Positive nihilism

I've noticed that in my school some people are starting to reach the point where they are beginning to question their existence, and are going down the route of existential crisis.

I mean I started going through this phase at like ten (still am tbh) so its... Interesting to watch from a distance as other people unravel. So far no one has thought of it in a positive way, as in nothing in life matters so do whatever you want- the world is your metaphorical oyster and what not. I think this 100%, do whatever and have fun (within reason no murder sprees or anything) because who cares

What do you lot think. Positive nihilism or nah.

theres not a reason for us to live so why live in the first place 4
eh a bit in the middle 2
hell yes. nothing matters and i feel great. 3
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Nickvey

    i used to dazzle people with bullshit when i didnt know what else to do because it works. it just never worked on me.

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  • bsnews


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