Pulling hair out of drains...iin?

There's a TV show called 'My Strange Addiction', it documents real people who have strange compulsions or behaviors. Some of the topics include people who eat nail polish, dryer sheets, detergent, rocks and dirt, a guy who dates his car, people who are adult babies, and so on. One guy on the show loved to pull hair out of drains. I was like...so what?? I couldn't understand what the problem was. He admits his habit to his friend, whose drain he secretly pulls hair out of when he comes over. Then they start talking about getting him some 'help' for his 'problem'. Really??

All of the other topics on the show were harmful in one way or another to the person doing it and/or their loved ones and I can easily see why they needed help. I don't see how this particular guy needed help. I've pulled hair out of drains myself because I have long hair and it's something that I just have to do every so often, and honestly it's pretty fun and satisfying. I don't go around doing it to other people's drains, but even if I did, what the hell's wrong with that?

I don't think he needs help either! Nothing wrong with it. 19
I think he needs help, that's really wrong. 16
He should've just come to IIN and asked!We'd take care of him! 17
Other answer, I'll comment! 3
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Comments ( 12 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Depends. Does this obsession consume his life and inhibit him from functioning? If not then I don't see the issue there.

    I don't like it when people think that unusual and problem are synonyms.

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  • All this talk and now I'm about to fashion a coat hanger and snake the depths of my shower drain!! By hand just isn't satisfying enough concidering that iI can only scratch teh surface!! BRB...

    I shall return to detail my attempts and describe the fruit of my labor!!

    If I'm not back in 15 minutes, just wait longer!!

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    • iEatZombies_

      I've been sitting right here, waiting, for THREE hours.
      Why would you do this to me?

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  • Shackleford96

    They probably just dramatized it for media sake.

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  • Ono

    It feels like every second person has to have some special label for a quirk or fussy habit. As Neuro mentioned, if it doesn't have a real impact on your daily life then there's no problem.

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  • coolio75650932

    yes we will take goooooood care of him *twitchs like a rapist*

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  • sounds revolting

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  • Justsomejerk

    Public service. Key to the city I say.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I love that photo. Anyway, I think it's silly. What's so bad about pulling hair out of the drain? It's actually quite beneficial for the plumbing so I fail to see how this could be so harmful and dangerous that he needs to come on a show and get help for it.

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  • sassafrassi

    Didn't he ask strangers if he could come into their house and do it? Maybe if he was obsessed with it and couldn't stop thinking about it but I think he was just insecure about looking like a creep.

    I wouldn't mind him coming into my house and pulling the hair out of my drain. It's a win win. :D

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    If he wants he can come to my house and pull all the hair out of my drain! Looks like Chewbacca showers at my house in there.

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  • GuessWho

    Nothing wrong with that, he's just cleaning up.
    I wouldn't mind if someone pulled hair out of my drain, he'd be saving me the effort of having to do it myself.
    I can't see how an obsession for any form cleaning can be a bad thing, unless someone is scrubbing their hands raw. (or if you're this person >> http://isitnormal.com/story/i-only-take-baths-with-bleach-and-ammoinia-37162/)

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