People who lecture on personality don’t have it themselves

I’ve had people tell me all the time when it comes to asking women out: “It doesn’t matter how you look. Personality is everything”.

Those same people don’t have a good personality in my book because I was with them on multiple occasions when I tried going to bars and for example they put two whiskey shots in front of me and I didn’t want to chug them.

-They: “Why the f**k not?”
-Me: “I don’t feel a need to be drunk”
-They: “Why the f**k you don’t?”
-Me: “It doesn’t help anybody”
-They: “Man the f**k up and quit b**ching around”

These people would brag about how many girls they had sex with and are very cocky. I want no part of your ‘personality’ if that’s how you act.

For me, personality means being kind, honest and helping people in need. Not being expressive, funny, cocky and macho.

I’m fine with being boring if that’s what some people think. The women who say I’m boring aren’t the types that I’d be interested in marrying. Kindness over everything.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • RoseIsabella

    People suck.

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  • Tommythecaty

    You sound insufferable, stop your whining.

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  • Wow3986

    Yes, the majority of people "don't have a personality".

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Most girls want to have fun and laugh. If everytime a girl is around a dude she has sore abs later from laughing so hard she is gonna want to be around that guy more. If everytime she is around another guy he is quiet and there is alot of silence she is not going to want to be around him as much. They want to have a good time and have fun.

    If you go on a date again just try to make it fun. Dont try to be fake and play a character youre not but just make sure she has a good time somehow. If she has fun and you are decent looking she will probably want to hangout again. Women remember how you make them feel.

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    • How do I make things fun around a girl I’m talking to? That’s one of the hardest things ever.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        It is hard. The naturally funny guys get laid so much because they got it down. If you know something shes really into you could take her somewhere fun. Like if you know shes really into Justin Beiber or whatever you could buy some Justin Beiber tickets and take her there. Or whatever it is she likes take her to do it.

        Maybe even if you arent that funny or fun you have friends that are and yall can hangout all together. Maybe your friends have girlfriends she can socialize with those girls while yall all havr a blast together.
        That way youre introducing her to friends and your friends are making things fun. I use to hangout with really funny dudes and Id take a girl with me to hangout she'd have a good time with us. I guess worst case scenerio she falls for them tho lol.

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        • It depends on the girl also. The naturally funny guys tend to get laid with women of similar character. Those girls are probably low class and don’t think anything else is important in a guy besides being funny and having swag.

          More intelligent girls focus on whether the guy has a job and shares their values rather than just making her laugh.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            People come in ranges. Theres also intelligent guys that have these funny frat boy personalities. You get everything and everything inbetween.

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