People who email the whole class when they need something are annoying

I'm in college and I absolutely hate it when someone in class uses Moodle to email everybody when they don't understand something. The big deal is that I get alerts on my phone for my college email and I don't want a buzz-in for something that is worthless bullshit. I almost never respond to these emails unless I know the person because it's not my problem, I simply don't care, and I'm pissed that they bothered to send everyone an email about their problems. I also figure that someone else will respond so I'd just be wasting my time. I am not the person that a stranger can annoy with their college problems. I have never sent a mass email and never plan to, because it's just plain annoying! I will email the teacher themselves if I have a serious question. I just don't want other people to bother me with their problems unless they are my friend. I have only one friend at college, so that rules everybody else out from emailing me about a school issue. I know that having only one friend is strange, but I'm only interested in this one person. I learned in psychology class recently that in terms of friends, a person only needs one to get the benefits of having a friend. Is it normal that I think this way? Am I being too harsh?

no it's ok and you should respond 1
it doesn't matter 4
yes it's annoying and you shouldn't bother to respond 8
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Comments ( 6 )
  • nikkiclaire

    I don't think it's weird you have only one friend, I think it's weird you have one at all.

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    • lordofopinions

      Are you nuts! These other people are trying to get a passing grade by cheating. How would you like it if your surgeon got to where they are by cheating their way to a degree. Think about it.

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      • nikkiclaire

        I don't believe in cheating. One should be able to gain knowledge from any where. If my surgeon needs to google something, fucking do it.

        Knowledge is knowledge.

        Yes I am a little nuts. Everyone on this site is.

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  • Unicorn_Sprinkles

    I've had this situation before. If they email you all the time for silly reasons...don't respond. It's a waste of your time, though it might be helpful to others. If you feel like helping, then that's great, but there's such thing as burnout, and I know that it can feel overwhelming.

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  • Mark92

    If its something urgent, e-mailing people for help is perfectly okay, and it should be a true friend's obligation to help their friends as long as it is something within their scope of helping...

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    • lordofopinions

      Cheating to pass a test is wrong. It means these other lazy fucks didn't bother to study and partied instead and are now cheating off someone else's hard work. What the hell is wrong with you people? Is this the norm these days? If so then we will end up with a generation of useless twits who don't know what they are doing. It could endanger someone's life. No wonder there are many prescription related deaths. I understand why now.

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