tinybird

    I don't disagree, I guess I'm just jealous of them... Because everyone hates me for my attraction... So I feel scorn at them and how easy they really have it...

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  • DarkMatter

    I don't disagree, but I'd think that it's not good. Because of biology. How are you increasing the population if you're doing that?

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      Why do you want the population increased?

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      • DarkMatter

        If it decreases, then one day humans might get extinct. As humans, our fundamental goal is surviving, for which we did everything we did till now.

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        • Irizu3748392746483938

          First of all, we have hell of a lot more than enough people. Second of all, humans need to go extinct, and it's going to happen one day no matter what you do. Third of all, it will be meaningless when humans go extinct.

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          • Tinybird

            okay let's start with you then if you want us to go extinct

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          • DarkMatter

            It's true that it will happen one day, but our job is to not let that happen soon. We have to avoid it as much as we can. I mean we have to try our best. And we cannot kill ourselves while knowing that we are killing ourselves.

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            • Irizu3748392746483938

              We have plenty of enough humans already, we do not need more. As a matter of fact, we have more than enough. 😂😂 but if you want more humans (even though we have enough) so bad how about you be the one to make more instead of trying to force other people to do it. Desperate for more humans? How about you get your lazy ass up, and make 10,000 babies.

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  • Orphan

    Now everybody hates eachother in the community. And they're trying to bring everyone together by eliminating lesbian spaces and calling them "queer events" to be more inclusive and raising the risk of women getting sexually harassed by a m2f with a dick claiming you're transphobic and, get this, perverted for not sucking dick. As if having a sexual orientation was transphobic. As if being bisexual was homophobic. As if being a gold star was biphobic and rape-victim-shaming. And the erasure of women continues.
    Anyway, i still got my pride tattoo done for my personal reasons and I'll never regret it.

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  • Rocketrain

    It's a choice for you to be a transgender.
    You took your right a be what you want.

    People who don't like it will not like it. It's their choise, and they choose what they want to disagree or not accept.

    While you are having your right to be what you want, you have question why others can't have what they want as an opinion.

    That's doesn't make any sense. Because you want to do what you want to do but others can't.
    Transgender is alternation of the mind, not a biological alternation. Mind alter with the content of a mind, what content each have, it's their own responsibility. It's a unconscious consequence.

    Same as you accepted your alternation, and having doubts why others against it, they have accepted who they are and having doubts why you couldn't.

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  • Somenormie

    Why would there be a reason why people disagreeing with it?

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  • BleedingPain

    My understanding and logical explanation is that people hate because it is taught to them. One person has fear of X person/group and then spreads their fear by informing others to hate on said entity.

    Best personal example I have is when I was 8, and the election for Bush was happening, my mother was so anti-bush that she would always talk about him negatively and praise John Kerry. I had no fucking clue who either were, what they were for or against, but only that bush was bad and kerry was good.

    My proof is that I had school notebooks with John kerry scribbled all over it and definitely got in trouble at school for writing on the cover

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  • Yaidin

    My gay friend doesn't support the LGBTQ+ because he thinks the parades and stereotypical gay men are acting too 'weird' and 'queer', when he's actually looking for a 'normal' man. He's told me many stories of him going on dates where he felt no spark at all.

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  • have_a_good_day

    Nigga, if I stand in mah garage and say VROOM does dat make me a car?
    Mothafuckas should start shutting they bitch asses already.
    That's what's up

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  • Grunewald

    It has to do with how I understand the Bible. It's a subject I approach with 'fear and trembling' with the aim of finding out the truth of what the text best supports irrespective of whether or not it's 'convenient'; not of trying to make it support this or that just because I want it to.

    Because of a constellation of Biblical readings that sits in line with the general 'weave' of the books when they are read together, I have come to the conclusion that the Bible promotes marriage as a spiritual institution between one man and one woman. I could be wrong and if I am, I will accept it (and it would be highly convenient to me if I were wrong about this). But I could also be right, and there lies the snag.

    I will add the personal note that I am a woman who likes both men and women and am currently pining over a woman and that what does not help matters is that my brother is currently in a happy same-sex relationship, and I am intensely, viscerally jealous. When things get bad I remind myself that I am committed to pursuing spiritual truth, and that God is more precious than satisfying my desires. Following God with a clear conscience is a calling. What you sacrifice for any calling, you gain back in the fulfilment of becoming the person you wanted to be.

    I will also add that I find OP's question provocative in its wording. Hold the views you want - but do it in sensitivity and kindness. It is surely not just me for whom this whole LGBTQIA+ question is one that carries a lot inner conflict with it. Little I say would change your opinions anyway.

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  • anonY123

    I support LGBT rights personally but would like to know your thoughts on the following argument: 'The parts don't fit and were not made for each other. LGBT goes against the purpose of life according to evolution, which is to survive and reproduce. Two males or two females cannot reproduce, which proves that LGBT actions are unnatural and perverse.'

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    • Ghostface

      there are several examples of natural, wild animals being homosexual. the "its not natural" argument is pretty weak and not true at all. birds, chimpanzees, dogs, lions are just a few examples of animals that display homosexual behaviour. hell a female chickens body has the ability to suddenly pump the body with testosterone and the chicken will grow spurs, bigger comb/wattles etc. just like a rooster and will start behaving just like rooster as if it was born as one and even attempt to mate with the hens, despite it not being able to reproduce.

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    • i mean, men have a g-spot in their ass that obviously cant be reached by a vulva. its a natural part that all men have that: creates pleasure and can only be stimulated by a pen1s- not a vulva. also we're overpopulated soooo i dont think a few less people is a bad thing.

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      • Orphan

        I totally agree

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