Planet x it supports life do you want to live there?

New Flash; A new planet has been discovered and we can get you there within a year. No return trip, however it does support life and has plenty of fruit, veggies etc. Will you buy a one-way ticket?

BTW, when you go there you will have a new name and no trace of your former self. You are newly born on your new planet.

Yes I Will Go 52
No Thanks I Will Stay On Earth 54
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Comments ( 26 )
  • Shackleford96

    Would there be other people?

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  • Orbital Dysfunctional Syndrome.

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  • pantaloonz

    Good god no, think of all the dipsh*t losers trying to 'escape their past' sounds like a great place to go, filled with psycho-paths and emo's. shhhiiivveeer

    I literally shuddered at the thought.


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  • Avant-Garde

    I don't know.

    On one hand, Yes. I'm tired of living on this planet. If I didn't move to another planet, then the only way o not live on "earth" would be to kill myself. Humans are strange creatures, that do nonsensical things, like beating up people over a lack of Kool-aid or shooting people because they look at you for long periods at a time. The list goes on! There are some people that I like, but the amount of people that I have great dislike for weighs down the scale more....

    On the other, No. Yes, I'm haunted by memories of the past, but I still don't want to forget who I am. Whose to say, that the same cycle won't repeat itself on "Planet X"? Whose to say, that when it happens, that another "habitable" planet won't be discovered and I find myself wanting to go? There would be the huge risk of the same damn cycle continuing itself, like a negative reincarnation. Whose to say that it can't be broken, so why even attempt to risk it?

    If anything I'd rather go find a "perfect" planet myself. Could a perfect paradise truly exist or am I just setting my hopes a tad too high? A
    place like Uriel (from A Wrinkle In Time), The near vicinity of Betelgeuse or Magrathea (the planet that designs "designer planets") or even Ursa Minor Beta (all of which are from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy).

    I believe Ford Perfect was from a place that was either 6,000-60,000 light-years from on Earth. They recently found a planet of the exact coordinations, which say's to me that Douglas is a psychic. Who knows how many other planets could be found from the coordinations from "The Guide"? There are other planets besides "Planet X"... Some of which are in our solar system.... Some of the planets are inhabitable like Mercury or Venus. The others are debatable and some I wouldn't even dare touch with a ten foot pole.

    They have recordings of "strange sounds" from space. Two of which come from Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter has curious moons: Europa is considered to have an ancient ocean within its crust that supports "life",etc. The recordings of Jupiter are kind of creepy, but it's the recording of Saturn that are by far the most disturbing! It's like the Dementors of Azkaban.

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  • BoredGuy

    WHAT? Like no meat?! AT ALL? Anyway i don't care where i live as long as i have good sex.

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  • DiscoDuck

    Beam me up Scottie!!!

    Give me what I need to survive on another planet and a new identity and I am off without question.

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  • philosephorSteve

    im pretty sure the planet x is called "nibiru" and it only comes close enouph to the earth every 2000 years or so. watched a documentary on it not too long ago.

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  • handsignals

    Is this planet inhabited by busty amazonian type woman who will capture me and use me for snu snu? Yes. I'm there dude.

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  • hasty

    Yes, mothafucka. I'll gladly farm, knit, hunt, whatever. I don't want to go to escape my current life, I would go to experience a new world first hand, and I'd gladly give up life on Earth for that.

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  • malkiot

    I'd go, but please let me keep my knowledge :D
    I want to be able to build a house, irrigation system, mill and perhaps later a generator ^^

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    • Of course, you will be yourself in ever way, shape and form...except your previous name, ID etc. that is unless you just want to keep it.

      But all this stuff you plan on building my have to get made out of wood or stones. This planet has no metal factories or Home Depot.

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    • malkiot

      And we'd need to take some tools... unless we want to start off by making tools out of stones first. A knife, axe, shovel and perhaps bow and arrow would be nice. And a months worth of rations, whilst we get ourselves sorted.

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  • Glass

    Hell yes I'll go.

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  • ariannel

    Nope. I do not have the soul of a pioneer. I'll let others go there first and pave the way, thanks.

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  • zchristian

    I might be able to survive still it matters what kind of wild life and what plants and such there would be...

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  • zchristian

    Hmm bad idea for people who arent strong or can build some tools...

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    • True the weak or those who can not live without a grocery store need not apply.

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  • bananaface

    I honestly think Earth is the most beautiful planet, I would never want to leave it. I enjoy my life here too much:)

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    • christophero1973

      How can you make that judgement without being on another earth-like planet?

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      • bananaface

        I can't:L I just think it's great though, from what I know there's nothing better.

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  • Depends. Do we have any source of heat? Do we still get to have clothing? Without things like that, we would only be able to live for half the amount of time we would of lived on earth. It depends on what else can be taken with me.

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    • No Shopping Malls or anything else unless and until someone makes it. Its a Virgin World.

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      • Depends completely. If I had a group of others with me to help create a new world, I would. If I don't have anyone and I'm the only one, then no.

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      • xxxlostxxxforeverxxx


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  • joker42359

    i think id go! that would be one unique way to live my life!

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    • Keep in mind that this is basic living. No McDonalds, no grocery stores, no Pizza delivery, no gas stations or cars, electricity etc. This is Earth version 0.1.

      You want to eat you have to go get it, you want a roof over your head you have to make it.

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