Poll: it professionals only! do you think antivirus is necessary?

I am asking if you PERSONALLY use antivirus and not if you think "users" should run AV (which they should).

I personally stopped using AV software back in 2002 because I never used it and it was a massive drain on resources. I have tried AV since then and once again concluded it was not necessary. I found AV is even more of a drain these days than ever!
In that time I have never once had a virus or adware on any of my systems.

Yes I use Antivirus Always (Active AV) 30
I use AV only on demand or on a schedule 7
NO! AV is not necessary for people that know what they are doing 15
I use AV only because I share my computer with others 4
This poll is pointless and stupid 6
If you only use AV for your personal servers please vote for no. 0
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Comments ( 25 )
  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    I used to believe those who know what they are doing didn't need one until I discovered a silent rootkit on my system that was there for who knows how long. It felt like rape.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    My Dad is an IT Professional and he has told me that it's very important to have.

    If you have a newer OS (like Vista, Windows 7 or 8) then it is all the more necessary. Viruses are tailored to go after new OSs and being that those OSs are more complicated, the virus can do so much more damage because they are tailored to get around all of the little security features. Simply put, the newer your OS is, the greater your risk.

    If you're running something like XP, it's not THAT big of a deal. You can still get viruses, but they won't be going after you as aggressively but it's still recommended you have SOME Anti-Virus program.

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  • Darkoil

    Anti-malware is worth having because there are a few that can be a real pain in the arse to remove completely, I had one that took no less than 4 programs to remove from my registry and it still didn't fix all the problems it caused.

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  • ucipher8

    I've been exposed to malicious ware that will STILL infect even after a definition update, scan and removal. problem i see with "bloatware" is that erase and install is still the most effective. if you can shell out some money to buy decent imaging software, its going to save you hours on downtime.

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  • NormalIsOverratedBeANinja

    You need an antivirus program. That's not really optional. Even if you think you haven't had any viruses, you still can, and you could easily have a few already without even realizing it. Take it from me, my dad's a professional and he taught me the ancient art of computerology.

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  • My life was never the same after running into that Russian made virus.

    I exaggerate, but it was a good learning experience. For about the next 6 months I was intensely curious about malware and viruses in general.

    Anyway, yes anti-virus is always necessary.

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  • myboyfriendsbitch

    If you have assets worth protecting, i suggest you best have antivirus software... If you buy online often, pay bills and use your bank account online i wouldn't take the risk.

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  • PatrickZ

    AntiVirus is always very important, I can't live without it. It's the first thing I install after installing Windows on a computer.

    Eventough I'm an IT-professional and very aware of what I'm doing, I've had several virusses attempting to install themselves on my system. Of course my AntiVirus helped me out. But no matter how much you know about computers and how much you're aware of what you're doing, you can have a virus before you know it.

    As for the system resources, there are several good AntiVirus programs that don't require that much sources. With the modern powerfull computers it's not even a single issue anymore. As for the financial aspect, use a free AntiVirus. They're always better than nothing.

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  • TheOv3rminD

    Wow, a lot more people than I thought still use A/V. Does it ever actually catch anything? If so why are you downloading viruses and why are you executing them after you download them?

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    • PatrickZ

      Yes, it does. Virusses come in all shapes and sizes. They can be included in a harmless looking download, they can be included in a website and being activated by a webscript. And so there are at least a dozen more ways in wich a virus can infect your computer. All those attempts are being caught.

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    • misca

      All viruses are not executable directly. That's why.

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  • KBSH

    In my jurisdiction, all computers run Windows. So, I make it a point to install a good antivirus (paid) on EVERY computers. Employees are dumb and I don't want to solve each and every of their virus problems.

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    • TheOv3rminD

      This does not apply to users. Your PERSONAL systems only (at home).

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      • KBSH

        Sorry. But, same even then. I dowload alot of torrents and I don't want to work with a couple of viruses hogging system resources.

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  • misca

    Let's put it this way: There's really NO reason to NOT have anti-virus.

    EDIT: Of course, depending on your OS. On OSX and Linux (e.g. Ubuntu) you don't really need anything. Windows is the only one that might require some protection.

    You would be surprised how easy it actually is to make a program that completely bypasses UAC on Windows 7 for example.

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    • TheOv3rminD

      There are several good reasons not to run AV

      1. Wasted resources
      2. If you experiment with malicious code it gets very annoying when it deletes your work constantly
      3. It is intrusive
      4. It is expensive
      5. I just don't need it.
      I stopped running A/V in 2001 and have never had a virus or malware. Not even once. Not even greyware.

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      • misca

        1. It might be a problem, if you're running AV on a very old computer. My AV is using 9 MB of RAM and uses 0% (rounded number ofc) of CPU time. Yeah, such a waste. I could do SO MUCH MORE with those 9 MB!

        2. It doesn't. Change the settings. It's your fault for using settings that allow deletion.

        3. It isn't. Change the settings. It's your fault for using settings that make the AV to inform about everything.

        4. Why buy it? The free ones are just as good.

        "I stopped running AV and have never had a virus or malware."
        There's a logical problem in there. How do you know your computer has no viruses or malware?

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        • ucipher8

          you probably do have malware, but fighting every week or so by downloading new definitions doesn't instill confidence (especially when hackers are always one step ahead when definitions are released...)

          Windows is for gaming only, i otherwise try not to browse or if i do, i browse with out keeping local data.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Professional or not, Anti-virus is always a must have!

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  • pussinboots

    Depends on OS. If running on Windose, then you need a good one!

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    If you mean professional as in computer nerds I know a few. The ones I know never use AV software and never get viruses. However I had a very poor one and my computer crashed a few times. I am no tech though.

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  • cigs

    i can't vote until i know what av is is it avg

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    • ucipher8

      google must be down where you are? avg stands for anti-viral-gynecologist

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      • cigs

        no Google is on right now i believe so ? are you for sure. i use to have avg antivirus software when it was free and it worked well and ok.

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  • TheOv3rminD

    Thanks for voting!

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