Pina coladas, strawberry daqueries really gay drinks?

I was at Applebees in Kansas city a few years ago and I talked about ordering a strawberry daquerie, and my sister said that it's a totally gay drink, that and pina coladas. I talked about it with a buddy of mine, he said that it is cool and ungay for a guy to drink strawberry daqueries and pina coladas only when on vacation in the Caribbean, but it is gay for a guy to drink them at an Applebees in Kansas city or any in similar restaurant somewhere in America, except maybe Florida. Well, it's gay in any non tropical parts of America. I guess it makes sense. What are some of your all thoughts?

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58% Normal
Based on 19 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • CozmoWank

    It's only gay if it's made with cum and you drink it while your boyfriends dick is up your butt.

    Oh, and if you hold it with your pinky finger fully extended.

    The same is true for a Cum & Coke.

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    • lordofopinions

      Hilarious! Funniest reply I have read in awhile. 😅

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  • IrishPotato

    A drink doesn't make you gay. Liking other men does. The only people who call you out for being gay for a drink are insecure about their sexuality themselves.

    I've never had them but Marshal from How I Met Your Mother seems to like them.

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    • Slowlymovingfast

      I wholeheartedly agree!

      Also Marshall is the man!

      Best character on that show.

      Pina coladas are dope as fuck

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      • IrishPotato

        I should try one sometime!

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    the ice gives me brain freeze and the sugar gives me a headache

    dranks like thatve never given me the urge to suck a dick though

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    • Lol. Me either

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Liking other men makes you gay. Drinking a drink doesn't.

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    • Thank you. But too many people still don't agree with that. I like to try to have a mind of my own, but I also don't want to hear people's bullshit if I "do the wrong thing".

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      • RoseIsabella

        Sometimes you just have to tell people to go duck themselves.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        Well what you're doing isn't wrong. Forget about their opinion. Theirs don't matter in the end.

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  • lordofopinions

    I think ankle bracelets are sexy.

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    • Ummitsstillme

      Depends on the crime.

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    • Slowlymovingfast

      I agree

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      • lordofopinions

        Not THOSE type if ankle bracelets.

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  • fux4

    If you have to ask, you're gay

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    • Dissagree. I don't think what you drink makes you gay, but since a lot of people do, I'm not sure whether me or them are correct.

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      • fux4

        Ask dumb questions, get dumb answers. Of course drinks don't make you gay, so who gives a crap what the insecure morons have to say about it? You're trolling right?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Plain and simple they are wrong.

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  • drunkdrow

    Im also a little confused as to what the yes and no mean. i hit yes, meaning that its normal to like fruity drinks

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  • drunkdrow

    Look ive heard this a lot, and my response is always the same. I worked at a biker bar for 8 years, and my normal drinks were pabst blue ribbon, and jack daniels. But every now and then i would grab a mike's hard lemonade or a smirnoff ice, sometimes i would drink wine, and i would get the same thing your sister said. My response has always been that a "real man" drinks whatever the hell he feels like drinking. I've sat in the middle of biker gangs, drinking the "girliest" drinks you could immagine, and never felt like any less of a man than any of them. My advice is to work on your confidence, and to learn that you are your own person, and that labels will only ever bother you if you allow them to.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Your friend is right. And it is really annoying and time consuming for a bartender to make your frozen faggy drinks. I hope you aren't ordering them at a busy place indoors. If you are, I hope you tip well.

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  • mydinnerwithandre

    Try a Moscow Mule, it's a refreshing drink and they serve it in a cool bronze cup!

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  • It's somewhat odd, but there's plenty of asswipes who fuss over petty gender related bs. I guess it's more stupid than abnormal.

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  • RoseIsabella

    People who characterize various types of tropical frozen drinks as gay, or not are straight up assholes and idiots. I don't listen to other people when it comes to what I want to eat or drink, because it's my body, and my taste buds. Fuck that noise! Seriously, people who think like that are basic, and über boring.

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