Pooping blood after eating a lot

This happened a few months ago. I ate three times more portion than usual. I was so hungry because I only a little bit for dinner the night after and I skipped breakfast and lunch. I went home around 4 and so I decided to eat dinner early. After I ate, I was still hungry, so i ate another portion. And after that, I still feel a bit hungry, so i ate about half more. I felt so full that my stomach started to hurt. When I pooped, there's was a lot of blood. It wasnt because my poop was big lol I was actually pooping blood and sometimes i only poop blood with no feces at all, which is weird. I thought I was on my period at first but no. I don't think it was an anal fissure either because I had that before but it didn't have as much blood as this one did. It lasted for a few days and it disappeared. I'm pretty sure it was because I ate too much but i have no idea how's that linked to pooping blood? Anyone knows the medical term for this?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • rayb12

    I'd go see a doctor immediately.

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  • Nickvey

    the medical term is GI bleeding for visible blood and Occult blood for the stuff you cant see. if being tested for Occult blood avoid all vitamin C. it always causes a false positive. in the Guiac test

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  • Mark92

    See a doctor!

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  • Boojum

    Pooping blood = internal bleeding

    Internal bleeding = definitely not normal

    Very abnormal = need to see doctor

    Lots things can cause bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Some of them are life-threatening, some relatively benign, but it's not very bright to just ignore the symptom and hope it will go away.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    I don't think you can poop blood from eating a lot. More than likely an anal fissure.

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    • I've had anal fissures before, and I'm pretty sure that wasn't it (maybe related to it?). I think anal fissure results in only a small amount of blood. This one has a lot of blood, so much that I thought I was on my period at first. The bleeding lasted for a few days like I was having a diarrhea except they were mostly blood instead of feces.

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  • paramore93

    Most likely a larger anal fissure ..
    If the blood was red then it came from lower down in the digestive tract, most likely the rectum ..
    Just get checked out if it's worrying you ..

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    • It happened a long time ago. It just disappeared a few days after.

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  • suckonthis9



    What it means, is that it is probable that you will soon die.
    It is likely that MDR bacteria and /or candida fungus will invade your bloodstream, and you will die within days to months (depending) from sepsis.

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    • But it's been a few months and I'm still alivešŸ¤”I don't think hematochezia is linked to sepsis.

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      • suckonthis9


        If this is the cause of the hematochezia. There are others that are also linked to sepsis.

        It is possible that you had developed sepsis, but your immune system had fought it off. This does not mean that you are in the clear, because it does weaken your immune system for a prolonged period of time.
        If you are re-infected, which is very likely, the infection will likely be far worse, and it is increasingly likely that it will kill you.

        Don't forget that you might not yet be colonized by some particularly nasty bacteria and fungi that are currently rapidly spreading around the world.
        If you become co-infected with any of these, the next time it happens, it is probably about a 100% chance that you will die from it, because the doctors have no treatment options for these.

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        • suckonthis9

          Sepsis Statistics

          -More than 1.5 million people get sepsis each year in the U.S.
          -About 250,000 Americans die from sepsis each year
          -One in three patients who die in a hospital have sepsis

          In adults, these common infections can lead to sepsis.

          -Gut, stomach, or intestine infection (11%)


          Keep in mind that this is based on historical data, with the most recent being several years old.

          The incidence of severe sepsis is likely to skyrocket in the next few years, because of the rapid spread of non-treatable MDR bacteria strains and Candida auris.

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