Pick a number at random
Part one of an experiment I'm doing...
One | 21 | |
Two | 31 | |
Three | 50 | |
Four | 69 | |
Five | 62 | |
Six | 77 | |
Seven | 173 | |
Eight | 74 | |
Nine | 50 | |
Ten | 25 |
Ask Your Question today
Part one of an experiment I'm doing...
One | 21 | |
Two | 31 | |
Three | 50 | |
Four | 69 | |
Five | 62 | |
Six | 77 | |
Seven | 173 | |
Eight | 74 | |
Nine | 50 | |
Ten | 25 |
May I ask. What's ur experiment? I'm somewhat intrieged!I chose number 8 B.T.W I don't know why. I just felt compelled to. xx
I picked one; the reason being that last time I saw a poll like this either one or ten didn't get many takers (I couldn't remember which, but I'm guessing it was ten now due to the fact that one is actually the most popular choice at the moment). I'm guessing nobody's going to pick seven because they think it'll be a common response.
^^ I pick 6 because In my language It means luck and It's my favorite number
I pick 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 ...
one million seven hundred thirty seven thousand nine hundred and thirty eight.
Closed my eyes and picked one because if i didnt it would not truly be random...
Is this for gambling purposes?If so,then I should have thought to ask this ? myself.
I made a point of choosing a number before I opened the pole or had any idea what it was about. I picked 7. Why is that so popular?
People don't like picking the outside edge. They also subconsciously split the numbers into two groups (1-5, 6-10) so 5 and 6 become outside edges too (especially 5 as a top edge).
They want to go for the middle of a group that is slightly higher and also prefer odd numbers. Nine is too close to ten, so seven is the perfect pick. The next most popular choice is the converse "middle" (a high number in a low group, and even: Four).
I've seen the experiment with numbers 1-100 and there's a similar clustering in the seventies.
Well hell, I guess when it comes to the numbers game, I am absolutely normal. I have used 7 as my random number choice for years!
I won't be picking because I understand the experiment (and have done it myself) and don't want to bias the results. Having said that, the results you got are pretty much exactly normal. I could have drawn out that curve and predicted it before anyone even responded.
If you get someone in real life to choose things (without hesitation; hesitation ruins it) and ask for a number, a vegetable and a flower, you'd be amazed how many people say seven, carrot, rose. It just has to be instant. The moment people think about it, you're sunk.
that's because it isn't something you can decide on. you can't really sit there and debate whether or not >number< is a good choice. if you try and think, you are just going to cycle through a bunch of random ending up with a sort of random result. what's curious is how four doesn't seem to apply here. it seems like you either think of four first, or you think of seven first, and then the longer you think, the higher or lower your number gets, until you reach a certain point which will randomize that too. but why do some people pick four? is four the most popular premeditated option, or is it instant like seven? fun stuff, i think.
wow, i picked 7...and before i even picked it, i somehow knew the majority of everyone else did too. that's freaky...
I chose #2 because I had a feeling that it's a number that would be picked the least. Actually so far #1 (my favorite number) is picked the least. It's a no-brainer that #7 gets picked the most. Everyone likes that number for some mysterious reason.
I couldn't find this poll (wanted to see how it was going) so I searched it and felt compelled to clicked on "Just pick a number you feel like choosing" Currently the results of six and seven have the same amount of votes on both polls.
I chose 1. Maybe because the OP asked, Part one of an experiment I'm doing..." I didn't want to but I felt like I had to.
i went with 7...is that too cliche? anyways, i would go with 31 if that was an option because al harris is my man!