Poll: what religion is the worst?

This is gonna open up a big can of worms! I’m excited 🤤

Hinduism 2
Buddhism 0
Judaism 3
Christianity 14
Islam 36
Scientology 22
Mormonism 5
Pastafarianism 1
Atheism 16
Other 4
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Comments ( 109 )
  • ilike2touchmyself

    Sharia law is the cancer of the earth

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  • _Mehhhh_

    Depends on what time.

    Currently it's Islam, although that has more to do with how politicised Islam is than the religion itself. In previous time periods it would have been Christianity, for the same reasons.

    In terms of which have the most horrible ideas in them though, it's all the Abrahamic religions equally.

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    • kelliekelliekellie

      nowhere in the Bible does it say you get to fuck 77 virgins as you arrive in heaven...

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      • Kevinevan

        Imagine the day AFTER fucking 77 virgins. You're phone would be blowing up. Sounds like hell to me.

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        • Nickvey

          they all be demanding money

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          • Kevinevan

            Yep. A good little slut on speed dial is way better than 77 virgins.

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            • EnglishLad

              The very thought of having 77 virgins all to yourself is a fucking NIGHTMARE! Just imagine how cantankerous they'd all be when they found out about eachother... Mass brawling would ensue...

              Then again, where in fuck's name are they going to go after they've all killed eachother a second time? Harvey Weinstein's Hollywood HQ?

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      • _Mehhhh_

        Yes but the Bible does have more than it's fair share of violent Stone Age morality to rival the Qu'ran.

        Like I implied, Christianity looks benign and cuddly today because the West has overwhelmingly adopted secular systems of government. Go back to Medieval Europe to see countries run by Christian Law, and it's something chillingly similar to what we're seeing today in The Middle East.

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        • kelliekelliekellie

          No, those are just DESCRIPTIVE events, they aren't orders.

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      • lordofopinions

        72. And the problem is they don't specify virgin what. No where does it say in the Quran that it will be 72 virgin women LOL

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      • Pakcmon

        It's 72 and its a methaphor passed down so dumb people can get a math equation thats based on the position of the stars in the sky. All religious texts have metaphors in it that have been grossly misinterpretted over the years. But the 72 thing is based on one of the constellations.

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        • kelliekelliekellie

          Tell ISIS that.

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    • EccentricWeird

      Depends on the time? Did he ask what WAS the worst religion or what IS the worst religion?

      IS means present. Learn English, you dope!

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      • Owl_Girl

        Present tense does not mean present time, so you are the one who needs to come back to a grammar book.

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        • EccentricWeird

          fite m3

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  • Yeaaimthatsexybitch

    I figured this post would have caused a lot of fights Lol. Good job everyone for keeping cool

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    • crimsonXmamba

      Thats where you are wrong, my friend.

      Refer to the bottom for more details

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    • You were right for a while, but the inevitable had to happen.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    they sure are

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  • Dustyair

    Islam is a nightmare.

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  • pantzie

    I am Muslim, this makes me sad xD but you are right, Arabs are rly combative. Btw atheism isn't a religion.

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    • Kevinevan

      Arabs are pussies who rape women and children.

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      • I don't even particularly like Muslims, but really dude?!

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        • Kevinevan

          Yup really. Take a look at their "prophet".

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          • Their prophet is shit but that doesn't mean you can generalize Arabs like that. They might degrade women but what you said is a very small minority.

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            • Kevinevan

              I can generalize cause I live in the U.S. If I lived in some shit Arab nation then you're right I couldn't. They silence people cause they are ashamed of being goat fucking, chomos with a prohpet who rapes children.

              If they want to renounce their shit religion they are welcome here. I don't live by the exceptions I live according to the generalizations, which exist because they are true.

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            • Kevinevan

              Generalizations are where it's at and of course I can.

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  • WiNkWOnK

    lol, why is Pastafarianism even included? Not even a real religion in most places..

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    • MrDexter

      Not even a real religion period. I have some idea what they are referring to. However if you are not smart enough to understand that's a joke you are a sad human being.

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      • WiNkWOnK

        Don't get me wrong I understand that it's a mock religion.

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        • MrDexter

          Glad to see someone gets satire.

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      • WiNkWOnK

        Yes it is dumbass, It's the church of the flying spaghetti monster and it's a real religion in two countries

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  • MissileExpert

    Science is the answer because it is real. Evolutionary processes are real. Accept that the universe is a cold place. It doesn't care about you. Slowly, science will unlock it's secrets.

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    • Kevinevan

      Science is a belief in fluid definitions. By its own principles it's always changing so it requires the greatest leap of faith of all.

      What is true, what you believe today will be discredited in the future.

      Science is the belief in bullshit.

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      • EnglishLad

        The beauty of science is that scientists are happy to be proven wrong on their theories, provided that the theories which challenge the existing theories are backed up by solid evidence.

        The theory of evolution/natural selection for example exists currently because nobody has come up with another explanation which disproves it.

        Saying "God did it" doesn't disprove any scientific theories because there is no rational explanation to back up that statement.

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        • Kevinevan

          Keeping in mind I've yet to voice my stance on God etc. To me, the belief in God is no more or less rational than the belief in evolution. You can't state evolution is more rational than God. Both claims require extraordinary proof and neither has provided such.

          Nice try tho.

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          • BlackCatsAreAwesome

            Evolution does have proof (both the fossil record and DNA for example). For god there was never even a beginning of a hint of a proof. God is an argument from ignorance from ancient tribes with zero knowledge of the universe or biology.

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            • Kevinevan

              If there was proof of evolution it wouldn't be a theory. Regardless you've stopped using arguments and have just fallen back on talking points now.

              The science of fire starting was born in caves by tribes too. You make no sense.

              Come up with an actual argument and I will respond otherwise there is no point.

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            • LordPoisideon

              Some say that scientific explanations are part of creationism. It all depends on how the bible is interpreted. For example, it makes sense that the Big Bang Theory would work with a god.

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        • Kevinevan

          True but just because you can line up several similar skulls doesnt really mean much of anything. I can make all kinds of crazy statements that cant be disproven. It doesnt mean they are factual.

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      • BlackCatsAreAwesome

        That belief in bullshit allowed you to type even greater bullshit on a device based on so many of its findings.

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        • nikkiclaire

          That has nothing to do with the question at hand does it?

          Nice try.

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          • BlackCatsAreAwesome

            It has everything to do with it. Modern science is based on testable and reproducible phenomena.
            You sound like a brainwashed idiot who thinks everything the bible says is true.

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            • nikkiclaire

              Nope but it's a miracle I am alive right now and it has fuck all to do with science.

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    • Nickvey

      science is not real , its a religion. everything they believed 100 years ago is false just as everything believed today will be false 100 years from today. good bye . keep your religion of science to yourself> using the scientific method science is proven to be false

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      • BlackCatsAreAwesome

        All I see is waawaa science proves things that go against my blind faith so let's assume the sientific method is wrong lol

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        • nikkiclaire

          Of course you don't see because because you're a close minded member of the cult of science and think of yourself as some genious. 😂😂😂

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          • BlackCatsAreAwesome

            Having an open mind shouldn't be to the point your brain falls out.

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            • nikkiclaire

              Right like mutating from starfish or monkey's. Cause that is common sense.

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  • crimsonXmamba

    Religion is for basically santa clause for adults.

    The magickal sky daddy.

    The concept of heaven and hell is based off how injustice the world is. People know that they will not get their justice on their time on earth, so they create a realm in which they will get their imaginary justice. That fairy tale is heaven and hell

    Were all going to rot on the ground, all of us.

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    • EnglishLad

      You sound like an Atheist. Which is fine. I'm an Atheist too.

      I don't think you should be forcing your opinions on other people, though. That makes you as bad as the Westboro' Baptist Church in my opinion, even though you believe the polar opposite of what they do.

      Keep your opinions inside your head, and look at all religions equally, unlike religious people do.

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  • Eagwol

    Religion is like a cult. A guide to direct people who feel lost without a master to lead them. And become very confusing to everyone else, even to each other. I believe in god, but more in a spiritual way. All Religions can be bad, when the goal is to brain wash you and control you, nothing good is to become of that.

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  • chewy

    Atheism isn't a religion lmao

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  • EnglishLad

    How about this? Having a religion/belief in a higher power is fine, and no-one should feel unsafe when praying or reading their holy book of choice.

    What isn't ok is looking at religious texts in a fundamentalist way, which in turn makes you become batshit fucking loony.

    Is it OK to believe in God/Allah/Guru/Buddha/or the countless Gods that Hindus believe in? YES!

    Is it OK to choose not to believe in anything? YES!

    Is it OK to kill people en masse simply because they believe something different to you? HELL TO THE NO!!!!!

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    • Couldn’t have said it better myself

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  • Nickvey

    I believe the world we see is only what we see. it could be somthing different. I think we are created by a deity for its entertainment. It loves us and would rather we find a path to bliss and pleasure rather than destruction and pain.i also believe sex was meant as a gift for pleasure and not only just reproduction and sharing the pussy instead of selling it pleases god . Its why we say Oh god oh god when we cum. I believe haveing two parents is a hell of a lot better than having one parent. I like antibiotics, airconditionaing .cars airplanes, internet , so i was born in a perfect era of mans development. Your god is not my god no matter what you say. If it sounds to you like im in a fucking cult so be it, i dont care. the only thing i have to please is god after all.

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  • The_Abnormal

    Everything about this is wrong.

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  • My mind was made up before looking over the list- Islam, hands down. Btw, atheism isn't a relgion.

    See definitions:

    Religion - "A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny."

    Atheism - "A LACK OF BELIEF in the existence of a God or gods.

    How are people saying atheism is a religion, when it is in fact, the OPPOSITE of religion?

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    • Kevinevan

      Atheism isn't a lack of belief. It's the belief that theists are wrong. Therefore it's a religion in it's own right because it's faith that a diety does not exists. Athiests take a stand that there is no God which is a leap of utter faith my friend.

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      • Did you not read the descriptions? A religion not is simply just faith, it's a belief in the SUPERNATURAL or GOD.

        Not everybody has a religion just because they believe in something, rather, they have

        doctrines- beliefs or systems of belief accepted as authoritative by some group.

        Atheism is a doctrine, not a religion.

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        • Kevinevan

          Yes I read your descriptions but since yoy don't quote a source I took them with a grain of salt.

          Also a definition of religion from google: "a particular system of faith and worship.

          plural noun: religions

          "the world's great religions"

          a pursuit or interest to which someone ascribes supreme importance.

          "consumerism is the new religion"

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          • I'm a Christian, not an atheist, btw.

            I used a program called "WordWeb" to search up words and find definitions.

            The Cambridge Dictionary gives similar definitions, although the term doctrine can apply to both religious and miscellaneous beliefs.

            I think those definitions are good, because they give you 2 clear words to use when referring to belief in the supernatural vs. belief in anything else.

            Look, when most people think of the word "religion", they think of beliefs pertaining to God and the supernatural.

            That's the most commonly accepted definition of the word.

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        • Kevinevan

          And yet here you are defending this "doctrine" with religious ferver.

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  • Annie25

    Atheism is not a religion dayum😂😂😂😂

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  • CreamPuffs

    All the Abrahamic ones.

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  • Teacher_17


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    • EnglishLad

      Atheism isn't really a religion, by definition it's a lack of religion.

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      • Kevinevan

        Actually Atheism requires faith so it's absolutely a religion.

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        • Annie25

          Its does NOT require faith. Its reguires to use your damn head and think

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          • Kevinevan

            If you really used your head to think, you'd realize no one has a fucking answer moron.

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            • Annie25

              So for something that doesn't exist isn't it better to remain sceptical instead of creating a whole fairytail and believing its fucking true?
              How stupid is that

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        • EnglishLad

          Faith in what, exactly?

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          • Kevinevan

            Faith that there is no diety, faith that nothing exists after death, faith that there is no purpose. I could continue.

            Better to be agnostic than athiest. Athiests are idiots who stand AGAINST something they claim they don't believe in.

            Agnostics just say, I don't fucking know.

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            • Nickvey

              Finally a thinking rational man , what do you think about rocks jumping into existence

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    • BlackCatsAreAwesome

      If atheism is a religion then not playing a sport is a sport and "off" is a TV-channel.

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      • Kevinevan

        No athiesm is actively protesting the sport or picketing a tv station.

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        • BlackCatsAreAwesome

          No atheism is not blindly gobbling up your faith based arguments and we only protest when you force it down our throats. Otherwise, you can believe in fairies for all I care, it's your choice if you want to be a retard.

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          • Kevinevan

            Once again. Have someone read for you if it helps. I never stated my beliefs in a supernatural being or not, stop with the assumptions.

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            • BlackCatsAreAwesome

              You are the one with reading comprehension problems. I wasn't talking about your stupid possible beliefs but rectifying your stupid answer on what atheism is, fruitcake.

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    • Annie25

      Teacher doesn't know shit😂

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  • EnglishLad

    I'm an Atheist. No religion is any better or worse than another.

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    • Nickvey

      how would you know ?

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  • Bonelessbananas69

    Christians are the worst. I've never met a group of more hateful people in my life.

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  • It’s like I started the cyber crusades!

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  • lonewolf1253

    Religions are all the same. Founded on fables and mythology with no basis in reality. All religion is based on fear. Fear of coming to an end. Fear of our loved ones coming to an end. People want to believe in an idyllic afterlife where we retain our personalities and live in peace for eternity with our loved ones. Now I'd like that. But that shit's not the truth. But if it gives people comfort to believe that, I have no problem with it.

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  • Atheism is not a religion. You should've said "religious beliefs". Nevertheless, *at least* Christianity and Islam belong in the same pile of shit. The only reason I chose Islam is because they are the fanatics of the era. They are so intolerant and bigoted (go check some stats if you don't believe me) that it's beyond my comprehension how liberals can support them this fucking much. Truly disgusting.

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  • paramore93

    Where's the 'all of them' option?

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  • Atheists are extremely irritating with their belief in their psyence.

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    • EnglishLad

      I love how you have tried to make Athiests look dumb for believing in something you don't, and yet ironically you spelled "science" wrong which makes you look like the idiot.

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      • Shut up retard. And I misspelled it on purpose you cunt.

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