Please help me, adults with more adultier skills.

I'm 20 years old and I sleep like them animals. I cannot be awakened in the middle of an evening nap till you try it aggressively by shaking me a lot lmao or screaming on my face. I go to uni and mostly do not sleep enough for my sleeping requirements because I'm up till 3 for no reason. I live with my parents and a brother and like everyone else, they all have places to be and often leave me in charge so that I take care of the house because I totally ain't got nowhere to be after I come back from uni as its exhausting AF already. So the problem is that since childhood I've got a mad sleeping problem, I'm always sleepy because I've always been someone who stays up the night so it's only obvious that I'll be dead sleepy around 6-8 even if I try hard not to sleep but these are actually the hours my family members start coming back home all banging the doors and shit frustrated AF because I'm not opening the door which is frustrating to me as well. God knows that i, someone who sleeps like that cannot wake up hearing then distant door bangs no matter how aggressive and you really would not like someone scream hard at your face as you wake up with terror. Recently, Dad got so annoyed and tried to climb up the balcony and stuff and got himself injured because he was outside banging the doors for at least 1 hr and everyone's like screaming real hard at me saying what kind of person am I even? I think the same. These things were still okay when I was a kid but since I am a lot older I want to take some responsibility and not repeat these childish behaviours no matter what. My parents already don't take me seriously and I unknowingly keep proving my existence to be a pain in the ass from them. Can you guys please suggest me what can I do to just be there to open the doors for them at least. Phone calls I'm not sure would work because mostly my phone is on silent. FYI I come back from uni at 4 and after aggressively not trying to sleep, I actually sleep out of nowhere near 6-7. It's also winters and so chilly I'm always in the covers and want to sleep all the time. Also, does this whole thing happens with anyone else and is normal?

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29% Normal
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Couman

    Here's an adult skill for you: Paragraphs. It's easy! When ever you finish a few sentences that make up single point or thought, just hit Enter once or twice. Trust me on this one.

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    • Thankyou adult, starting from today.

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      • Jacob_Zuma_783

        And please stop writing in rambling, endless sentences:

        "So the problem is that since childhood I've got a mad sleeping problem, I'm always sleepy because I've always been someone who stays up the night so it's only obvious that I'll be dead sleepy around 6-8 even if I try hard not to sleep but these are actually the hours my family members start coming back home all banging the doors and shit frustrated AF because I'm not opening the door which is frustrating to me as well."

        Yea, frustrating ...

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        • That was a crazy rant. I'm laughing so hard at this lol you guys are great. Also, I basically ramble like a little child all the time, this is how I speak xD
          Need to work on that.

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  • cinderellasundergarments

    Yes selfish parents need there own keys to get in,simple really.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Why is this even an issues, don't they have keys to the house?

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  • popperclub

    U better stop writing essay here.

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  • CrystalMethodist

    The word "adult" has been taken over by dumb social media users who now have to pay for their own lunches. Don't use it.

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  • Cheet0

    Tell them to get their own keys to let themselves in the house..?

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    • They don't like locking anyone up no matter what. They're so against it.

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      • Cheet0

        Not at all my point, suggest to them that they need to keep a set of keys on them so they can let themselves into the house, and then you can sleep...

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