Prove god is real

I have a long term friend who always asks why i don't believe in god or religion. I personally believe that religion was created by our early ancestors who where afraid of what would happen after they die. They passed these beliefs down to their kids to instill an idea of what the meaning of our lives are. If our parents never told us about god, nobody would know about it. The cycle continues.

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70% Normal
Based on 27 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 68 )
  • Nikclaire

    You are asking an incorrect question. Religion is not based on proof, rather it's based on faith.

    See the below quote:

    "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" Hebrews 11: 1. Faith is the connecting power into the spiritual realm, which links us with God and makes Him become a tangible reality to the sense perceptions of a person. Faith is the basic ingredient to begin a relationship with God."

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    • JjKooda223

      But heres the thing, i can see where you’re getting at, but i would like to ultimately find proof of god, not entirely religion.

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  • leggs91200

    Who believes in Gosh?

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  • Anoverthinker

    God is not real

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  • Grunewald

    Hey, OP asked y'all to prove God is real. Is anyone going to do that?

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    • RoseIsabella

      I think OP ought to try to prove that God isn't real since that's what he believes.

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      • JjKooda223

        To say that god is real contradicts itself, being that there is no proof of god either. God was created by people who didnt even know what germs were, where there are scientifically proven facts and evidence of how our world got to the way it is now

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    • Bazinga

      Okay babe. You know this stuff better than I do.

      1. Ontological Arguments (flimsy at best):

      2. Five ways (Aquinas). This is better reasoning, but would be negated by cosmology if evidence is found showing the Universe is an endless oscillating series of Big Crunches and Big Bangs.

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      • Grunewald

        Now you're trying to provoke me ;-).

        I have a lovely image in my head of a pack of hunting dogs chasing a lone fox through a thicket til she finds a little hole in the undergrowth to crouch and hide...

        I will not be that fox.
        I don't need to win an argument.
        You can bark all you want.

        Pick on a group of Christians your own size and number.

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        • Bazinga

          Fair enough, and let all the world know that you're one smart little fox. ;-)

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    • JjKooda223

      I highly doubt it, if i told you god was real, i could also tell you i saw a cat flying a fighter jet and provide you with equal amount of evidence(None)

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      • Grunewald

        Bark, bark, bark.

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  • jodi1955


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  • TerriAngel

    My beliefs aside.
    Dont you find it interesting that all cultures came up with the same idea?
    I see what youre saying though.
    But I was raised as I was.

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  • BleedingPain

    I have 0 proof that god does or does not exist.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if there is a god hes a sadistic asshole and i gots some tough questions for him

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  • Defikatie

    You can't prove God, it is beyond our comprehension.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    Chief, you can't convince mf's nowadays that the earth is even round. No level of proof would work anyways. I'm also an atheist and don't give a fuuuuck.

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  • Hubbard

    Pizza exists

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    • Nikclaire

      Yeah but once you eat it, it turns to shit.

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      • lordofopinions


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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I dont really believe in "God" or the bible but I believe something created us and it was something intelligent. If you look at the anatomy of a human or animal it is very advanced. The lungs, heart, brain etc is a very advanced design. And in many ways it is similar to an engine in a car.

    I find it hard to believe our cells just formed all these organs that have special tasks without some type of oversight. Unless the cells are smarter than we think, of course. How could so much intelligence come from no interference? Idk

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    • howaminotmyself

      I think what people fail to so in these types of discussion is define the terms. God is very personal. God is not a person. This idea that we are made in his image is only a fraction of the truth. All life is. God is Everything. For me, I see it as energy, that spark. It isn't some anthropomorphized version of myself. How ego centric of us.

      God was "invented" as a way for us to explain the world around us. It is how our brain makes sense of things. I truly believe it is in our design. The truth is too much for our brains. As intelligent as we are, reality of the universe would make us literally crazy. We cannot handle the truth.

      Intelligence is another idea that needs defining before we start popping off about what has it and what does not. Is it the ability to communicate? And if so, do we only claim intelligence from our perspective and understanding. We are so egocentric.

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      • dude_Jones

        You may think that the meaning of life has whatever meaning you want to attach to it. But the true meaning of life is very simple, only one person in a thousand can actually understand it. The true meaning was posted on the following list that was posted seven years ago. I cannot say which one it is for fate will destroy me to keep the meaning hidden. Whoever OP is is living in danger to have put such a thinly veiled truth in view of the masses.

        Do you think the meaning of life is hidden in this list of possible revelations.

        1. There is no meaning of life, nor is there meaning to the universe, or space/time. These things simply exist.
        2. That life will always fill physical voids due to the self-replicating characteristics of DNA.
        3. That ever increasing levels of self-replicating complexity will eventually become more adaptive to the environment. For example, DNA -> cellular -> organisms -> learned and instinctive responses -> culture and social organization, etc.
        4. That at the very core of human consciousness lies the irresistible desire to have sex, procreate, nurture and shelter the young, and pass along adaptive culture and knowledge to future generations.
        5. Life is simply a medium that carries karma or spirituality.
        6. Other. Please add your wisdom to this post.

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        • Bazinga

          The answer is #2.

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      • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

        What I was attempting to explain is how intelligent of a design anatomy is. The heart supplies the blood, the lungs provide oxygen, the colon dispels toxins, the liver detoxes, the brain and gut keeps all the organs running, the muscles protect the bones. That is very similar in some ways as an automobile. You know, the automobile has an engine with a waterpump, fans, pistons, exhaust system, and ect. Of course we know the automobile was created by something intelligent. But to me a mammals body is just as intelligent and its hard to wrap my mind around it creating itself out of 0 intelligence.

        Its just hard for me to wrap my brain around that cells just came together to form such an amazing design through trial and error over many years. Maybe like you said God isnt something we can understand. But I think something intelligent designed the world.

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        • howaminotmyself

          Life mimics life. I think we understood the human body enough to duplicate its basic concepts. It is how the world works and how we understand everything. The planet itself breathes through the changing of the seasons.

          It's the idea that something created it that I cannot get behind. And that it is intelligent. Intelligence can only be understood through our perspective of it. It is a human concept and not a universal concept.

          Too often we attach human qualities to non human things. This is the only way we really know how to make sense of the world, but it does not mean it is accurate.

          The universe simply is.

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          • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

            I dont rule out anything. I have a hard time debating with most people about things like this. You said "its the idea that something created it that I can not get behind". That shows there that you are not willing to even hear other view points. You probably didn't even think about what I said. It's called confirmation bias.

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            • howaminotmyself

              That isn't what confirmation bias is. Nothing new has been presented to confirm or deny any sort of belief. You posed that an intelligent being made these machines we call our bodies. I only meant that the idea of calling our bodies a machine is not new and predates the modern use of the word.

              I am completely willing to hear a different viewpoint. How do you think I got to where I am today? I am asking you to think about the words you are using. Intelligence and machine have meaning beyond the human construct. This is me asking you to literally have a different view outside the human one.

              But this reply feels like you are trying to have issue with my words.

              So let me rephrase in an effort to communicate more clearly. I have a hard time visualizing intelligent design because I wonder what designed that? How did that energy evolve? How did come to fruition in the first place? I am open to hearing you, but you have to say something of substance and not just a talking point.

              I'll even take starseed theory.

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    • JjKooda223

      I believe that based on scientifically proven events, the conditions on earth were just right for life to exist, starting with the bacteria in the oceans 3 billion years ago that evolved, divided, and traveled, to become humans. Our species is the top of the food chain due to intelligence.

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  • Mammal-lover

    It's not even that, you can look it up. Religion or modern mythology was original"invented" to explain why there is stars why the sun comes up etc etc. Those earlier forms if religion generally had several gods and or goddesses. Or more easily spoken as the old gods wich is modern day mythology. Has evolved into Allah, God etc. With luck the next evolution will simply be us not believing any further.

    Personally I'm rather fond of the old gods.

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  • Toledorwb

    There were eye witnesses to Jesus and his acts. What other religion has several eye witnesses? John Smith alone in the woods hardly counts.

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    • JellyBeanBandit

      There are people going around right now claiming to be the son of god.

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      • Toledorwb

        There always has been. But only Christ had eye witnesses who dies horribly by sticking to their convictions of the acts they witnesses.

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        • JellyBeanBandit

          There are entire groups of people around nowadays who commit suicide for a self-proclaimed messiah.

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          • Toledorwb

            Suicide is different than persecution and murder

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            • JellyBeanBandit

              Yeah it is. Suicide is certain death, persecution and mobs is only possible death.

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    • RoseIsabella

      John Smith was a crazy weirdo.

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  • --

    I'm god! Just have faith, and anyone that doesn't agree I tell them that I work in mysterious ways. Oh and if that isn't enough I'm not gonna let you in paradise moverfuckers unless you believe in me, hell anything bad that happens I'm gonna pretend it was my wraith and thats what happens when you annoy me, k..
    My son was a mouthy bipolar so they hung him on a cross, now I tell you he died for your sins. I let him rot for 3 days then brought him back to life, still don't believe me? Ohhh yes, people can walk on water and part seas, didn't you know I'm a fucking magician

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  • lordofopinions

    God was created by mankind thousands of years ago to explain the unexplainable of the times. Now we have science and logic. Things that we can't explain we blame it on the aliens and UFOs. :-)

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    • Nikclaire

      Science and logic require just as much faith as religion when explaining the universe. By it's very definition, science is open to change and therefore always inaccurate.

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  • ellnell

    I believe in a good energy and karma. You can call that God if you like, I see it more as a collection of light energy that we can draw strength from. That would make negativity equal the Devil I suppose which kind of makes sense. Feeding into negativity is far easier than fighting to stay positive but by doing that we end up living our own hateful, bitter hell.

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  • CoastalDoc

    Think if there was absolute proof that there was a God. Not everyone would even then believe it. One estimate is that 1/3 of the angels of heaven went against him and were condemned forever because of it. If a person had absolute proof of God and went against it, would they also be damned? I believe a person is judged based on how they act on what they know. So, it is a mercy not having absolute proof.

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  • john66669

    the way i see religion is this if the bibles correct then god isnt all good as he drowned people in noahs ark to start over satan cant be all bad if he tortures the evil in hell and if jesus exists he wouldve been middle eastern or black as few whites in that area in that time but who knows until we die so i keep an open mind i also believe evolution is part of it somehow but why worry

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    • Clunk42

      I disagree. God is all good, but the evil on the Earth at that time was still great that humanity was essentially doomed. Satan is all bad; he tortures the evil in Hell because he likes torturing people, and he can't torture good people in Hell because the good don't go to Hell. Rather, he tortures the good on Earth.

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      • john66669

        dude nothings proven it is just my view chill the fuck out

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        • Clunk42

          I am calm. Why do you think I'm not?

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          • john66669

            because you worry so much about a dumb thing like religion enough to reply to me

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      • john66669

        all hail satan

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  • KholatKhult

    I don’t know. I don’t try to figure it out lol.
    My mom followed folk religion and my father’s parents were Jewish but he never said or did anything with religion. We would just celebrate country holidays or anything popular

    I just have no fucking clue where the first thing started. The Big Bang? What caused it? Fuck if I know. I don’t know if there were Gods or a single God but I guess I wouldn’t be too surprised by it :P

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    • DIO

      Why would there be a first? Maybe there was no first.
      Maybe we're all dead and what we are doing in this life will make us either go to hell or heaven.
      Or maybe we're in a video game and when we "die" we wake up and start a new game. Maybe we are just an experiment. Maybe we are all the personalities of a single mind inside a computer. Maybe the cycle of the universe is constantly repeating itself indefinitely with always the same events occuring.
      I'm sorry I went haywire. Maybe.

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      • KholatKhult

        The idea of there not being a “first” or a “start” is way too beyond me. Some people say it’s in a loop so there is no start and end but how the fuck did the loop come to be?? What started the loop???

        Even with all your examples they had to start somewhere. In my head there has to be a start, but something had to start the start right??? What started the starter to start the start?
        It’s too much lmao

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        • Nikclaire

          If you seriously ponder the universe and our place in it, you will go insane.

          There are no answers and there never will be. Trying to jump down the rabbit hole is a fools game.

          It's best just to live in the confines of our daily existance and find happiness there because ultimately, in the grand scheme of things, everything we do, is completely pointless otherwise.

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        • DIO

          Well, you see the "need" of a start when thinking with a human being logic. Maybe there was never a start and it's beyond our understanding of things. Maybe things were always there.
          But it's really hard to implement inside a human brain so I understand your confusion.

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  • Unknown_player

    I don't believe in God. I am given reasons as of lately human kind has a lot of questions when, really, we should be asking ourselves are we even worthy for the answers? Because there's always gonna be skeptics that won't take the answers seriously, anyway,so what's the point?

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