
Some people have a different gender identity than the one they were "assigned" at birth and wish to be addressed by a different pronoun. I get that and I'm okay with it. What I'm not okay with is that some people are SO specific about which pronoun that they will FLIP OUT if I call them the wrong thing on accident. And what's even more frustrating is that people are inventing new pronouns that aren't part of the english language.

The entire point of pronouns is to make conversation simpler and less repetitive but when you are literally inventing words that nobody else has heard of and then freak out when they slip up makes life more irritating for everyone. I get that everyone is different but if your gender IDENTITY is different than your BIOLOGICAL identity and that's not blatantly obvious, then the first— maybe even the first few times, I'll slip up, just correct me in a polite and professional manner and I'll make an effort to remember and eventually I will, unless it's some stupid made up thing that's not in the fucking dictionary, then forget it!

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Comments ( 8 )
  • horny_simpletons

    There are quite a few people on Tumblr that do this. If you identify as outside the gender binary that's okay, but why invent new pronouns? Why not go by they/them if you don't want to be called gendered pronouns?

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    • THANK YOU! Some people don't like labels. If you're literally inventing words to go by, you're going to have to LITERALLY wear a label so people know what to call you!!! (You meaning them, not you meaning simpleton)

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  • RoseIsabella

    I tend to think of people who freak out as bungholes who are having a momentary prolapse of reason.

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  • cynicalteen

    I agree. Your sex is defined before you are born, biologically. Just because someone identifies as a woman doesn't mean he is a woman. Just because someone relates more with whites doesn't mean he's white. I don't care how people identify themselves, I identify them as their *objective* sex.

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    • well if someone identifies as a different gender and wants to go by a different pronoun, in fine with that. its just when they flip out when i slip up or try to use some made up word

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  • Arm0se

    When people get start freaking out and being butt-holes about things like that, that's exactly what I call them from that point on. "Butt-hole"

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    • yes, unfortunately there are some situations where I cant do that, though

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  • stopandthink

    I feel you OP :)
    My hands can reach you through my phone's screen.

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