Playing electric music on acoustic guitar now finger hurts like hell.

I am learning to play guitar and I have already been through the phase when my fingers stopped hurting.
Yesterday I decided to learn Little things give you away by link in park but I don't have an electric guitar. I started playing on my acoustic and my fingers started to hurt. I played for almost four hours straight because I love the song and I HAD to learn it.
Because my little finger hurt more than index finger, I didn't pay much heed to it. Today my index finger is stiff and I am unable to play C or A minor chords.
Any suggestions.??

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    A guitar pick?

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    • Picking don't hurt. It's when we hold the strings. For this song it's required to hold 4,5 and 6th string from bottom using index finger and slide from one fret to another in chorus. This is what causes pain and stiffness. I could not play anything today.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I'm sorry. Perhaps this will help?

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        • Thanks for the link.. I know you want to help.. I follow the instructions in it. I have been through excersices. I guess I am doing something wrong...

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  • damion3667

    Without using a pick over working your fingers will cause fingers to hurt. It's because of the pressure. Practice less and wait for your fingers to adapt again. The more force you push or the more excessive amount of time playing it will cause pain. They aernt used to it. Like if your used to play for only an hour a day your fingers will get used to that. And when you play longer amounts of time it wears it's resistance down.

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