People who drive range rovers annoy me!
So this could sound like a bit of a rant but here we go...
I live in LA and theres an over abundance of pretentious shits and Range Rovers here. Ppl who live here or have visited can probably relate. Anyway, for some reason, I can't put finger on it exactly but, ppl who drive Range Rovers annoy the fuck outta me. There's such a pretentious "Look at me,I'm cool"! kinda air about them..
Don't get me wrong, they are attractive vehicles, in fact when I lived in Canada I almost bought one but of course the terrain over there is appropriate for this type of vehicle, unlike here. Now I would never, because it's been ruined for me because I feel like if I did I would just look and be just like the cookie cutter ppl out there and I won't have that.
Is it normal to get irritated by this?