Pooping naked

is it normal to feel the urge and act upon it to take off my clothes when pooping. i do not feel comfortable pooping unless i am not wearing anything at all. no shirts, shoes, headware, or jewerly. it feels more natural and if i'm wearing clothes the poop just wont come out.

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86% Normal
Based on 6149 votes (5315 yes)
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Comments ( 44 )
  • benhead2010

    Clothes are over rated and suck ass they are the worst creation ever! So ya it's normal lol

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    • Danielfrayne

      Precisely what I said, that why I'm always naked

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  • secret_cloud

    I do the same thing! Only, I prefer to keep my bra on. :-P And my long hair HAS to be "up".

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    • Droolzz11

      19 yrs male- I have been doing this for a while now, and when I go, everything comes off. Haha xD it feels so much better.

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    • Banananonymous

      Yeah my hair has to be up too! The bra thing varies day to day.

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  • supaflyafro

    i feel more comfortable too. it makes me feel good. how many of u have ever had to take a bath/shower, ran the water, took of ur clothes, then all of a sudden u had to take a shit? feels better pooping naked then with clothes, doesnt it?

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  • sexyitalian

    Wat if u have a bandaid on?

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    • Banananonymous

      Those are fine

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  • Nitti

    It feels more natural to me without clothes so i get where your coming from.

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  • decibel

    I used to take my shirt off when pooping, but never all my cloths. I guess the important thing is remembering to put your clothes back on before you leave the bathroom

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  • chicken471bologna

    Yeah. It's totally normal

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  • fer22309

    Idk but my nephhew has been doing that since he was born so I guess it's normal lol

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  • honeybear

    Yeah. It's totally normal. A lot of people I know do that.

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  • EAT_IT

    I poop naked whilst holding my feet over my head.

    I won't touch food for awhile afterwards but when I do I wanna make sure it's a very tasty meal.

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  • oohnanana

    I was just about post this same question i though i was the only person. i gotta be ass naked or i worry im gonna get shit on my clothes not that im messy or anything lol idk

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  • Immortal635

    i agree to disagree. meaning basically i do and don't think it normal. but hey what is normal if you wanna shit naked its all you friend. I've only shit naked when I've had to shit before getting in the shower. other then that i just pull the pants down and lift the shirt up. normal to me. cheers.

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  • angelsspike

    What about in public?

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    • Banananonymous

      Yup I do it at work all the time if I have the time to.

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      • Jennifer21

        No, really in public?

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  • Zacharymli

    I've never heard of completely undressing to poop. No one I've ever talked to about washroom habits has ever mentioned it. That said, other than it taking a little bit longer and probably being inconvenient in public washrooms, I don't see a problem with it. It seems unnecessary to me, but if it works for you...

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    • cemrath

      I wouldn't dare do this in a public restroom. But at home totally natural.

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  • yowhatthehell

    See, I'm a certain way... Like sometimes I can get in, shit and get out. But other times, I'm like "Is this a naked shit? This is a naked shit." And then I strip myself of EVERYTHING, including jewelry and whatnot. Not even my hair can be down. Idk, I'm glad other people do it!

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  • Shay3000

    Fellow naked shitters yr not alone clothes are restricting an life is stressful if the only time u can be free is when u shit so be it!!!!

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  • KoldKen

    I'm a 44 year old guy and I have always pooped naked. I worry about getting my clothes soiled and if I'm naked, they stay clean. I NEVER pooped the whole time I went to school. I always waited till I got home. I hate public restrooms, but I have had to go a few occasions which was mildly traumatic since they are often filthy. It's good to know I'm fairly normal.

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  • milabu

    I did that too but I don't understand why.

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  • DhGlory

    I take a dump naked only if I'm going to have a shave and a shower after :) Shit. Shave. Shower the three S's of manhood.

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  • Yeah the shirt but that's for a different reason

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  • lovekills

    yea its normal. sometimes i feel so uncomfortable i cant put on my panties after i take a dump so id have too be in the bathroom for like at leas 2 mins

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  • cmoney

    Yes! As a little kid I would. I used to think that becuase my clothes were on my clothes would stink haha

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  • abbey02

    I used to feel that way! It would make me feel funny if my clothes were on and the only way comfortable for me was to be naked. Don't worry :)

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  • chicabonita

    What do u do at work? Strip down to take a shit?

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  • brandon101

    I do it is ok, whats so bad about i cant even name 1 bad reason about it, not like its the law not to poop naked i do it when im alone at my house Its not bad, we shower naked, we were born naked (not with cloths 0_0), but keep cloth close by in case of enmergcy like fire, you dont want to walk out naked? -Brandon101 =D

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  • onlypostshaikus

    I don't poop naked
    Pooping naked is unusual
    I shit fully clothed

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  • Endigo

    My nephew does that all the time. I feel weird being completely naked on the pot, but I completely take off my pants.

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  • nekkidpooper

    i poop naked when i’m at home. i don’t remember when i started or why....don’t have any memories of my mom or pops dropping turds in their birthday suits when i was a youngster either....some people pick it up from their parents at a young age. it’s just more comfortable in case i really have to grunt and strain to get it all out. i use(d) a lot of different opiates recreationally very regularly and i get pretty constipated from them. i only go once every 3-4 days when i’m lucky, and pooping is a serious thing. sweating heavily is the norm and clothing just make me hot as hell.

    pooping naked isn’t a deal breaker for me though...if i’m at work i pull my shirt up and sorta hold it around my chest with my arm so as much of my torso is exposed as possible, while having my pants and boxers around my ankles like any other person. at a friends or relatives house? any upper body clothing like a tshirt or hoodie etc comes off and pants are around my ankles.

    i’m actually pooping naked at home as i type this on my ipad.

    cheers to all naked poopers!

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  • Sunflowerchild_

    Omg I literally have to do the same thing!!! I thought I was weird!

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  • PeterSvP

    Guess who is pooping naked right now... And researching the same question. xD. I was about 8 when I started pooping like that. I just feel more relaxed and comfortable to poop naked.

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  • Lilfrosti

    I have long hair so i usually use my trapper hat to keep my hair back, but other than that i am fully nude baby!! F**k clothes amiright?

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  • Jayemen

    Fairly common and normal. Female friend of mine routinely takes her shirt off before going to the bathroom in her apartment, then bra and pants, undies once she's in there. Says it feels better and lets her "let loose". We joke about that all the time.

    I'm used to it when visiting or she's at my house, but she can surprise people at times. Was at my house when some of my guy friends were visiting, and got up from the couch, took her shirt off (getting much attention, as she's also hot and beautiful), and headed down the hallway to my bathroom. My guys asked..What was that all about? I had to explain, I know her well, and she needs to lose her clothes before going to the bathroom.

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  • Drakonski

    Laying a turd while naked allows you to focus on and get in touch with your body for a few minutes. That's healthy and natural, so certainly normal.

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  • the_myth_the_legend

    I poop naked at home.

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  • bnrslyr

    Ive been doing this my whole life. I was raised on a farm and walked around naked everywhere as a toddler. No worries no cares. So it only felt normal to continue that with the bathroom. Then I was forced to wear clothes, but still always took a #2 naked. Still do it, if people think you are weird, they are the weird ones. You think native people think its normal to wear clothes all the time? No. Clothes are a human invention. It takes a lot to get comfortable to take a deuce for some people its understandable, I say normal.

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  • Hicor13

    Guess who's pooping naked right now?

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    • Wildestrs

      Meeeee too that's the only reason I found this question haha

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