Qanon and cognitive dissonance

I was showing a friend of mine at work proof that John Brennan is a high ranking CIA officer is a analyst for NBC and is paid by NBC. James Clapper is a high ranking CIA officer and is a analyst for CNN and paid by them. I then showed him declassified documents from back in the day about Operation Mockingbird where it lays out how the CIA uses the media. They do not try to hide it anymore. CIA agents are publically on pay role. Not just any CIA agents we are talking about the ones who run the CIA.

This guy goes to wikipedia and says "oh thats a Qanon conspiracy". Even though those two CIA agents can be confirmed easily on google to be working for mainstream media companys. And there is declassified CIA documents that explain exactly how the CIA uses the media. But its "QaNoN cOnSpiRaCy" whatever the fuck that is.

This is cognitive dissonance. Even though everything I said was true and can be easily confirmed it becomes meaningless because "Qanon said it". This is similar to the term "alt right" being used to negate any opinions.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • LloydAsher

    Havent heard shit of qanon. Only people screaming about it now a days are just as stupid and fear mongering as the Qanon people.

    Let people belive whatever stupid shit they want. That's freedom for you.

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  • Boojum

    Yes, John Brennan Director of the Central Intelligence Agency from 2013 to 2017, and James Clapper was Director of National Intelligence from 2010 to 2017. Both men spent decades in the US intelligence community, playing their parts in promoting American global hegemony. And both men, having spent some time talking with Trump, concluded that he's a guy with serious personality defects, only the vaguest understanding of global politics, no vision of what role the USA should play in the world, and is utterly ignorant of the work of the American intelligence community and has no interest in learning about it.

    And, yes, both men regularly appear in mainstream media because mainstream media values their knowledge, experience and perspective. But you claiming that both are still employed by the CIA is kinda like someone asserting that you're a gardener because you mowed your neighbors' lawns to make a little money when you were a teenager.

    There's no doubt that the world-view of both men is still that of someone who spent their entire career working in the American intelligence community, but that's not the same as them being covert, active employees of the CIA. Asserting that they are both "running the CIA" is pure fruitcakery.

    As for your work colleague's response to you talking to him about this, if you've previously spouted other QAnon crap - and it is virtually all ridiculous, counter-factual, fantasy bullshit - then I don't find it surprising that his immediate reaction was to dismiss what you said. Once an intelligent person realises that someone they know believes truly preposterous things, then they tend to ignore everything they ever say.

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