Period is late, is it normal?
Okay so I really need help! Please someone help me!
Well on the 10th me and my boyfriend had sex for the first time, we used protection and he even pulled out before he came with the condom still on. But on the 11th we had sex again and again we used a condom, but then we took it off and started having unprotected sex for about 10-20 minutes, he didn't cum at all that day, and he says he is 100% positive he disnt feel himself pre cum, now it is the 19th, and I'm supposed to get my period, i didn't get it yet, I'm really scared what should I do. I've been working out a lot the past 3 days since ive been at cheer camp, and I've been stressing and worrying over this ever since it happened. Can your first time plus working out and stress and worry make your period late? Please help!!!!!!!