Poll: is islam a religion of peace or violence?
Good video on the subject:https://youtu.be/52fmYxs_ynE
Peace | 33 | |
Violence | 57 |
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Good video on the subject:https://youtu.be/52fmYxs_ynE
Peace | 33 | |
Violence | 57 |
Long post but this is a topic that needs nuance and not knee-jerk emotional reactions.
The religion itself has violent passages. The followers, it depends, most religious people (not just Muslims) do cherry pick their religion, because their religion ends where their conscience begins.
When a terror attacks does happen, yes it does have something to do with Islam. It doesn't come from nowhere, there are parts of the religious text that support that. If we're also going to be 100% real, Muhammad was not a particularly good person by modern standards.
I think it's a marriage of religion and political power though. What Islam needs is secular reform like Christianity has had. There was a time when Christianity was doing gory public executions, blasphemy laws, witch hunts, conflict with other religions and what could be described as "terrorism".
So that does give me some hope Islam can change. However, it's going to need honesty and open criticism from a liberal/secular perspective. We don't need more attempts by pseudo-"liberals" at rescuing Islam and defending it from criticism, or attempts by the Western Right-wing at demonising an entire group of people when (at the core) they believe a lot of the same things in their own Christian/white identity politics, really. A good place to start is to give more platforms to the reformists (who do exist), the ex-Muslims and the liberal secular ones.
You're right, it's a unary issue. Violence is the only option. Those beautiful young women ripped to shreds by nuts and bolts. It's a damn shame. We have volcanoes, we need to start putting them to use.
Whether it is violent or peaceful depends on your interpretation of the religion, just like most other religions. A lot of people think jihad means terrorism, violence or suicide but the actual meaning is struggle and defense. And the muslim prophet said that the greatest jihad a person can do is within yourself and refraining from evil
I learned this in an anthropology course and the professor was caucasion and atheist.
Ask the people who went to the Arianna Grande concert in Manchester what they think.
I was speaking to someone last night who was there with his daughter. (we're 20 miles from Mcr) He isn't ranting about Islam, just politics. How Britain's past foreign policy has brought extremism and terrorism here.
Where is your voice on this?
http s://www.isitno rmal. com/post/is-b eing-a-wh ore-right--249579
we need your support
the cause of the violence is complicated and has a long history
just always remember violence begets violence
I'd say violent. If we look at the areas where Islam is most prominent and free to expand it's quite evident.
That's not to say all those that believe in Islam are violent but I feel like we judge what Muslims are like in our societies where they're forced to conform to not acting on their religious acts that make others suffer.
I do think the expansion of Islam in our societies isn't a good thing though. The religion just doesn't fit in well with our pro-free speech, pro-equality, pro-LGTB culture and I'd hate for more of Islam to come in at the expense of our values in the name of, "multi-culturism".
That's just my take on it.
if you look at the areas where capitalism is most prominent and free to expand and conquer it's quite evident. You can't be a kettle and call the kettle black. Let's get to the root of why humans are violent here instead of this good and evil bullshit.
Terrorism is never about the religion itself.. It's always because a culture with power and money has been a cunt to another culture with less power and money. Stealing land and resources, or imposing unfair rules to do so.
Israel and Palestine, Britain and Ireland, always some invasion and oppression involved to set it off, then everybody blames the religion afterwards!
Follow the money.
The purpose of all religion is to manipulate the masses. Usually peace works best. Sometimes violence works best.
All religion is not violent fool
Where are the buddist extremist then?
Your so smart
I'm sorry I am such a fool. Who settled the well known debate over whether Buddhism is a religion or philosophy?
I know you are smart so I won't have to ask for references cause you always have impeccible ones.
My reference, being such a fool, is to google: Is "Buddhism a religion" and find one yourself.
Or you may just find the debate is still very much open.
How can you logically think to yourself that all religions are violent?
Thats silly. No one thinks that. Except people who generalize.
Just as I cannot generalize you, whatever you may be, a atheist or whatever. Into believing all atheist do this, or do that.
It would be silly.
Buddhist extremists? Try Sri Lanka, or Tibet.
Do some research. Plenty of violence happens because Buddhists version A have been cunts to Buddhists version B.
Islamics say they are a religion of peace but then see suicide bombers and such. Violent!
If you read the Koran it will become very obvious that it is about hatred and violence
Study a little history peeps. Ever hear of 'the crusades?' Islam and Christianity both have bloody historical events. You are allowing yourself to be brainwashed by politicians if you beleive that ISIS and Islam are one in the same. The vast majority of Muslims are loving, forgiving and great people. Don't give in to the hate and fear, or you'll be swallowed up by your own ignorance.
Well, as far as I am aware, Islam as a word means 'peace', so there you go.
Islam is a religion of peace. The west twists words to match its war plans.