Period is late, is it normal?

Okay so I really need help! Please someone help me!
Well on the 10th me and my boyfriend had sex for the first time, we used protection and he even pulled out before he came with the condom still on. But on the 11th we had sex again and again we used a condom, but then we took it off and started having unprotected sex for about 10-20 minutes, he didn't cum at all that day, and he says he is 100% positive he disnt feel himself pre cum, now it is the 19th, and I'm supposed to get my period, i didn't get it yet, I'm really scared what should I do. I've been working out a lot the past 3 days since ive been at cheer camp, and I've been stressing and worrying over this ever since it happened. Can your first time plus working out and stress and worry make your period late? Please help!!!!!!!

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Comments ( 7 )
  • old_school

    you may not be could be stressing SO much about being pregnant that you could be delaying your period .
    just keep calm .

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    The first girl I had a steady sexual relationship with had about a 7 day swing each month on when her period would start. This is a little wide of a range for a girl, but the real issue is the panic it ended up causing her every time it came on the late side of that range!

    Wait another week or two, if you still don't get it, planned parenthood or a doctor for you!

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  • Justsomejerk

    No need to stress just yet, it's normal to be a bit late sometimes. It's unlikely that your pregnant if he didn't come in you.

    Pregnancy tests usually won't show a positive after only 10 days. if you haven't had it in another week then time for a test.

    Good luck.

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  • prettttyyy normal. but you should get it checked out if you still don't get your period in the next 2 weeks. Sometimes your body recognizes the changes and decides to change a bit, so it is pretty normal.

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  • Dad

    You have been stressed and you still haven't got your period (?)
    Anyway, since I won't answer absolutely obvious situations.
    Just go and get a pregnancy test kit, from your local store!
    They are extremely easy and quick to use, then no more stress!
    Seriously you hadn't thought of this? The mind boggles!

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  • Moomoocow

    I got my period today! Thanks guys for all the help!<3

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  • Moomoocow

    Thank you all for the help, I've been so scared.

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