Permission before you jerk-off to her.

I know a lot of guys who would see/talk to some girl they like and than 20 minutes later be beating off to her in the bathroom. Most men would try to secretly check out some female and than pretend that they weren't looking at her ass, boobs, whatever. Especially if she is their friends girlfriend, sister, or young. I never felt comfortable with that it felt kind of creepy and barbaric. I would see someone doing that and it just felt wrong. To me it feels like disrespecting them by not being upfront about it.

I would feel like I need to let the subjects of my "affection" know how I feel. So if my friends gf came out of the shower in skin tight pants for example I would not hide the fact that I am checking her out in fact I would make sure she knows either through talk or by not hiding my glance. I would see my friend's friends trying to sneak a peak at her when they think no one is looking. I couldn't do that. I had no problem for example showing my sexual interest in the conversation either through jokes, gestures or straight forward comments. ex. "you have a cute camel-toe." Sometimes I would get hard I would not hide it.

When asked point blank questions I would remain honest. Another friend asked me if I ever thought about his gf sexual while she was there and I did not deny it. I would build a strong level of comfort, I would not mind changing in front of anybody and never censor my sexual thoughts from my male/female friends at any given moment. I would talk to all my female friends like they were my male friends, we would have no taboo subjects be it incest, bestiality, rape, fantasies, sexual experience etc. If I would be watching some sex movies on my computer and my female friend would come up I wouldn't hide it. We would sometimes watch what society deems "sick" movies together.

I wanted to know how do men behave differently if there is a female friends present versus male friends and vice versa for women. IN my experience the norm is to censor yourself. Is this true for you guys, please explain. People tell me my behavior is eccentric and my openness rare. I want to know how rare, if others do the same.

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Comments ( 91 )
  • Jim_Pfoss

    Well, that would be a new approach, wouldn't it? Let us know how many girls let you have the real thing after you tell them you intend to toss one off in their honor!

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    • travis359

      You made me lol

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  • lasagna

    Ok, coming from a girl, that is just creepy. I feel really gross and dirty when I catch a guy openly staring at me. It makes me want to cry and cut off my boobs or something like that. But when they're more subtle about it, I don't mind. Seriously, if a guy asked my permission to jack off, I would probably need therapy for years. I'm cool with it but KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. I don't want to hear that. Again... KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.

    So yeah, there's probably a couple girls who've cried over what you said to them and/or had nightmares. You should stop.

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    • Honey how old are you? Clearly your not getting what I am communicating here. I am not talking about standing their with your dick all hard in your hand and ogling random girls. Secondly, why do you feel "gross and dirty" and "cry and cut off my boobs"? That is not a healthy state of mind. My intentions are never to hurt or intimidate. Sounds like you had some traumatic experience of your own.

      What I am referring to is something that I saw today actually. I am sitting in the doc's office next to me sits this guy. Across sits a semi-pretty girl. Instead of starting a conversation or just acknowledging her presence with a smile a nod whatever. He waits for her to turn around and is snapping pictures of her with his phone and than tries to hide what he is doing when someone looks in his direction. Now That's creepy.

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  • huggybear

    You are basically completely insane.

    And how is your girlfriend coming out of the shower with pants on?

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  • Tsepesh

    you sir, are my hero. and i shall strive to follow in your footsteps.

    just wondering though, your friends don't get pissed off when you check out there girlfriends? knowing that you are so upfront about it i myself would be a little worried that you wouldn't bother resisting banging my girlfriend. on the other hand though. she shouldn't let you in the first place and if she did she shouldn't be my girlfriend. so how could anybody be mad about that?! i answered my own question!

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    • ifonlyuknew247


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  • Starofhisheart

    one thing that cracks me up is that my boyfriend says he could never do that with a girl (secretly jack off to her) until he meet me. He said he felt so wrong doing it, but he couldn't help it. I think it's funny now, but if some guy were to confronted me and be like "hey, i jacked off to you last night" i might be a little freaked lmao But Honestly, its a weird complement when you notice a guy is checking you out. I mostly have guy friends, and we talk about EVERYTHING you can think of.. i guess it really just depends on your relationship with the girl or vise versa.

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    • Yes its the relationship you foster and how smoothly you are able to communicate your interest without being rude.

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  • fiat1954

    You are very brave, I will be thinking of you when I choke my chicken tonight.

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    • enjoy

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    • Enjoy your chicken

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  • babyyboyy

    i dont think every girl will agree with you just saying im going to jerk off to you,you may seem a bit foward to them thats not honesty its just being an idiot thinking your clever because you say everything to will never have a girlfriend if you keep sityting there telling her your going to jerk off over her friends and she sees you checking them out!

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    • sometimes honesty is a turn on and you don't know were it may lead.

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  • jackgabe

    Even though that is clearly not the norm, there is nothing wrong with not being normal when you are clearly acting much better and honorable than what is considered normal.

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    • hey thanks buddy

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  • SamuraiPeeper

    Sorry, but this seems kind of ridiculous to me. It's fantasy, that's all. There's nothing wrong with fantasizing about someone, it's completely natural. Do you also feel you have be open with people about non-sexual fantasies or dreams? Have you ever imagined, even for a second, killing someone, hurting someone, insulting them? Do you apologize? Why not? People fantasize, how is that creepy or wrong? I don't think this makes you a good person. I mean, it's not bad or wrong, but it is stupid.

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    • Yes I have fantasized about a lot of evil things. This things are abstract and not directed towards anyone. Friends are real however and that's the difference and u know what we share our fantasies dreams etc. If your close enough you understand the person i think its fine. If i want to kill someone its usually for a good reason and I am not sorry. Actually I do remember wishing harm to someone close and I apologized for that later. Again I think there should be certain codes of honor.

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  • Spritzy

    Still, I don't like the fact that a man was jacking off next to me and my cousin in the theaters. He was not aroused because the aliens came to rescue the people on earth. It was, because we were wearing skirts.
    BUT wtf, that kind of openess is wrong.

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    • shit thats disrespectful and rude, this is not what we are talking about here.

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    • That is disrespectful and sick, why didn't you do something ...

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    • bitushcoosh

      "He was not aroused because the aliens came to rescue the people on earth. " ----- made me p[iss

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  • Incen

    Dude, you're awesome.
    Open, truthful, respectful, etc.
    You have great relationships with your friends, and you deserve it.

    Good job

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    • thank you

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  • cherrypassion

    It depends on whether you're a hottie or not... if someone who I thought was sexy said that I'd be complimented and it would probably make me quite likely to get involved :)

    If, on the other hand, you are rough then I'd probably feel quite weirded out, turned off and probs a bit sick.

    Creating that image in someone's head is quite a risky strategy.

    Good luck.

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    • iwannajerk4you

      I love your comment... I'm thinking about you right now cherrypassion ¦>}

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  • cgirl123456

    It sounds like you want to get laid, and that's why you're acting that way.

    It sounds a bit disrespectful to make women uncomfortable like that. You treat women like they are walking sex opportunities.

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    • First, you silly goose you I want to make love not "get laid" :) Second don't be a lazy cunt read all the posts before accusing me. Not everyone man wants to rape every woman (some women are just too ugly) u feminazi u.

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  • FlatfootFlookie

    A lot of people feel violated by such frankness.
    I'd guess they mostly think it's rude and/or creepy.

    The coy games we play with women allow us to flirt respectfully, and without presenting a threat.

    If it doesn't come naturally to you, try watching romantic comedies to see how it works.

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    • nothing wrong with flirting as i said in the post above i just hate guys who snick peeks and pretend that they are not looking.

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  • lovetolickwifesass

    i love to tell my wife i rubbed one off on her panties

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  • Wuggums47

    Like most people, you are a pervert. I for on applaud you for defying social convention, and not even trying to hide your perversion.

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  • StrayKhajiit

    Wow major bro code violations there dude

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  • Skitzo1

    Thats your friends girlfriend, jesus, tell him that you think shes fine, dont just say to her, "nice cameltoe, have you noticed my erection?" Say to your friend shes banging! Its weird, but then again if other girls like the same stuff you do, who am i to say its wrong?

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  • Bigrigdriver

    What do these girls say wen u tell them they have a nice camel toe ? Heheh and leave it. Or eww and pick it out n walk away?

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  • Bigrigdriver

    What do these girls say when u tell them they have a nice camel toe ? Like hehe thanks and leave it. Or eww and pick it out an walk away. ?

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  • MsMegan

    I love honesty, in all things. I wish guys were more like you.

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  • see, i'm the opposite. i am completely unable to fantasize about anything...something wrong with my brain

    when i watch porn i have to fuck the monitor

    i go through about 3 flat panels a week..

    hard life

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  • Damn We Need More Guys Like You.

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  • Au57in

    you brag about stuff as well. Seem's a bit pervy in most instances lol.

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  • Au57in

    err yeah i suppose the confidence & honesty is ok (a little cocky sometimes in how you say/go about it though)
    i'm sure your male friends aren't thrilled by the whole thing, probably very wary of you, especially around their girlfriends?

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  • i think itd b cool if i guy thot of me n jerked off hehe

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    • that could be arranged lol

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      • talk101

        you need to be more suttle about urself cockyness is one thing and honesty another.some girls have security issues and woukd rather not hear what you do on your own time.Then there are the girl that need to know that some one is thinking about them and care for them but that dont mean be so up front at first.there are boudaries and they shouldnt be crossed no matter how confident you are bout yourself.(Not trying to sound like a jerk.)flattering a girl it some times a challenge because they have been miss treating or dont know how to take you so watch your step and choose wisely were you walking they are not steps to be walked on to get to the next step.Although openness and honesty will get you farther than hiding or lieing.

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  • popsicle


    dude one word. amazing haha

    honesty is the best policy!

    if this isnt normal it should be

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  • amberinboston

    "Rememberyourlimits" I agree 100% with your comments.

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  • digitalbroken

    Pretty much everyone has fantasies about other people, strangers or not.

    Often times it is polite to keep those fantasies to yourself, however that depends entirely on your relationship with the other person and on your own moral standing.

    I can think of cases where a girl would be flattered or otherwise glad you discussed it, however I can also think of cases where a girl could be offended or disgusted in talking about it, when in fact she would have no problem with you doing it on your own without making it public.

    Think about it... unless you know them well, you don't know how they're going to react or what they're going to think about you or your actions.

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    • I smoked some pot and talked for couple of hours with this chick she is a celebrity in the music world always surrounded by famous musicians, appeared on tv many many times and in magazines. Some musicians she interacts with are Marlin Manson, Audioslave I dont want to go into more details than that. She is very intelligent socially, experienced a strong female and incredibly fascinating. She is so gorgeous I want have babies with her on the spot. Guess what came up? She said she hates blatantly sexual remarks from strangers. No one wants to get sexually harassed by car service guys. Yet she doesn't give a fuck what he does as long as she is not there. Its one thing hearing sexual remarks, watching, participating in sex play among friends in non threatening environment she said, and quite another in strangers cars or at bars.

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  • SamuraiPeeper

    I think it would be very hard to be so open with anyone unless you knew fairly well. Are you so open with strange women?

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    • There can be different kind of openness regarding sexuality with "strange woman" without seeming like a dick and making her uncomfortable. Its just a calibration.

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  • SamuraiPeeper

    Taking pics without consent IS wrong.

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    • I agree pics should be available to all parties and all parties notified. Which is what I did when taking private pics etc. Worst is when you take pics and post them without consent online for random people to see, that is dick. Even when you fight with the person if you truly loved/cared for them at some point those things are for you and for you alone. Its like a code of honor you should not break.

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  • csciabarasi

    Honestly, I probably have a very different opinion than a normal girl, but if I guy that I kind of knew at elast, came up to me and said that they had been jerking off thinking of me... I think it's sweet. I know it sounds totally twisted, but to me, that means they were actually being considerate and thinking of me and at least telling me than being some stalker-type to jack off looking at me without me ever knowing. I'd rather know it, so then I might even make them more happy(as long as they're not too freaky). I just have to be careful doing that though... I don't need to be raped. >.<

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    • iwannajerk4you

      I wish we were friends... Than I'd tell you that I was :) & hopefully I could in front of you
      Do you mind if I do it now?

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    • csciabarasi well it depends how well you know the person. Not talking about some creepy dude you see in dunking donuts. Plus there is a trust and a bounding that should happen with mature adult minds in an ideal interaction.

      Also making sure that there is no disrespect meant to the "object of affection." Idea is people who ask for permission or admit to it I think are not the kind of people that would rape. Rape after all is a violent crime, crime of power and physical domination. If the person respects you and that's the most important thing, by the way. There were times when she said no and i had blue balls. Its like menstruation which i think is hot; but that's besides the point; it is something that needs to get released. I think your type of thinking is healthy more women should think like u.

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  • Jen118584

    I think it's extremely hot, and it would totally do it for me if a guy friend of mine openly let me know that I turned him on. That kind of confidence is irresistible.

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    • iwannajerk4you

      Damn it Jen
      You totally turned me on ¦D
      Do you mind if I rub one out thinkin about you
      Because I really want to now ;)

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    • it is kind of hot, my friend and i were on the relaxing after heavy parting. I took of her pants and pull her g string to the side started playing with her. We both were too tired to do anything. I told her i need a release she said okay to jerk off next to her grabbing her ass and what not. I could of done the same thing while she was sleeping but wanted to show respect for her. Later she was surprised why I used a napkin instead on her. Apparently she was pleasantly surprised because others she told would try to do this shit while she is out cold

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  • Yes! This is the new wave!

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  • burnttoast

    My first impression is that this is a roundabout way of trying to get in their pants. You secretly or subconsciously hope that by letting them know of your intentions, they'll sleep with you.

    lol, just a wild theory. I can't say for sure, of course.

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    • umm i don't think that it is "subconscious" i just regard those people wyho snick peeks and pretend that they are not looking as cowards and creepy.

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  • theonethatsred

    a very useful trait for:

    job interview (female interviewer)
    meeting gf/fiance's mom

    btw.. gf? fiance? hmm.. she knows that the love and respect you have for her is comparable to the love and respect you have for your favorite porn star. She would be crazy about you, dude.

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    • First off one has nothing to do with the other. I am talking about friends here not random females. The idea is not walking around and being creepy or a dick to people you don't know well. Second Why would i look down on the "porn stars" in the first place. The idea is that i know my gf and have feelings for here; i don't know the "porn stars" like that so obviously that can't be compared.

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  • specialKajt

    trying not to check a chick out is retarted there assets are there for reasons

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  • anabolic19

    you know what if you looked at my girlfriend like that and i caught you i'd brake your face nice and simple
    what do you think this means you have some sort of respect for women? it just means your more womanizing

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    • First of if your girlfriend is anything that even remotely resembles a female I am sure many already did and you did shit about. Its easy to talk big in a gas mask eh?

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  • BigRedOne

    I like to send them a registered letter to let them know I'm about to choke my chicken to them.

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    • iwannajerk4you

      Bwahahaha thats lol funny
      So... Does it work well for you Ahahaha

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    • you do that

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  • cockycunt

    I must've missed a word.. d'you ask permission before you torture the todge all over her or do you not? And when, and, erm, in front of her boyfriend. Admirably abnormally brave are you imho but i can't help but wonder where all the filthy volcanic joy of sex would reside if like you we furtively cowered hot dogs all lost our repressions..

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    • Well if he doesn't mind why not?

      Sex is not filthy, it is emotional, passionate and ecstatic.

      Repression is not good it broads and than leaks out as violence and intolerance.

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  • What is this - a 12 year old's sexual manifesto of "I woulds?" You are day dreaming.

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    • at least my dreams are fun

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      • HA! Touche!

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  • rememberyourlimits

    Well Lord Byron, we who live in society have rules. Some of them unwritten, and how do I put this incest, bestiality, rape fantasies, are not normal, and well not be rude, but sense you do not believe in censorship, I feel I ought to speak freely, sort of sick.

    We have all gotten the boner, when sitting next to a hot chick, most of us know to hide it. Do some math in our heads, to calm us down, or if you are a math nerd, think of pornographic images. For some reason, pi really gets me going, I digress.

    Censor yourself, create some balance between you id, ego and super ego. Understand that the rest of us, are prudish, puritan, uptight, Victorian minded compared to yourself. While I can deal with Edwardian clothing reform, I don't think we should have a society were every guy walks around with a boner, and every female is in mid orgasm. Just my two cents.

    (You said you dislike censorship, so you can't claim I am rude, unless you are a hypocrite, than you can do whatever you want)

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    • i think prudishness ends up being sexism, homophobia, violence and other dark expressions.

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      • rememberyourlimits

        @ The Author-
        That could explain why I'm a conservative sexist with an anger problem (not towards women, nothing worse than a man who hits a woman, more bar fights).

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    • I agree society is prudish, puritan, and prissy, but with out dissent there could not be any ascent in progress.

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  • My first thought is why would any girl wear skintight pants in the shower...

    I think it is brave to ask a girl if ya can pleasure yourself to thoughts of her, though I hope you do it politely.

    It sounds like you are a nice guy.

    (I can see where it could be a problem for a sexy girl though - heck if all the guys that pleasured themselves to Me had to ask me first, the line would stretch for a mile and most of my day would be taken up with replies.)


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    • iwannajerk4you

      Do you mind if I jerk off to you Ms. October??? You sure are sexy ¦>}

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    • boy your confident about yourself :)

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    • lol your full of yourself aren't you

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  • manofanger

    i wish i had female friends to watch porn with. it might go somewhere.

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    • it might, also girls are usually more kinky than they seem or show.

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  • acoolkid

    well, it's weird if you just go up to a chick and ask if you can jerk off to her. But i think that it's cool that you're comfortable with just talking to chicks about porn and stuff.

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  • deathrun0

    I dont make it like clearly obvious, but if i check out a girl and Im caught i have no problem in admitting it or telling them why Im doing it. I also dont care if my girlfriends catch me watching porn or whatever its normal, and I dont have a problem talking to my girlfriend about my sexual fantasies or even my friends.. Dont change who u are, its not gonna get you anywhere... my 2 cents

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  • dinchuckdinchuck

    You are an honest person and should be proud of yourself. But, you might get in trouble with strangers. Learn to tone it down a little. You don't have to be frank all the time.

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    • Your right i am mostly talking about people I know.

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  • LoveLess

    i think thats brave actualy, I try not to check girls out even if they catch my eye, I dont have any female friends though so cant realy comment on watching movies like that with them lol but good on you, i dont think people should be ashamed, we all get atracted to the oposite sex and get horny, its just natural.

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  • Argollun

    I act differently around women, not to say that I think them the "weaker sex" or anything like that but because women are special and I've found that in today's world men don't treat women that much differently than they do men. I try to let women know that there are still gentlemen in this world and that there are people looking for them.

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    • Argollun

      I meant "looking out for them" rather than "looking for them."

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