People who say yeah no or no yeah, iin

If you want to say no, but you say "yeah, no," why do you do this?? Also the same when you want to say yes but say "no, yeah," why?? It's not that the person contradicted you, you have no excuse. Why do you do this? I find it very irritating! E.g.

"Did you like the movie?"
"No, yeah, it was great. No, yeah I loved it."

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Comments ( 6 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I say it quite often but it usually makes sense in context for example I've used it twice today, this morning my mum asked me to go to the store then asked if I minded so " yeah no I don't mind " makes sense because I'm saying yes I'll go, no I don't mind

    And just now my brother asked if I liked an album then went on to say why he didn't like it so again saying " no yeah " made sense, no I don't like it, yeah I agree with you

    As for your example I've answered like that before if I wasn't expecting to like a film but did I'd say " no yeah I liked it " in surprise

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  • neonclam

    It means their brain malfunctioned

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  • TrustMeImLying

    it doesn't bother me. probably because I use the second one myself. as for why, my guess is:

    yeah, no = where yeah is acknowledging what someone said (or to pacify the severity of the word no) and no is the actual response.

    no, yeah = when the answer is so obvious that it begs for a sarcastic no, followed by yeah which is the actual response

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  • Arm0se

    "yeah, no," is the equivalent of yelling "sike!" after you say something (almost). It's meant to be used sarcastically, but not said sarcastically; even I think I sound like I'm not making any sense here, but I don't know how else to explain it.

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    • Shrunk

      That's what I thought the OP was taking about but I think they meant how some people say "no yeah" and vice versa really fast right before they say something, like they're kind of thinking about it, or if a person says 2 things like "did I do that right or do you think it could've been better?" Really fast answering both: "yeah no it was fine!"

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      • Yep you got it Shrunk. Its nothing about sarcasm. I think its maybe politeness or someone trying to be assertive.

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