Phobia of straight men, iin?

I'm terrified of straight men! I don't feel safe around them, I feel like they can't be trusted. They make me very nervous and I don't like to be around them. If a man is gay or bisexual, than I don't have much of a problem. I'll feel safe around them.

My fear of straight men has caused me to have extreme dislike towards them. It's almost like a hatred... I hate when they hit on me. It makes me feel like I'm being violated and anger starts boiling under my skin... It's hard to explain.

I don't know where I got this phobia. I used to just fear the male race, but as I got older it morphed into specifically straight men... I don't hate all straight men and I know that not every straight man is evil, but I still can't shake this fear...

Is this normal?

Voting Results
27% Normal
Based on 117 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 48 )
  • Aleks85

    Lol. I'm straight and I'm coming to get you.

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    • zhawk


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  • Jweezee

    Don't flatter yourself.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Trust me I'm not.

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      • Jweezee

        Men(most) aren't predators waiting to catch you alone. Is it purely a sexual fear? Systematic desensitization often helps with phobias, but undoubtedly you already encounter your fear daily, so it may not be effective. Still, My suggestion would be to force yourself to engage with straight men. Allow yourself to be vulnerable to men(using some judgement), and each time you're alone and they don't try to cop a feel it's positive confirmation.

        I'm a straight male and i love you :)

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        • Saycheese

          Ha... this made me laugh.

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  • Energy

    No, it's normal. See a Psychologist, it's time to heal. Straight men are everywhere, and it's very unhealthy for you to be afraid of them so much.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Thank you and I do see a psychiatrist. I can't trust him and he really doesn't know what he's doing...

      You're right they're everywhere and they can't be avoided. Fear is damaging...

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  • aaa83

    U need a serious help

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    • Avant-Garde

      Do I?

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    This sounds like a troll by a gay person. HAHA funniest troll every! XD I am straight and I approve this message. Thanks for making my day OP. I needed something like this.

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  • mclovin35

    You may have been sexually abused as a child without the ability to remember the occurrence or occurrences that it stemmed from.

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    • Avant-Garde

      There weren't any men that spent time near me when I was child. I have considered the idea, but it's something that I don't like to think about but I do remember allot of questionable occurrences. But, I hope that I mainly misunderstood the situation... I think my fear mainly came from the bullshit that my family told me.

      Never to follow a worker in a store because he might take me into a secluded area and try to rape me. Never talk to male strangers,etc. This logic to count with women because they believe that they are "different" and incapable of being child molesters.

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  • VioletTrees

    I hate men hitting on me too, but it's mostly because they do it at really inappropriate times and in really pushy ways. It sounds like your phobia goes deeper than that, then, and you might want to talk to a doctor or therapist.

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  • vikinglad1990

    well done m8 for stating that not ALL gay males ( females too ) fit the gay STEREOTYPE ! i.m gay & i DEFFO dont fit it . the usual response is .... u can.t be gay . u dont LOOK &/or SOUND it ! lol :D .... too many ppl STEREOTYPE & it shld STOP ! .... & all the best avant-garde . i wish i cld help u . but feel free to mssg if/anytime u want to ok :o) kane

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  • Sensate

    Maybe you should stop thinking straigth men are shallow husks of sexmongering and violence. You make them to be that in your mind, and totally ignore that he might be a loving and caring, complex, and like everyone unique person. In other words he is the one who should be offended by you and your preconceived opinion of him.
    I know a girl like this. She's very neurotic and OCD-like, also known as a control freak. She thinks I'm an asshole because I don't automaticly jump through a dozen hoops for her, like everyone around her does, or she'll flip out or something. She ain't ever gonna give anything back to me so why should I bother...and why do some other people seem to bother.
    In my opinion women and gay men have a much higher tolerance for this amount of hoop jumping needed to interact with a person, even if that person doesnt really give anything back.

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  • zhawk

    Avante-Garde,if a psychiatrist doesn't help, maybe it's about time to allow God to intervene into your situation. Remember, He is our great Healer and it is His nature to heal. From my judgement, your fear of men might be from a childhood trauma or just a lie from the enemy you have listened to and believed in and has now become a reality in your life. God wants you to snap out of it. He did not give you a spirit of fear but he gave you a spirit of love and of compassion towards your brothers and sisters. I strongly suggest that you pray about it. Claim your freedom in Jesus!

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    • Avant-Garde

      Thank you:)

      I mean no disrespect to you, but I stop believing in God awhile ago. I found that praying and begging to him was a bit pointless, because he never helped me....

      I have been looking in spiritual things, though.

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      • zhawk

        well, here's a thought that might help.when you went begging to him,did you actually belive that he was gonna give it you? without faith, it would be impossible to please God. i'm guessing you'd say no, because you don't go beg for something you areexpecting to get. why not try my way? when you go to God and ask him for anything, ask Him with expectation. Activate your faith to levels you've never even been at. the bible tells us that God knows our needs even before we ask of it, however, he requires usto humble down before him and admit that we need Him to supply us our needs. think about this, how does the flowers and the grass of the field survive? they don't have a job or whatever, but they survive. it's because God provides for them. Now are you not more imporatnt than the flowers and the grass? I want to talk to you in a more personal means, do we have an opportunity to do that?

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        • Avant-Garde

          When I was praying/begging to him with my life, I believed in him.

          "Personal means" in a religious sense to get me to possibly go back to believing?

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          • zhawk

            i don't know. i haven't really thought about that. i just find typing suuper exhausting. i have quite a lot to say, typing them does not justify it. c:
            going back to believing God is your choice, no matter how long we talk over the phone or have coffee over and over(personal means, eh). also, this site is too public, it cud be intimidating sometimes.

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  • That_Dude999

    You shouldn't be afraid of men being predators!
    You should be afraid of Predators being predators!
    Something that can whipe out a whole squad of super duper marines is something really scary.
    A man might be able to chase you down the road but a predator just tells you that you are an ugly son of a bitch and then blows you up!
    So: Next time you go into a bar, before being scared of men, take a look around for a 6ft 6" large, yellow skinned, mean looking monster that has its laser sights pointed at you!
    If you do, remember: You have no time for bleeding and then get to the chopper!

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    • Sensate

      and you think women aren't predators? Bit naïve are we? or just young. Lots to learn and all that

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      • That_Dude999

        It's ok pal... I forgive you *Hugs Sensate*

        Please google "Predator" and see what pops up ;)

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  • BoredGuy

    we are the predators or the protectors, be afraid or feel safe my friend or foe

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  • Avant-Garde

    I don't know. I guess sometimes it's a bit of a guess. When, I go my starbucks, I like the people there. They don't scare me. Sometimes, anything about a man can scare me: if he keeps staring at me or other people intensely, if he's by himself, if there aren't many people around, etc. I guess it's men in general. You can't always tell if a man is gay or not. But I feel like men with more feminine qualities are safer to be with as supposed to more masculine qualities.

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  • mattsaballer5

    Look deep within yourself maybe you can find the answer

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  • mattsaballer5

    Maybe because your gay and bi as well however not all straight guys r like that

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    • Avant-Garde

      I'm Bisexual and I know that not all straight guys are evil.

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  • kellstar79

    Go get professional help now! They can help you.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I'll have to wait on that. My current doctor can't be trusted. He's been misdiagnosing me and causing more problems for years.

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  • joben112

    look behind you @_@

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  • metalman90

    going on your logic you should half hate bisexuals. it just doesn't make any sense to me, im a guy and i'm cool, you should get over your hatred

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  • dom180

    If you don't trust your current psychiatrist, I'd suggest getting a new one. For any of the problems he's meant to be helping you with, whether it be your anorexia, this fear of men or anything else, it won't be helping you at all if you don't feel he is good enough or you can't trust him. There are a whole range of types of psychological therapy, maybe you should start seeing a psychiatrist who uses a different type of therapy if it isn't working out with this therapist. Most people can be helped by therapists, but not everyone is helped by every type of therapy, if that makes sense.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I'll have to get a new one when I'm in college or move. My family insists that I see this one. I've asked for a different one, even a female, but they just flip out at me. Actually, I don't even think he's a therapist. He doesn't talk things out. Everything I say is "OCD" or"I could give you medication for that".

      I will look into other therapies and see what I can find.

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  • Anime7

    I actually get where you're coming from. Except with me it's sort of with women. Although, I don't hate women but rather am weary when I'm around them. The only advice I can give you is that same things that I keep telling myself. Which is that, people are going to hurt you, so why bother hanging around them.

    Men are everywhere and there isn't any herland around here. I suggest talking to a boy, someone who you can trust, assuming you know any.

    Do you fear that they'll rape you? I don't mean to sound vulgar, it's just straight men are usually stereotyped as "all they want is to get in your pants." It's simply not true. Not every man is going to hurt you, I wish I could show you that. When did this fear start? What does your psychiatrist say when you tell him about this? phobia?

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    • Avant-Garde

      I suppose am scared to get raped. Society does portray men as horny bastards for the most part which is discrimination.

      I don't really know when my fear started. I used to be scared of mostly strangers then it was all men and now the fear has morphed into straight men. I haven't told my psychiatrist about this. I barely tell him anything and what I do tell him, he'll call in my family and basically go over what I said with them. It's really stressful>_<

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      • Anime7

        I can understand that. Aside from being horny bastards, men are usually portrayed as dangerous. As oppose to women, who are usually portrayed as less dangerous, which isn't true.

        Do you have any close male friends that you can talk to? Believe me, I truly know where you're coming from. However, I think that you and I both know that talking to the opposite gender comes with being alive. I actually have a friend who carries a pocketknife with her wherever she goes just to be safe. I think that you should do this as well. Say hello to a guy just once in awhile and work your way up towards talking to them. I don't think that every guy you meet will try to get in your pants, in fact I think that they'll just be delighted to have you as company.

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        • Avant-Garde

          I have one male friend. I haven't seen him in years and it's a bit rare that we talk. He has very understanding and supportive with me so, maybe he would understand this too.

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          • Anime7

            I think you should call him then. I think he could help you out. Furthermore, I think it's great that you have a friend who's understanding and could help you out.

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  • pansyfugufish

    Its true, you should probably seek help for this. Males compose half of the population and are an important aspect to procreation. They have as much place in the foodchain as females. this could be a psychological response to abuse toward you from a male, or male guardian who mistreated you. Either way, figure out what you hate most-- what the core issue is-- and talk it over with trusted people. Hate masks fear.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I don't think I've ever been abused/mistreated by a man. Most of the abuse I've felt with has been from women. My father died when I was young, but I don't think it's the cause. And my family used to paranoia me about men (strangers) being dangerous...

      You're right, I do need to talk it out with someone. It hard for me to open up so, finding someone I can trust to that extent may be hard as well. But first, I do need to figure out what I hate about them the most.

      Thank you:)

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      • "And my family used to paranoia me about men (strangers) being dangerous..."

        I do believe we've found the problem. Your family is indeed paranoid, and what they did was simply wrong.

        Did they tell you that women can be untrustworthy as well?
        Did they tell you that "those types" of men apparently make up a very small percentage of the population?
        Did they tell you that many men try to be nice just for the sake of being nice?
        Apparently not. This paranoia has gotten out of hand, and I'm f***ing sick of it.

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        • Avant-Garde

          No. The gist was that I should never trust strange men and that women were always good people. They didn't tell me that they were a small percentage of men like that, they said it was all men except family members. The kindness was never brought up, instead it was that they were basically trying to kidnap me or poison me, etc. I guess you're sick of their beliefs? Since, I've posted this my phobia has gotten a bit better.

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          • Yes, such paranoid nonsense disgusts me; particularly as I've recently been a victim of it. To put it simply, it hurts.

            No offense, but your family is full of shit.

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  • Dazzie

    Are you a lesbian? I am sitting here questioning how do you go out to find a mate.

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    • Avant-Garde

      No, I'm Bisexual.

      I don't date. Most of the people I meet, I'm scared of. That or I just can't find anyone.
      Most of the people I meet, sex doesn't occur to me. Affection scares me for the most part.

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  • DaFuq?

    A man made you. BE AFRAID!

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