Porn is disgusting, putrid, and vomit inducing
Enough said in the title. Porn makes me want to gag. No joke.
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Enough said in the title. Porn makes me want to gag. No joke.
Ok why would all the porn lovers come here and get mad at someone who doesn't like it?? Explaine why u feel the need to get angrey/mad at someone who finds sexual encounters with ppl who barely know eachother having sex for others to watch disgusting! Jeesh ppl need to chill. Wht happened to freedom of speech (without getting bombarded by haters)
I totally agree I have NEVER liked it. Everything about it disgusts me. All I can think about is how fake and stupid and disgusting the people probly are in real life. It grosses me out to the extreme. I am turned on by real passion/love and imperfections. Porn is fake in every way and dirty to the max.
This is the internet so most everyone here is a teenage male despite their profile personas, including myself, so of course your going to get a negative reaction. Having just finished watching some porn I can say without bias that is indeed disgusting. I mean watching two (usually more) strangers having usually rough, grotesque sex and knowing most of the participants have done so hundreds of times and rarely know their partners is disgusting. I mean yeah watching someone fulfill a fantasy of yours you could not do in real life is entertaining but it kind of damages your view on reality.
I mean no girl enjoys dressing up like a school girl being ravaged by fifteen old guys and then taking shots to the face while being chocked to near incapacitation, and why people enjoy watching it is beyond me.
It's okay, I see what you mean. It's infested with whores and disgusting men. But if it keeps kids from fucking eachother in real life then I say they can watch what they please.
Of course it is! only sick people like it, people who take girls name in vain!
Some people are just offended by the lack of respect they see in a filmed sexual act. Admittedly, pornography depicts most people's inner desires and can be harsh or seem dirty. It's certainly not romantic and deep. I think it's possible you have issues for some reason, but at the same time you could just be sensitive about sexual privacy. If you hate it, don't watch it, simple as that.
Pornography DOES NOT reflect my innermost sexual desires. Sexuality is not that large a part of my life anyway, and the desires I do have are very specific and geared towards love, connection, beauty, healing, warmth, and becoming one. Porn offers me nothing, and seriously does make me want to throw up (it's a physical reaction).
I was not suggesting that porn did reflect your inner most desires... Ummm... the fact that you were defensive there seems a bit strange, are you hiding something? Like maybe that it does reflect your inner most desires and you can't come to terms with that because mommy taught you it was wrong to want sex in any other form but through a hole in the nighty while your wife held a bible under the left arm and prayed for absolution for daring to enjoy a good banging???
If you're so in touch with your higher self, so enlightened about sexual energy then why are you posting your opinion on here? You're obviously quite happy with your situation, so you're certainly not asking us if you're normal. I think you're just trying to spark a fight on a hot topic and using INN as a soap box so you can stand taller than the rest of us and air your complaint. So fine, air your complaint, but next time you're tapping your energy from your lofty perch with your legs wrapped around your neck, ask your higher self if you have the right to judge anyone at all for anything... And while you're there, don't forget to try and give yourself a blow job - you seem just the type - oh and please swallow because it's totally organic I promise and you're just putting back what you shot out, so no worries. It's less messy that way. Oh YES, and just a passing thought, take the log out of your eye before you point out the speck in others.
And by the way, as a woman, I fucking worship porn baby. I live for it!
Thanks man. I tried, but this cake is just unreasonable it seems. Who cares if he has issues about porn?
Oh God, no wonder he's posting this shit on here, he sees himself as a prophet (no less) and he's trying to change the world to his way of thinking so he can float above us - maybe even on a cross - and die for our sins. I wonder if we should tell him that we really don't care? Ooops, he might READ this then the cats outta the bag.
Shit hey, some people really do have God complexes. How about that????
Just look at his other stories - and check this out, from one of his posts....
Sometimes I Feel as Though I'm a Prophet
39% Normal26 Comments
Yes, as the title suggests, I strongly and firmly believe sometimes that I am some form of a prophet. Yes, strange, I know, but true in every way. What kind of prophet?
I believe that I will be perhaps just one in a humanity-altering event some day in the near future. I believe that I will revolutionize humanity into a higher and penultimate form that will culminate in a utopian society where we live in absolute and utter harmony.
Why do I have these thoughts? Well, to elaborate every reason would take me quite a while and more time than I currently have to type this, yet it all has to do with my ideals, which in my eyes are revolutionary.
So yes, they're just thoughts and possibilites, yet I believe them sometimes. What do you think?
Porn is a little gross...but honestly..I just laugh my ass off when I watch it.
I love how sketchy the story line is... how fuck ugly the guy is and tell me why the girl has to be some plastic surgery butchered chick with big boobs that are clearly fake . ugly spray tans.. and the typical bleach blonde hair or something along those lines. It gets even funnier when the sex starts cuz seriously as a woman myself iknow those moans are and so called "lesbian porn" is even worse .first off it's 2 straight chicks who learned a few moves and decided to make a video for guys who like girl on girl. Now I've only seriously attempted to watch porn once and why I say serious is because it's so hard to actually take lesbian porn seriously(if u haven't noticed.. I like girls) lol. They should jsy call it 2 straight sluts having sex. so yes I get more turned on by a softcore makeup scene in a movie then porn. it is rather pathetic.
pron is just like a dildo. Mainly addressed towards men (since no dildo like mechanism will ever do it for men) but not exclusively.
For this your going to get a lot of hate/love comments but it's good, Women in porn videos let there selves put in that situation it's all bad but people still going to watch it
I can say that how you feel is normal! good job!
Everybody has their own turn-off's. Don't judge whoever posted this. It's normal, it's just not common.
This is perfectly normal! Some people can't get enough of porn, but I'm like you, I hate it too. I guess it's just a matter of opinion, some like it some dont!
Porn is just a tool that people use as visual aid. Some people are obsessed with it, that's another story. Its not so bad but I see your point. It can be totally gross and stuff. I watch sometimes but I'm very picky. I have to find the people attractive and I hate when its super raunchy and fake. Like fake horrible moaning is just lame, and certain other things. BUt for most people who enjoy sex and enjoy watching others partake in such acts its all good. I'm sure not all pornstars are nasty disgusting people. They are just willing to do what we want to see.
I was reading some of the comments and I realized I despise society because they forgot how to talk to one another. All they do is put one another down when instead they could just be giving their thoughts in not such a rude way...Anyway, I think porn is something interesting, whenever I've watched it I get turned on but afterwards I feel kind of disgusted with myself. That's why I don't watch it anymore, I don't want to feel that way towards myself, why I feel that way could be because porn is so fake and shallow most of the time from my experience. It feels addicting and if you don't have enough self control it's easy to become addicted. Personally I don't want people I don't know to have so much control over me. They don't deserve it. Im not trying to put down others who watch it, I'm just putting my point of view out there, so don't get mad at me telling me you love porn or that I'm a prude for not thinking it's so great and wonderful. That's a little ridiculous.
Porn, IMO, is fine for getting over curiousity....once thats done its just, for the most part, about abusing women and paying them to allow it. Its a freak show with oversized d!cks that are injected with poison to "fluff" them up. Yeah sure a little petite girl wants her butt prodded with a 2 foot d!ck....sure they like it....right.
0.o i think porn can be vulgar it seems disgusting when you think about it lool its made for other people to fulfil there sick little minds and its not romantic in any way but on the other hand i cant say i never got a kick out of it >.<
dude stfu. if you are "refined" and "of a higher concsience, then why the hell are you on the internet? It seems to me like you want everyone here to know how much better you are than the rest of us unrefined peasants, while the real truth is that you are unhappy with your self image and/or you have sexual issues. And cgirl123456, you should also shut the fuck up because the fact is that pornography has no influence on whether a man will beat his wife/children. However, i would agree that a lot of porn does demean women, but you shouldnt judge people for liking it. You sound a lot like the bible thumping crazies that kill in the name of God. Well newsflash jackass, one of the principal beliefs in Christianity as well as most religions is Not to judge others. Stop being so self-righteous and get a real fucking life.
I think you have to define your terms. There are many genres of porn just as there are many genres of mainstream movies. There's a huge difference between a feature adult film with a story that includes graphic sex between consenting adults and extreme hardcore gonzo films where the woman is subjected to humiliating acts like being pissed upon, etc. The bottom line is that if the graphic sex is consensual and respectful between the participants, it's all good, and can be highly erotic.
It's interesting to me that porn is the one industry where women are the true stars and highest earners. The female performers earn much more than the men, and are much more recognizable. Rather than degrading women, I think most porn celebrates and empowers them. My wife agrees with me, and loves watching it with me.
oh boy.. this classicalman chickenshit makes mee laaugh ! i just looked up other posts... hooly shit.. hes actually mentally retarded.
"FYI, everyone is selfish, including you, otherwise you wouldn't exist." You're a fucking idiot. "It's not going to change." Even a bigger fucking idiot. Stagnant mind, sickly soul. Vomit inducing. BTW it's not about how much time you've had, but how you've used it, and it's quite definite I've used my time two thousand times greater than your pathetic existence.
Nope. Wrong. End of story. There are worthless barely human "sentients" polluting out psychic atmosphere. They're hopeless. I can't do anything for them but wish them dead. I can't enlighten them via non-demeaning methods; YOU THINK THEY'RE GONNA FUCKING LISTEN, DO YOU?????? SDFJHDSFUHSDUFWE87YTR78W23EGFYUWEGFYUWE THAT'S HOW INSANE I AM, FUCKTARD.
.. its funny because he said his "existence" is greater than this other person.. however.. he spends his time on this site.. starting shit on posts relating to sex... while the rest of us are actually going out and getting some.
I'm also not a fan of porn. I never found it "disgusting," but boring. To me it's like the appeal of a photo of a bowl of oatmeal when I'm hungry in the morning after two hours of practice. The photo does nothing but make me hungrier without satisfying my hunger.
Ah! That reminds me, time to go watch some porn and get down with my bad self.
You dont like porn? You sure you just dont want to admit that you do? Otherwise orgasms are pretty extraordinary, you should try it
It's natural just like eating and sleeping which are also things we see on camera :)
Mmm... Eating, OM NOM NOM! :D
WOW, people need porn to realize that people are fake and stupid in real life? how naive can you be?
Real love? love is dirty too, we are animals, you, too, are an animal, You have teeth with which to bite and hands with which to strangle, You piss and shit and breathe and fuck like all ther animals, You bleed, like all animals do.
Nature is alwas strong than Nurturance, the desire to only love(nurturance) will always lose to the desire to fuck(nature)
I personally never want to watch it either but at the same time I'm a girl. I think it is rather disturbing and fake but maybe in the future I wouldn't mind watching it with my boyfriend. I really wouldn't care if he watched just as long as he didn't try to force me to watch it and as long as he thought I was still sexier than all the girls in the videos. :)
lolz the top posts are all anti porn, middle posts are all porn is alright, and the bottom posts are all pro porn... Come on, porn is one of the fastest growing industries in my country, this means one thing, people spend a lot of money on porn. If you don't like porn you are the minority at this point (nothing wrong with that). But one thing that annoys me is not the people that don't like porn themselves, but the ones who try and shove their feelings about it on others! grr
Same, actually! I like watching pictures of nice boobs and bodies but whenever some guy's penis comes in I'm done
Agreed. I don't like porn at all. I mean... I hate the dead look in all the girls eyes. It's disturbing. Sex should be loving and passionate, not just... Out there. I'm a proud Atheist and yet...
I can understand not liking porn. I hate it because I think it does exploit people, and I know that the profits made from selling porn are often used by criminal organisations to do horrible things, and it doesn't do anything for me, I very rarely get turned on by people's physical appearances or actions, I'm much more attracted to personalities or words. Saying that, I do read erotica. No one gets hurt to make it, there's a huge amount about, ranging to ones with storylines to simple fetish ones. I agree with what a lot of people are saying, don't like don't view - it's fine to have an opinion and feel strongly about something, but don't ram it down someone's throat. You're a lot more likely to persuade people to your way of thinking if you treat them with respect.
yeah, often times i find porn disgusting at first....especially with the genitals showing and stuff, but i enjoy watching it without showing those sensitive parts..i think that's the only thing that makes porn gross for me.
If that's what it does to you the solution is simple -
don't get it & look at it.
It's one of the few things that won't come at you,
One needs to actively seek it out.
Accidently get a dash of porn on your pc via searches?
Simple again, put your settings on high level filters and even ones parents use to prevent their kids getting it on the pc.
You can lead a full life without porn. So why even think or ask about it, it's irrelevant to you..There are styles of music I can't stand so I don't download them off You Tube or give a damn about others who like such & listen to it -irrelevant to me.
We live in a very wide world of different things and different folks & it's ludicrous to dwell on what we are not into & don't need to deal with.
Commercials & advertisments one doesn't like are prevalent from billboards to TV. These are harder to avoid.& would me understandable if complained about.
You are nore normal than most people today are.
Being the excpetion(and you are not an exception in this matter either) doesn't necessarily mean you are the one who has the problem.
Well we all know whoever posted this is not a man...
But still...... NOT NORMAL. At least in my opinion
im a girl and i look at porn sometimes because it makes me feel good...down there...but u sound like a prude. but i'll say ur normal anyway.
I think it's normal to think porn is disgusting, but if you don't like it then don't watch it!
I don't think it's normal to think that porn is disgusting. I think people who find it disgusting have been programmed to think that way, or just won't admit to the fact that they secretly do enjoy it. How can anyone say that they can enjoy sex with another person, with all the images that invokes, and then not enjoy viewing pictures of the same, only of other people?
I disagree, but you do what you want.
Just keep in mind that the mass majority finds prudes really annoying.
It's just preference. Some people like Anchovies. Some people like monster trucks. Some people have some crazy obsession with keeping their lawn perfect. The key here is not to judge people as long as what they do doesn't harm others.
*sigh* as most of them say, you don't have the right to judge anyone who watches porn, if they do, they're just satisying innate human desires. At least they're not going out and raping people! But yeah, i think that most porn is pretty nasty.....hey! There's something we agree on! (kinda)
Wtf CLASICAL MAN !! you clearly have noting better to do than bulshit about what we reply to in (iin) questions we are all intitled to our own opinions here .. so id appreciate if you would stop commenting on what we write you think you no every thing if you no so much then go put your knowlage to some thing better then this,
i watch it with my bf lol but only to see stuff to try. he probably watches it but who cares? its a personal thing and if you want to watch it go for it, if youdont thats cool too. everyone has their own opinion.
ugh!!!!!!!!!! porn is the only thing that makes my pussy automatically wet!!!
HA! Guess what, I'm so revolted by porn, it doesn't even turn me on. The lack of refinement and love is just putrid.
porn is like ciggarettes it grossses most people out at first its an acquired taste ive always liked hentai but real people almost alwaya makes me sick... i think its normal
Not liking porn > not liking sex > fag.
There are various porn categories and everyone has at least one category that they like, except fags like OP. I don't know who would vote this to be normal.
sex is a beautiful thing. some things are over the top, but if you can have sex yourself, then you should be able to accept the fact that people watch it.
only agreed if you are talking about
otherwise NO
Are you a conversative Christian, maybe female? That could explain your odd belief.
Hmm nothing wrong with porn. If you don't like it and it makes you sick, don't watch it. If you can't stop thinking about it maybe you're angry and jealous and have problems with yourself. Because yeah, some people don't like it, but you sound like you have issues with it. Chill out, each to their own and respect
x A x
Are you kidding.... I am a woman people say i am classy and i have to get my dise of porn everyday... open up your mind yo... there is something for everyone and might help you to learn some tricks
What are classical mans other posts he is hilarious in the way he is so ingnorant and stupid? I mean seriously the guy is an asswhole
Let me guess, some sort of religious freak? Also you missed out "no pun intended" when you said it makes you want to gag. Fucker.
well i enjoy porn <im a girl under 18 > but it does turn me off ... get a gf or a bf if u dont have one then ;/ its hand n the internet 4 u ;) but like diff ppl have dif opinions ;P i mean u can learn a lot from them like dif posisions n kinky stuff u can do n just things lika 'meantal sex expirance' lmaoooo yh ;P
A lot of porn is really gross. I dont get how people like some of the stuff you see around. A lot of it is really demeaning towards women. They are portrayed as worthless sluts that exist to satisfy men. It is very ugly. Its also not realistic at all because the people in them are all so plastic.
However I would be lying if I said i have never been turned on by porn. Porn is especially good if you are single and dont want to sleep around. Its much safer to watch it and masturbate. It gets it out of your system. Its also good for couples who want to try and get some spark back in their relationship. They can watch it together.
I think their is a genre for everyone. If one makes you feel sick then find one that doesnt. What turns you on? Im sure there is a porn flick about that very thing.
That's fine, just don't judge me for watching it, or anyone else. Porn is mostly a guy thing, and is as old as civilization, at least, and perfectly natural.
I do judge people for watching it, because the love of porn determines a low conscience level. You have no idea about sexual energy I presume. Too bad. You're missing out on great wisdom.
Please, enlighten us. I'd love to hear all about sexual energy from a virgin who thinks sex is overrated and selfish.
You are the second most annoying person I've ever seen posting on this website. Get over yourself. If you're so great and such a genius, stop inquiring to us peasants as to whether or not your self-aggrandizing behavior is normal.
Youre not straight. You are in denial. Straight men dont get off watching men have sex. At the very least you are bi.
PookyPoo -- Why would you say I'm in denial? I haven't said anything here that isn't true. Can't you grasp the concept of a straight guy wanting to try something different for a change? Don't you think that there are MANY MANY guys out there who would wish for the same, but are afraid to act upon it due to an already established marriage, relationship, etc? If I were Gay (which I'm not), I wouldn't have reason to deny it. If you feel you have to put the Bi label on me, that's fine, I don't mind. I just don't know why everything people want to do in life has to be categorized by others. I just want to have fun!