Psychonaughts welcome

Please discuss any intense experiences you've had from psychedelics, they can be beautiful or horrifying experiences but details people! Describe as best you can

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Comments ( 19 )
  • Jweezee

    I once put 4 drops of LSD under my eyelid and hung out with Alf.

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    • Cokerabbit

      Omg ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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  • Fugazi,again

    I tried the Atlantis truffles in Amsterdam recently. They are known as philosopher's stones and I can tell you this name is accurate.

    It all started with visual hallucinations like exactly the way it looks in movies, everything went wavy and colours became dull. I saw faces in thing like clouds and shadows.

    Then my mind started to race and it was like I could do an hour's worth of thinking in 1 second. I couldn't stop thinking about the universe and how it is infinite and how amazing it is that there are billions of people in the world and every one has a mind just as complex as mine.

    At one point I wasn't sure if I actually existed or if I had just imagined myself.

    I then decided that I existed but only because I could ask the question.

    I also started to see really deep meanings in art and music and it was like I was communicating with the artist and I could see their thoughts.

    It was fun at first, but after a while all the brain activity became too much for me.

    I kept thinking of philosophical questions that couldn't be answered and I couldn't stop and it was like being stuck in a constant spiral of thoughts.

    This became quite scary and I suddenly became really tired and desperately wanted to sleep just so my brain would shut up.

    After a while it started to wear off. It wasn't like being intoxicated at all, more like taking a break from being a human. It didnt become less intense over time, it just alternated between normality and tripping. As time went on, the normal periods became longer and the trippy episodes became shorter until they stopped.

    I went through every emotion possible, and it was like I used every one of my brain cells at once. It made me appreciate my human body and this reality more than ever before and I thanked God for giving me life and I thanked my friends for existing.

    After it was over, I felt more 'normal' than before, like my mind had been refreshed.

    I still dont know if I would recommend it, it was scary at the time but I felt better as a result of my experience.

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    • See this comment right here is the exact reason I want to try psychedelics. You my friend had such a wonderful experience, wow. What you described is something I'm intensely curious about and have a strong desire to explore, but also you felt better after the trip which is the main reason I want to try them myself. They can be such powerful tools to help one better oneself

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      • Cokerabbit

        Just keep in mind trips arenโ€™t always wonderful and you donโ€™t always get philosophical thoughts. You could trip out bad just make sure your comfortable with where you are and who you are with

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        • See I know all about bad trips and psychedelic etiquette, ie set and setting etc. But I always wonder do these eliminate the possibility of a bad trip. Or decrease the risk, in other words if your set was 100% the most optimal set possible, along with the setting and company would that in theory eliminate a bad trip from happening. Assuming it was possible to obtain this 100% ideal set.

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          • Cokerabbit

            It would depend on your state of mind conscious and subconscious, these things tend to come out more vividly when your high. You canโ€™t eliminate a bad trip and you canโ€™t always guarantee you will have a good trip no matter how good you feel. Just have someone with you to help during trips, most importantly someone you can trust such as a parent or sibling.

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  • Oliginal

    Done acid before but didn't experience hallucinations like I did on x. Saw people coming out of the walls and spiders and fleas crawling into my bed. The next night I saw a half of a man zombified and crawling on the neighbors roof. Scared the fuck out of me.

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  • joe-schmoe

    If you find my missing unicorn, please stop using 'shrooms.

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  • paramore93

    I refused to do it but my friends did salvia once and just watching that was absolutely terrifying.
    One thought he was falling through the floor and was just writhing on the floor screaming. Afterwards, another said there were thousands of hands reaching out into her face. Matt was just sat in the corner, took his top off and later said he could see the very fabric of the universe.
    Being the only sober one was pretty damn intense.

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    • Rictictavie

      Salvia is pretty crazy. The one time I did it one puff was all I needed. After roughly 20 seconds the world began to fade from existence. The one phrase that was said on the TV (which I remember being gibberish began playing on repeat in my mind. I could feel energy moving from my toes to my head and beyond. Each time the energy flowed it grew faster and more intense. It started to hurt. It felt like there was a fish hook in my lip and each time the energy cycled I was pulled further into the abyss. Every sound, emotion, and smell were closing over me like pages in a book. Layer by layer the book that was my existence closed on top of me growing heavier and heavier until I couldn't take it anymore. I returned 5 minutes later clutching the ottoman for dear life. I took a sip of my beer for familiarity and settled back into reality Bud light never tasted so good.

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      • paramore93

        Wow that sounds crazy! Most people I know have said they wouldn't do it again though xD

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        • Rictictavie

          I would never and have never done it again. A one time experience that was unpleasant but also amazing. Like a super intense nightmare where you wake up and you're like WHOA! Plus it only lasts 5-10 minutes, but those 5 minutes were more intense than any trip I have ever had.

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  • Not sure whether weed is a psychedelic, but I can tell you how it was. Relaxing and ticklish. I felt my legs soft, numb and tickling and I laughed a lot from it. After 5 minutes it was all gone. It felt similar to cigars (relaxing), but the laughing part was new. Quite interesting, but not enough for me to continue. It was the first and the last time for me to try it until now. I might consider this again in the future, but definitely not as a habit. It was completely non-addictive and I never had the desire to try it again ever since. People are like "oh wow so coool", some said "yeah the first time is so great", others were like "first time is not strong so keep trying it". Everybody has their own version. To me it's more of a psychological effect created by people who talk about it and become curious, rather than the thing itself, which was nothing special to me.

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    • Well as an experienced stoner, I can inform you that yes weed is in fact a psychedelic. Although when smoked the psychedelic effects are nothing compared to when eaten. Edibles can be 4 to 5 times more psychedelic than smoking weed, and yeah there's really a lot more to weed than just feeling tingly having tried it once you have scratched the tip of the iceberg and for many people that's all they want, but I can tell you now there's a whole world out there to explore if you choose to keep smoking weed

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      • RoseIsabella

        I just like hearing you use the phrase "experienced stoner"!

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        • Technically you didn't hear me use that phrase your read it, lol!

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          • RoseIsabella

            I heard it in my brain when I read it, and it was good.

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      • Rictictavie

        I didn't see the full effects of MJ until probably the tenth time. Felt nothing before that.

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