Possible to be overly patriotic?

One of the guys in my english class in college is so patriotic that he carries a large american flag and stand with probably a 9ft pole with him everyday to class and sets it up in front of the room. I'm not saying there is something wrong with it, I just want to know does anybody know another person who does something like this?

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Comments ( 80 )
  • Juche1

    America is fascist county that has been declaring wars all around the world to benefit the big businesses and capitalist pigs of the wall street gang.

    With all the war crime that the U$ have committed it is understandable why people hate the imperialist Americans

    U$ imperialism must be stop it cannot continue forever.

    "The people of the countries in the socialist camp should unite, the people of the countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America should unite, the people of all the continents should unite, all peace-loving countries should unite, and all countries subjected to U.S. aggression, control, intervention or bullying should unite, and so form the broadest united front to oppose the U.S. imperialist policies of aggression and war and to defend world peace." Mao Zedong

    "The peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America have common interest and are in the position to support each other in their anti-imperialist and anti-U.S. struggle. As long as Africa and Latin America are not free." Kim Il Sung

    America and its imperialist ways must be stop or the world will not be free



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  • i carry a nine foot pole with me, but it has nothing to do with patriotism.

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    • unless you call guys cunts too, then ignore that

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      • first of all i ignored it because you wrote it and second, yes, i do call everyone a cunt, guys or girls doesn't matter. have a good night flikr.

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    • you mean 9 mm dont you dickhead

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      • "you mean 9 mm dont you dickhead"

        hey i'm american don't pull that faggot metric shit on me, doofus.

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        • well its about time you went metric isnt your the best country in the world imperial is primitive its for cavemen neanderthal

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  • Bobert

    Nine foot pole? That would be extremely awkward carrying around halls and going through doors. I'm surprised your college allows this. I once got a warning for simply dressing as a pirate to college one day.

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  • bioboy

    That is pseudo-patriotism.

    A real patriot is best defined by Mark Twain:

    "A patriot is a person who loves his country at all times and his government when it deserves it."

    What is being shown here is blind obedience and thoughtless passion. Such a person would easily have been in the SS in Hitler's Germany.

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    • LOL. You are so right because when we were talking about the halocaust he said something about the way Hitler killed the jews was "effective" I couldn't believe he said that. I don't like it when people make lightly and even joke about things like the halocaust and particularly things that happen in the US like 9/11 or hurricane Katrina.

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      • That is one of my favorite quotes BTW.

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  • If you hate america and you live in another country then you are just jealous!!!! ahahahaaaahahaha!!!

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    • Jelous of what V?

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  • Legion

    I dont understand why a patriot is always assumed to be American. A patriot can be for any country.

    I like America, but I dont care for some of the goverment laws and policies at times. I believe war is a last resort(Unless were attacked), but if we have to go to war, we need to do our best to win. also, I salute those who fight for us, even if I dont quite agree with the war itself.

    aways thank your veterans, even if you dont like war. They fought so that you have the freedom to say that you like/dont like (Insert item here)

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  • ^^one of the funniest things ive read on iin

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  • CaptainObvious

    I dare you:
    To arrive to class before him, with a similar pole boasting the French flag (you Americans hate the french, right?). Hang it exactly where he hangs his flag.

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  • awelstoo

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha what a fuckhead. any patriotism is bad, it's just another way of saying "i am better than you because of my geographic location" ie racism. oooooonly in america!

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  • ProudeAmrericanUSA

    this is a verry good sine.us amerrican's need too be patryotic becoz if we wer not then it wood not be good. i am personly verry tutched and it warms my hart to no that all of us from the unitred states off usa is patritotic.:D

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  • IveGotBallsOfSteal

    He's probably just rebelling against all the liberal college leftist commies that your college along with all colleges are overrun by.

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  • beth_baby_watson_xx

    you're allowed to be this patriotic if your a southern american. if you're from anywhere else then yeah its not allowed.

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  • GalacticEgg

    Sounds like a psychology experiment to me.

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  • BrightEyes

    There's nothing wrong with being a little patriotic, having pride in your homeland and all that but some people DO take it too far. Especially here in the south. >.>

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  • Defsing

    Another brainwashed american who's parents told their children that the Americans always win the wars and always help the weak. I find most grown Americans to be small children in there head and complete ignorant pricks who cant take there head out there arse and realise that America isnt the only country out there.

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  • HawkEye1211

    America is not free hahahaha


    Free masons?

    9/11 was an inside job. 2 planes hit 2 buildings and 3 buildings fall down.

    Youtube "TheAntiTerrorist" he will explain it far better than me. America is not free. Next few years all you Americans will see things very differently and hate your corrupt government. And yes it will come to where i am, the UK too afterwards. Do some research, to those people who think america is a happy place full of happy people and an amazing government.


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  • Mentalist4MudkipzLulz

    ...Yeah but, when i get my 9Ft pole out people just Grin at me

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  • Zedhunter


    Getting back onto the topic of the question you actually asked though, I haven't seen anyone do this.

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  • dramakid15

    he might have a mental health issue. I know kids at my high school who do things like that, only one of them carries a BIG stuffed animal! it's HUGE like a little bigger than he is. So ask around, and see if he has autism, epilepsy, etc..

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  • lk4me

    i know you're not asking, but yes, there is something wrong with that.

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  • razzlers53

    wow i guess none of you assholes bothered to read that the instance this happened was on 9/11...whatever this sounds like fabrication anyways.
    in any case, you're all still fucking pathetic

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  • ajk71486

    Ok on the topic of the I'll support the troops when someone joins the military for "no pay" I am in the military and I will set your sorry a** straight right now...how bout you try being required to be on call 24/7, getting paid pennies on the hour...E-3 pay is about 1400 a month tops. If you are single you live in a room that is about 10x10 in the barracks, have a roommate, a desk and wall locker, share a bathroom with another room, have your room inspected for cleanliness weekly, have rules about what you can have in your room-not just illegal things but certain other things, if you are married you get crap for a housing allowance if you are low ranking, you are forced to put your family second, no matter how old you are if there is a smart a** 20 year old E-5 that thinks he is god's gift to the world you have to listen to him, and for all this you get the fun of being sent to places that are hot as sh*t, people shooting at you, and the possibility of not coming home...when you have the balls to do all that for the money we make then I might have a little empathy but until then you sound like a worthless piece of sh*t to me that doesn't appreciate the freedom you have that others put their lives on the line to protect

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    • Ok I don't know who you are talking to but you sound like an asshole to me but that's besides the point I guess. I just wondered if anybody had heard of anybody else doing something like that, not if it was normal or not. Jesus Christ why don't you go take your anger out on somebody else? It's not my fault you get paid shit, and FYI I wanted to join the Army but I can't because I have a son and I just cannot leave him here, I need to be his mother. Oh and one more thing, people in the military can get food stamps and getting 600-1000 bucks a month for housing is enough to get a fairly decent apartment at least where I live it is. I get paid $1250 a month and guess what? I make it just fine without welfare!

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      • bloop

        I think he meant to say that to flickr guy... since flickr was talking about how he basically doesnt think our troops are worth shit

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  • alaztair

    That guy sounds like a fucking douche-bag. Take his flag and set it alight. That'll get the little bitch hopping mad. Then ask him if he wants you to put it out. When he says 'yes', piss on it. Fun for the whole class/family.

    What a freak.

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  • Sounds like a zealot. I don't think most Americans are like that (though there are enough). Just proud of their country, like anyone else.

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  • liloprado

    wow...well that's weird

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  • melisserr

    yeah thats wierd.
    forreal cause america really does suck most of the time.

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  • Ernest

    God I hate over patriotic people.

    In Australia its a huge trend to get the Southern Cross tattood on your body. The southern cross is this group of stars that are above Australia (and other nearby countries). It's also on the flag.

    At any rate, it's annoying, and this guy is definitley over patriotic. It doesnt really harm anyone I guess, unless they happen to be bigots as well who believe that they're country > all.

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  • catoman4000

    there's a guy in my town we call him flag man. he has red white and blue with atleast 3 flags and some red whit and blue overals. i think he died or moved though...

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  • _Elise_

    Not really.
    Here, we aren't even arsed to stand up when our hymn is playing.

    Each to their own. x

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  • DEO411

    The USA is too materialistic. That is why the USA has so many mental illness. 3rd world countries are poor, but mental illness is rare. We are truely paying for our sins.

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    • Hmmmm interesting thought there DEO411. Mental illness in America may also be because we are very populated, and maybe because of incest, and genetics and race. I don't really think material possessions have anything to do with it. In China and Africa for instance both countries are either populated by chinese or africans and their race probably is a factor, I've certainly never heard of a mentally retarded chinese person, but I'm sure there are some.

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  • I meant to say at the end....That's what I get for judging a person like the way some people judge a book by it's cover.

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  • I just figured out that guy actually only carried that flag because the day happened to be September 11th! Now I feel like a jerk, because I thought he was being weird only he wasn't, and I respect him now even more as a person, and appeciate him doing that. I guess this is what I get for judging a book by it's cover.

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  • MermaidPrincess

    Yeah. Overly patriotic people are scary.

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  • IkeBroflovski

    I like metric... Im 27 and I still dont have a clue how many kilos a stone is...

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    • Metric is good everything in tens its very easy isnt it

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  • buriedalive

    if someone did that in Ireland they'd be laughed outta the country, or possibly arrested for the health and safety risk XD but then, we don't really do patriotism
    it is a bit strange like, I agree with cabinet70, why not just get a portable one if hes that set on having it with him?

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    • 1234Fakestreet


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  • Pringletot

    a lot of Americans just think they are better than everyone else at like everything, that's one thing I've noticed here everyone thinks they are great at everything they do, I like America sure but if you say an American is good round here they think your saying they are the best ever and they go round thinking they are amazing, that's why the highest praise I ever give anyone is "your alright at it" and most the time I just say they suck. Just something I've noticed in the part I'm living, I know it's probably different in other places and that's not true for everyone but for the majority of people that I know it is true.

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  • Pringletot

    Way too patriotic, I've found a lot of Americans over patriotic,not to that extent but still over the top, England is the opposite, nothing patriotic there, maybe in the middle of England and America would be good

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  • No I dont know anyone like that but wouldnt a nice portable one be better he could sit it on his desk right in front of him

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      Yea improvisation is always best!!! alteast it isnt a mexican flag!!! grossss

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  • melissacooperson

    I dont care what you think. Everyone on this forum is a fucking loser! I have my own business. But coz I think all you guys are married to losers and you dont know wat it is like to be pampered. Thats all I was looking for, being a lil mollycoddled and pampered by the person who claims to love me!

    I hope you end up with no one coz anyone who gets married to you will end up killing himself anyway!


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    • cucui

      wtf is wrong with you

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  • Oh I dunno, freedom, maybe? I guess if you live in a country that is westernized you wouldn't be "jealous" but you can't hate America if you really don't know it from the inside out, and you can't if you were born in another country.

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    • and i don't support the troops either, they get paid for doing their jobs that's their thanks

      nobody joins the military to "defend their country" they join it to get college money and job training

      when soldiers start joining the military for no pay, that's when i'll start "supporting the troops"

      not to mention it's been 7 years and i still haven't figured out why we invaded iraq, i must be a little slow

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      • On the troops issue, All people who serve in any branch of the military do not get paid as much as you think. Most only get paid an average of 1,300 dollars per month, some families even qualify for food stamps, as you'd guess nobody can afford to take care of a wife and children on this type of salary.

        I support the troops, and if you think about it we have a pretty logical reason for being over there, but I just assume you are one of those people who believes 9/11 was plotted by George Bush, and the US government.

        You have no idea what it's like to be over there, and have to make the choices they have to make. This war is just like any other war. I think war is primitive and unnecessary, but it is still necessary if someone attacks us. You might not agree with me on this but if we didn't go over there in the first place, I don't think we would really exist anymore. It is time for the war to be done and over with, but don't say they don't sacrifice their lives for our freedom, because most of them are very patriotic, and join the military to SERVE and PROTECT, not to gain entirely for themselves.

        I think you should educate yourself better on the War in Iraq, and you would be surprised that instead of refuting the issue you might have your opinion turn 360 degrees, or atleast 180 degrees.

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    • America is defintely one of the best countries in the world, but it still sucks, there are still ghettos and rednecks and black people and old people, etc. They bring the good parts of america down.

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      • cucui

        There is no such thing as the perfect place u little prick theres good and bad everywhere
        the truth is tho americas pretty well set :/
        don't knock it

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      • Black people and old people? America was founded by immigrants, and just because black people don't happen to be white doesn't mean they don't DESERVE to be here! Old people? WTF? You are very immature man, I'm sorry, I mean I know a lot of people think euthanasia should be the way to go, but do you really think they believe that once they get old?

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    • Good answer

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  • i hate america, i'm anti patriotic i live here and i can't wait for it get nuked, i seriously hate this country

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    • WarLord

      Do you know how many people risk their lives each year just to get into the USA? Most people in the world would sacrifice everything to live there. I feel sorry for you, man. If you're not happy in the USA, you'll never be happy anywhere.

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      • cucui

        Fucking A

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      • XxINCHAINSxX

        Yes, stories of money have that effect on people. El Dorado, the holocaust... It doesn't always end up like they thought though.

        I hate Americas people the most, the Americans. The idea of American culture is the absense of culture. Prada wearing, iPhone sucking, Beer drinking, TV watching, fat... stupid.... lazy. I may always hate Americans, but almost everyone is also that way.

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        • I'm sorry, correct me if I'm wrong, but I can change the way my hair looks, my weight and change my attitude, my lifestyle, my political views, and my standards, but I damn sure cannot change the fact that I'm an American, not that I would want to, but by saying Americans are all the same, makes you infact an idiot. Thanks, Good Day to you! Mother Fucka! (little American style for you)

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    • You do realize if we get nuked you will die right?

      We won't get nuked maybe about 25 percent of the country, but we could blow up every country that possibly could have pushed the button first before they could shoot another missile off.

      I love america, I love my flag, I'm very proud to be here, and thankful. I don't really understand why americans choose to hate America, I guess they are just really pessimistic about life. It could be worse, you could be living in africa with a fat tummy and orange hair and dieing from starvation.

      Best Patriotic Song ever!!!

      "I'm proud to be an american where atleast I know I'm free,
      And I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me.
      And I'd gladly stand up!
      next to you
      and defend her still today.
      'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land...
      God Bless the U.S.A!!! =)

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      • america sucks

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        • you suck! lol.

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          • oh and yes i realize i would die if america got nuked, that would just be bonus

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            • No you wouldnt Flikr you could come and live in Australia with me we need more people like you here

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    • peppers44

      @flikr lol then get out bro try liveing in some other country man the grass is aways greener on the other side but can't wait for us to get nuked u do relize if we get nuked it would mean the end of the world since we'd have to declear war on whoever hit us and then other countrys are allies there allies would have to declear war and everything would end

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    • Lettuce12345

      well when america is nuked, just hope that you aren't in the way of the bomb or suffer the after effects like nuclear winter and famine.

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    • dramakid15

      right on! hahaha

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    • "America is defintely one of the best countries in the world, but it still sucks"

      hahaha i actually agree with you. Still think you're a cunt though.

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      • god dammit i'm a guy, i have a girl picture because i LIKE girls, not because i am a girl

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      • so you agree with him but when I say something you dont like it I think your a cunt

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