Question for all the girls -- if one of your guy friends

If one of your guy friends, who you've known for years, tells you that he's into sniffing used/dirty panties and he'd be willing and interested in buying your used panties -- what would you say?

//This is a genuine question, please only answer if you're a female and if you're willing to give a legitimate answer. Thanks :)

If you dont see your general response as an option, please comment it below thanks!

gross... 6
I guess, if you're into that 3
No way, but we can be friends 3
Nope, and you're weird --> don't talk to me again 6
Sure, as long as I get paid 5
I'd do it for free, just return them after? 3
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Comments ( 7 )
  • curious-bunny

    Nice repost dog. Yes i would sell them/rent them. If I ever get more popular with my amatuer porn I will probably add a thing about that. Befo re that can happen though I need a video camera so i can take quality videos

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    • Was there already a thread with the same topic? -- I actually had no idea. Would you mind linking it?

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      • curious-bunny

        Yes tgere was, look it up mate there's a search bar for this stuff

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  • Nicole20

    I'm into weird stuff but if a good friend asked this I'd assume he was into me, so we couldn't be friends. Not because of the kink, because I don't want friends who want to fuck me and can't cop to it.

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    • curious-bunny

      That's a good point. I'd feel the sane way. It would be weird not knowing for certain but beleivijng it all the sane. That would just suck

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  • SwickDinging

    If you're considering selling used underwear then I would definitely do it online for people you don't know, anonymously if possible.

    Don't sell it to someone you are friends with, that spells all kind of trouble.

    Also you could just get a job? Worth considering...

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  • RoseIsabella

    I would have to be really hard up for cash to even consider selling my used underwear to someone, and the price would have to be really high. Regardless, this isn't something I'd want to do, and if it were absolutely necessary it would be best if he thought that the used underwear came from a source other than myself. I think it's all just way to personal. Not everything ought to be up for sale.

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