People who hate me because i'm good looking

I just want to know if it's normal for most people to be jealous of me because I'm good looking? people (especially gay men) are so mean to me because of what I look like on the outside. It really bothers me that people can be so mean. It's not until people get to know me and fall in love with my personality that they feel ignorant for assuming that I'm stuck up or better than them, cause I'm not. I'm a gay man that gets the looks and attitude. Does anybody have any suggestions to avoid the stereotypical stranger?

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Comments ( 14 )
  • kelili

    Maybe you are confusing between indifference and jealousy.

    What makes you think that all those people are jealous of you? Give facts please

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  • Sog

    Maybe it's you who walks around acting like an ass, and they're just reflecting that back on you.

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  • NotFloydzie

    Just ignore them. People get jealous and make assumptions out of anything.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Jealous people. We all have them, but the best thing to do is to take their jealosy as a compliment. Remember, they're jealous of you for a reason. You have something, they don't have :)

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  • 12345678oct

    I suppose with anything, being "beautiful" is both a blessing and a curse. You should be grateful that it's not the other way around, where people judge you negatively because of bad looks.

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  • Nonhaterboy

    Thanks for all the feedback on my comment. My whole life has been people jealous of me. No gay man "broke my heart" and I don't "act like an ass". I've had haters my whole life. I guess because I'm nice, independent and show a good appearance. Gay or straight some people are just mean. I also appreciate the sarcastic comments that some put. Again, I was making a serious comment and as you can see in plain English, that people are jealous. Well thanks anyways for the mature feedback (and you know who you are) this really helps me. You nice ones will have GOOD luck. For the rest of you, have a nice day.

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    • iEatZombies_

      Listen, I think you're misunderstanding. I wasn't saying a gay man broke your heart, I was replying to the a**hole who was slandering you for no good reason- fpssource. I was being a smartass to him, not you. I was accusing him of being what he hates.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Are you a happy camper or do you need a tent?

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  • Same has happened to me, although I'm not homosexual.

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  • redtruck

    Ignore them !!

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  • Welcome to my world, i've had problems with friends over time because of this.

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  • NayasBeauty

    OHHH EMMM FRIGGIN GEE! I understand this issue all too well and I think it's ridiculous. In high school I was a tom boy I loved sports and track and field, softball, and even Powder-Puff Football (football for girls). I never got any attention until after high school when I "filled out" that is when it started! Girls trying to be rude to me because of looks if a guy said something nice a girl would say something mean. My freshman year of college this girl asked me "Who's man are you trying to steal?" I said excuse me? She said you don't have to dress up for school everyday. She was wearing Pajama bottoms and spongebob slippers. Not sure if this is important but if you are raised southern (old fashioned) Mom, Aunts, Grandma, they beat it in your head to be presentable when you leave the house. I tried explaining this but her and her friends gave me dirty looks. So one day she made a comment and I turned and said STFU and if anyone had an issue with me we could address it after class... I even know a girl now who tries to make it a point to say rude things to me here and there about my looks a friend said you have exotic eyes and she said no she doesn't and made a derogatory comment about my racial attributes. I was like wow really? Yet she pretends to want to be my friend for connections I have. Jealousy is a disease

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  • dom180

    Maybe you have a Marmite personality :P

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Lol, your life is so difficult. Boo hoo, I'm so attractive it's horrendous.

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