Please tell me - why don't you believe in god ?

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Comments ( 25 )
  • charli.m

    Because it no longer makes any sense to me.

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    • sillygirl77

      That sums it up for me as well

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  • tuple

    There are many explanations of our existence. Science says that when you prove something wrong, people have to accept it, and the new truth is the new science. Religion says that when you prove something wrong, people are so scared by their position being threatened that they're willing to murder you to keep the truth from getting out.

    In that sense, science is like a bolshy kid who knows more than their parent. And religion is like a child being raped by their parent and told to keep quiet.

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  • Perdition

    Why don't you tell us why you don't believe in the thousands of other gods and supernatural entities humankind has thought up, and then explain why your god is different?

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    • RandomNumbers

      because it ressurected, differently from all others

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      • Perdition

        You mean the story of Jesus being resurrected? Well, that's just a 2000-year-old story. To adapt my original question, why would you take that story seriously (you're going so far as to give it the status of evidence) and not take seriously all the other stories about the thousands of other gods and supernatural entities humankind has thought up?

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  • randypete

    because it is only a story

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  • MissileExpert

    I'm Agnostic. If a higher spiritual power exists, it certainly doesn't fit the ancient fabled scriptures of the world's main religions. Mathematics, physics, ethics, and cosmology give me comfort. I am expecting some sort of consciousness after my death, but I have no clue, nor do I think anyone can say what it will be.

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  • AntiArchon

    Because there's a lot of scientific evidence and philosophical arguments that contradict the "holy books" and prove its just a bunch of bullshit written by men thousands of years ago..

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  • KiwiWisdom

    I don't believe in God as a deity because I have no logical reason to. A god is a concept held by many religions that embody ideals and aren't any more real to me then characters in a book. I simply haven't found a deity watching over me necessary to live my life. If I ever found the force that created everything, I wouldn't worship it. I would just appreciate it for what it was.

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  • Reelist

    The universe and whats in it, is to perfect for there not to be a creator.

    If i told you i was walking one day, then suddenly i saw materials from the ground come in front of me and formed into a car. You would think im mad right?

    The universe is way more complicated then a car - so to believe the universe came into existence by luck/randomness is even more far-fetched then the above.

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    • Perdition

      The old Paley's watch argument. I presume you're familiar with the flaws of it?

      The weakness of this argument is revealed by the fact that it can be used to argue to very opposite: the universe is too 'perfect' to have been created. Which is equally weak. First of all, because it isn't perfect; it's chaotic and imperfect. Secondly, because what you mean by perfect is actually complexity, which is entirely subjective. And the nail in the coffin is that evolution explains complexity perfectly well.

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    • BlackCatsAreAwesome

      And a thinking god would be more complex than the universe. Who created your god?

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    • JacksonCallahan

      Agree 100% Reelist! God/Jesus is real, just because you don't want to worry about your misdeeds and the lack of a personal relationship with Him don't mean you get to escape it. Not a scare tactic. Just Truth!

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  • Countess_Kittycat

    I considered becoming a liberal Christian in my late teens, but then reached the conclusion that I had no rational reason for believing that a deity existed, rather than rational reasons for wanting to believe. I'm not trying to suggest that belief in God is neccessarily correlated with psychological benefits for the believer, I know that many believers see God as harsh but important. In my case, I saw him as paradoxical and troubling, but ultimately rewarding to me by my acts of faith and love and how they related to Him. In the end, however, I more wanted to believe in Him than had any epistemological reason to do so. Treating God as an explanatory gap-filler would go against Occam's principle, and there is no indication in science that He might exist. Besides, if there really was a god, would I be willing to comply with him just because he was a god (or God)? I don't think so. In the end, my ethics ultimately turned to rational, consequentialist (rather than theological) criteria, even though I still follow Jesus as a model. Thus I now identify as an agnostic Christian (Catholic) atheist. I follow Christ as a model even though I am not a theist, and I base my life on the imitation of his model. I still fail, since I'm human, but I don't think I fail neccessarily any more than a Christian theist does. I see God as a symbol of perfection and abstraction central to my life, as a standpoint that is always present, but not as an entity I actually believe exists.

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  • dernier

    I believe in God, but I don't believe in the bible. The bible says some really terrible things.

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  • User-name

    Since I don't have relative proof of this nameless diety existing I'll remain impartial. Besides that, religion or as much as I've seen is the manipulation of young minds so that they can be molded into what older people want based on a constant state of fear.

    And then there's the fact that most of the religious people I've personally known are obvious hypocrites who look down on anyone who doesn't agree completely with their way of thinking. Then the cycle goes on with the next generation and so on.

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  • ThatGuyWhoDoesThings

    I don't not believe in God. I'm an agnostic who frequently finds myself having mental debates as to whether some sort of higher power exists. I used to be an atheist, and pegged the idea of 'God' as ridiculous and impossible. These days I'm not so sure. I want to believe in God, mostly for peace of mind with regards to death, but I just don't know whether to or not.

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  • jinx5543

    because god is a just something people make up because they didnt know how to explain it, and im just saying but this was very popular say thousands of years ago?this is how myths are made along with religion.

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  • A-Naan-A-Moose

    Because aliens.

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  • llamalover

    Please tell me why you don't believe in the flying spaghetti monster.

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  • bogbrush

    Why believe in something written in a book thousands of years ago when supernatural thinking was the thing. They believed that thunder storms were caused by God being angry etc. I agree with with unseriousness that none of know. Anyone who claims to know what happens after death or if there is a God is a fool.

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  • LGK4

    Don't need to

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  • unseriousness

    Because there's no way of knowing whether or not a god is truly out there.

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  • TheRatFinkLeroy

    God is an explanation to the unknown. The less you know of the world, the more you believe in God.

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