Putting items in your bag before paying

Is it normal to put items into your bag before paying for them? My hubby wanted to see if two folders i was purchasing would fit into his backpack without crushing. So he was going to ask the shopkeeper if he could put them in before we paid. I was horrified and shocked! You think you know someone and they surprise you with something like this!
For me, this kind of thing just isnt done! I mean the shopkeeper would think twice about customers like that! I know i would if i ran a store.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if yallre tellin the shopkeeper what yallre doin and testin the products for suitability and payin for said products then whats the fuckin problem?

    unless there were shopliftin goin on i dont see anythin worth bein 'shocked and horrified' over

    aint yall bein a bit dramatic there?

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  • howaminotmyself

    I often bring an empty bag to the store and carry my purchases around in it. When I purchase them, out go the items. I also let them look in the empty bag.

    It really isn't a big deal. Especially if you don't look all shifty while doing it.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I wouldn't even ask the shop keeper. If I want to try on clothes, like a shirt, I try it on (I always wear an undershirt, but that's beside the point). If I want to see if the camera fits in a bag I might buy for it, I try it. I've tried on shoes and walked around in them for a few minutes.
    I then take the item back out (off) and place it in the cart, so I do not see your point. The only time I would interact with shop personnel while shopping is if I wanted to open packaging or ask a question about an item.

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  • laxman209

    I'm awesome.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I don't think that's a good idea! Why can't he test them at home and return them if they don't work out?! Or, give them to someone else. Nowadays, shopkeepers are so distrustful of costumers especially, minority ones. Not only that, but other customers may be on high alter and report you without hesitation. Security cameras only pick up one side in the visuals, never the audio. Why give them the pleasure?

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  • AlleyCat4MissHairyLoveKitten

    my cousin got 3 times she got retail theft charges
    by rights the judge she came up against about 4 years ago
    should of gave her jail time but gave her a break be careful watch you do .

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