Period problems. is this normal orrrr nah?
So a little backstory. I havent had my period for about 7 months. Yes I went to see a doctor and she basically said it was because I was fat. Long story short I started to try and change my diet and excercise. It was a long vicious cycle of trying and failing. Trying and failing. Failing as in I end up over eating or not excercising.
Anyhoo I found something that worked for me and was going strong for 2 weeks and noticed period symptoms! Sore nipples cramps all signs of a period comming. I was pretty excited because that means my new change was working right? (I dont own a scale so its not like I could weigh myself to see if it was working.)
As the days went on cramps got worse and yet again I slacked and binged and didnt excercise promising myself I do it right after Im down bleeding. A week passed of symptoms and then they just dissappeared. No period no nothing.
Here I am 2 weeks later back on to the whole eating better thing and after a little 1 on 1 session with myself couldnt help but notice fhe familar smell of period blood. Thought I was just smelling things or just needed a shower (gross and probably tmi, I know, but whatever.) After a thorough inspection it was like brown lumpy muck. Well not muck but Like old blood thats been trapped in there and finally decided to fall out.
So like is this normal or am I dying? Is this the signal of my period finally comming or what? Id just go to a doctor but I currently have no insurance and the cost of a doctors visit is not in my budget.