Please share your quick-fix remedies for attacks of loneliness?

Having an attack of 'lonely feeling'. I'm actually not objectively lonely compared to a lot of people; I'm just feeling it after a conversation I've had with a friend about someone she loves. I'm wishing someone as emotionally safe as my friend could love me like that. It's my brain feeling jealous and making me feel feels. It's an intense, horrible feeling. But it's just a feeling. And unfortunately it's too late at night to call anyone.

What do you guys normally do to get rid of 'lonely feeling', which doesn't involve sex, drugs, alcohol or excessive food intake, or give you massive regrets? I need something to stave off this awful feeling.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • KholatKhult

    Make friends on the other side of the world, their timezones will make them awake at night

    Listen to comedy podcasts or stand ups. In english I started listening to clips of Ricky Gervais with Karl Pilkington if I ever have any solitary work, there are long compilations and clips on YouTube if you search for them. Theo Von with Bobby Lee are another English pair I find funny on YouTube. I mention comedy instead of other informational audio because if you find something funny enough it can cause a disruption in your nagging brain, if you’re already anxious you don’t need the added strain of true crime or politics

    I allllways suggest people start up a physical project, whether it’s deep cleaning a room, doing a renovation, building outside, gardening, building dioramas. If you are someone who stresses over perfection, choose a cleaning activity rather than a from-scratch one until you can learn to appreciate your ability to create.

    Being able to /see/ progress in a project is a major major mood booster. More so than progress in, like, videogames, or other non-physical things. Physical activity will also wear you out faster and give you a more deserved rest. Ending the day with a little muscle ache is motivating

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    • Thanks so much for these very detailed suggestions.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I like to phone people when I'm lonely. It's nice and keeps you in contact with people.

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    • Certain people, yes.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    A walk outside to feel the air, smell the surroundings, and see the nice green trees.

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • Yes. There is some greenery in my area, too.

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  • Kermitthehog


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    • Ahh... sorry, not a dog person. But I get it.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Dont start playing video games its one of the worst things you could do if you are lonely. Lonely people are addicted to them like its a drug. It causes you to sit around all day and accomplish nothing and you will be even more lonely and depressed. You'll probably get fat too because you'll sit around eating chips and shit.

    You should go to the gym as a hobby instead. You'll meet people there and you'll feel good and look good. Then in the summertime you can go to the lake or something and look good without your shirt on. You'll get girls. Video game players dont get girls the same way.

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    • All the games I play are the least addictive games I can find. They actually put me to sleep.

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  • RoseIsabella

    The Siamese cat is where it's at!

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    • My parents have a cat. When I go see them, I get obsessed with it 😅.

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  • LloydAsher

    Videogames, bonus points if you can get friends while playing.

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    • They have a helpful numbing effect, although you can sink hours into a session.

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  • profanity

    Hobby, or video games or drugz.

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  • notmyrealname123

    you mean being h*rny? just dont masturbate forr 6 months

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