People who still wear masks

I wear a mask and it is annoying when people "fake" cough loudly around me. I know the difference between a real cough and a fake one.

Today, I got revenge on a woman who fake coughed close to me. I pretended I got a call, and loudly stated, " Today is is the first day I could leave the house in two weeks! I feel much better" she got her ass away from me rather quickly. I should have followed her and faked coughed.

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Comments ( 24 )
  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    I have an autoimmune disease. People who do stuff like that either don't understand that yes, there *ARE* immunosuppressed people who this virus can still kill, or they are just plain evil.

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  • JustAHuman

    I still wear a mask everywhere I go. No one has ever fake coughed around me.

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    • You're lucky! But just be mindful...I'm sure someone will at least once if they haven't already and you didn't notice.

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  • raisinbran

    You deserve to be mocked.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      They could be immunocompromised.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    The whole pro-mask and anti-mask thing was dumb. In one part of the area anti-mask people were harassing people who had masks on and in the other area pro-mask people were harassing people that didn't wear one. Nobody wanted to let each other live their lives and instead acted like toddlers throwing tantrums. I rarely see that shit now and I'm glad I don't.

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    • Ummitsstillme

      The harassing people was the problem.

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  • malaparte

    It's fun to annoy people by wearing masks. You're looking out for them, and they're just getting so butthurt over not being able to see half of your face.

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  • Anonnet

    This thread is a perfect example of why this stupid crap happens.

    I still wear a mask depending on where I am. I don't wear one to work since no one else does, but I still prefer one when going to grocery stores n' things. I've never had anyone act weird about it, but that's probably because my area actually takes this stuff seriously. Even my right-wing, country-loving co-workers did a double-take when another coworker said he had a family member with Covid. They told him to go tf home.

    I swear, there hasn't been a single countermeasure to Covid that some people didn't think was some kind of affront to God, no matter how strong the virus was. Cases are still ongoing, and even the common cold isn't something you want to spread around like a dick. Just because the virus doesn't kill you doesn't mean you came out unharmed.

    We live in a free country, put on a mask or don't, but masks have no real drawbacks. There's no reason to harass someone for having it on.

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  • Meowypowers

    That is so messed up. People aren't right.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    You have an underrated sense of humor.

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  • litelander8

    The only time I joke on people in masks is in restaurants and driving and people are in their own cars alone. Lol.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    No one wears masks anymore in sane societies. Don't be the intentional idiot that ruins free societies.

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  • normal-rebellious

    It's normal, and you shouldn't wear a mask, coronavirus is over.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Most ppl who wear masks now probably actually have covid. I never wear a masks except for now. I tested positive saturday.

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    • raisinbran

      Oh no, it's a death sentence kinda like testing positive for HIV AIDS was in the 80s.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Didnt say it was but I try not to be a dick and get other ppl sick. Not like I'm afraid of the covid or whatever. Ive had it twice now.

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    • Meowypowers

      Who cares about any of it. It is sick af to cough at someone...

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    • Grunewald

      I'm sorry, dude. That's rough.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Not as bad as the flu but it sucks

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        • notmyrealname123

          deserved LOOLLL

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            You think you won something there but you just made yourself look worse than anything

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            • S0UNDS_WEIRD

              Thanks for wearing your mask. Too many people act like they're to protect yourself.

              I don't get the people who act like it doesn't matter unless you're old yourself. If someone lands a punch on me it'll kind of suck but I'll obviously be fine. Doesn't mean the same "punch" couldn't potentially utterly devastate someone else, say an elderly person or someone with severe asthma.

              The funniest thing is people acting like it's "beta" or something to wear a mask when you're literally mildly discomforting yourself to protect others. But it's so fucking easy. When I see people complaining as if they're going to die from grocery shopping with a mask, my first thought is that they've obviously never done difficult work in their entire life because throwing on a mask for a sec doesn't even break the top 10 hardest things I do on a daily basis. Not doing that when I know I could make others sick would make me a seriously lazy piece of shit.

              Can you imagine someone relentlessly bitching about something as easy as wearing a mask managing to run a marathon or doing well in a fight or something? Even the most basic exercise is harder.

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