Question for christians?

I had questions I always wanted to asked.

1. Why do u want to make human race believe in your God?

2. why you threaten person with god "God going get u tonight" yet again I'm still here.

3. If you Christians want to follow New Testament then why does Old Testament still exist! Could you get rid of Old Testament.

4. If you Christians want be all loving and peace then why the hell is your God allowing u do bad things and Sin.

5. You know anyone hasn't came back from the dead to tell anyone the truth and I'm sure your relatives didn't come back and told anyone?

True fact in life is that no one won't believe you.

6. What the point reading the book if your in Law state along with policemen.

7. In law U.S you know there women won't become slave to rapist. Follow the law or get put in prison.

8." You shall not kill" and bible tells u to kill non believers or homosexuals.

9. If Adam and Eve was only two humans from the beginning? Does this mean your Fucking own sisters or brothers ( what's wrong with you)

10. Telling others their evil or demon or insults towards person then your calling our mom and dad names " how dare you!"

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Comments ( 16 )
  • AbnormallyAwesome

    1. We can't make you believe anything, but we'd like you to hear the truth, because we believe it could set you free.

    2. We don't.

    3. The Old Testament is part of our history. We don't have to forget about it in order to follow the new one. Yes, there's a lot of f*cked up things in there, but also a lot of wisdom.

    4. Without free will, life is meaningless and without sin, love would not be a real choice.

    5. Sorry, I didn't quite understand this one.

    6. The bible is about more than laws. Actually the laws hardly matter. The only law given to us by Jesus is: "Love your neighbour like yourself."
    This doesen't contradict most earthly laws. But:
    "If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." - MLK

    7. Again ... I'm not sure what you're saying.

    8. No, the bible does not tell us to kill anyone. Maybe the old testament does, but Jesus clearly said to turn the other cheek and to love our enemies. He himself even healed a man who wanted him dead.
    This is why I am a pacifist.

    9. The creation story is an ancient poem. It describes the beauty of creation and the consequence of choice. It is not a scientific paper. That's actually a fairly new idea. What if you took a modern poem about nature and treated it as a literal account? Not only would it not make sense, but you would have missed the entire point of the poem.

    10. I'm very sorry if someone has done this to you. That would have been very childish of them and a very bad representation of our faith.

    Being a Christian means following Jesus Christ. It means to act as he would have acted.
    If so called christians judge you or treat you without love it is in fact the most UNchristian thing they could be doing.

    Hopefully this helped to answer some of your questions.

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    • Here a real Christian that doesn't act harsh. I understand my questions may sound little bit hard to answer. So yes I had problems with Christians on wrong side. I don't know a true Christian just let u know I get the bad ones.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Because how do you look like know what to do eat what you sound like? Christians only take the sears challenge eating pie all over their faces.

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  • thegypsysailor

    "we'd like you to hear the truth, because we believe it could set you free."
    How do you know it's the truth when you learned it from some hypocritical pederast clergy man?
    Free from what? It's you christians who aren't free, not us nonbelievers. Get a grip.

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    • RoyRogers

      It does indeed feel like a prison to be Christian.

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      • Beep_Beep

        I completely agree. And, to be Catholic feels like maximum security.

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        • RoyRogers

          LOL, I hear that. You guys are so much Stricter than we are.

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  • RoyRogers

    Why is my comment gone

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  • themoonmelts

    1. Why do u want to make human race believe in your God?

    My answer: Because I believe He makes lives better and beautiful and full of love and I want people to know what I've experienced.

    2. why you threaten person with god "God going get u tonight" yet again I'm still here.

    My answer: I have never done that, nor will I ever. Then again, I don't know the full context of this accusation, so I cannot answer sufficiently.

    3. If you Christians want to follow New Testament then why does Old Testament still exist! Could you get rid of Old Testament.

    My answer: The Old Testament contains a myriad of important historical events. Not only this, but many of the major events and prophets in the Old Testament foretold of a coming Messiah and/or make predictions about him, long before he was written to be born. The whole book points to the coming of Jesus Christ in one amazing way or another.

    4. If you Christians want be all loving and peace then why the hell is your God allowing u do bad things and Sin.

    My answer: God allows us all free will. He does not force us to choose him or that defeats the purpose of choice and does not produce a truly loving relationship. This is why I find it hypocritical when Christians try to force God on other people.
    People choose to sin and it hurts God, but he lets us make our own choice about whether or not to follow his commandments (which were set up to protect us, not to harm us).

    5. You know anyone hasn't came back from the dead to tell anyone the truth and I'm sure your relatives didn't come back and told anyone?
    True fact in life is that no one won't believe you.

    My answer: Sorry, I'm unsure of the question you are trying to ask here.

    6. What the point reading the book if your in Law state along with policemen.

    My answer: Again, I am not clear on what you are asking. Please restate and I will answer to the best of my ability.

    7. In law U.S you know there women won't become slave to rapist. Follow the law or get put in prison.

    My answer: This question is also unclear.

    8." You shall not kill" and bible tells u to kill non believers or homosexuals.

    My answer: I have not read anything which tells me to kill a non-believer on the sole basis of them being a non-believer. Please explain.
    About homosexuality: I do not believe that all the old laws still pertain to modern believers. After all, the Bible also tells us not to eat pork (because it was protecting the Israelites from the diseases they did not know about), but a majority of Christians today find nothing wrong with eating pork. I'm not sure about why God placed the law against homosexuality. Perhaps it was to protect us from something we do not yet understand. I, for one, believe that loving people of all walks of life is the second highest law for God's people (the first being loving God himself), above all others.
    And consider this passage of the Bible, John 8:3-11, in which Jesus rebukes the self-righteous for wanting to kill a woman they deem unclean according to their strict laws:

    The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

    But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
    At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
    “No one, sir,” she said.
    “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

    You see, God wants to save us, just as John 3:17 says. He does not desire for us to perish, as the verse, 2 Peter 3:9, says. He has sacrificed enormously for us, more than we in our sinful mindsets will ever know.

    9. If Adam and Eve was only two humans from the beginning? Does this mean your Fucking own sisters or brothers ( what's wrong with you)

    My answer: People assume that Adam and Eve were the only two people God created from dust, but the Bible says no such thing. It only explains that they were the first. After all, the Bible only mentions them having two sons. Even if they wanted to "fuck," they could never produce children on their own. Therefore, God must have created others also. Sometimes you have to read between the lines and use your logic, especially before you begin throwing insults.

    10. Telling others their evil or demon or insults towards person then your calling our mom and dad names " how dare you!"

    My answer: I am not entirely sure what you're saying or asking.
    If someone is calling your family members or you or anyone ugly names, that is sinful. We all sin and I am sorry for this, but the person saying those things was not displaying a correct Christian attitude. After all, Ephesians 4:29 says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

    I hope I was able to satisfactorily answer some of your questions and I apologize on behalf of all Christians and the God I love for any injury mankind's sinfulness has brought upon you.
    Please private message me if you would like me to explain anything else to you.

    Much Love,

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  • jethro

    Just curious. Are you an atheist or do you follow a religion? If so what is it because I have a few questions for you?

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    • Non religious? I am just researcher

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    how does we know adam & eve wasnt black?

    ever try to take a rib away from a black guy?

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    • I have no answer to your question...... All I can say is where does racism Come from, are we suppose love each other and love our enemies.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        i told a fuckin joke

        lighten the fuck up

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        • LittleGirlAtrociouslySodomized

          Have sex with her dead body, some fancy them nice and quiet.

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  • flyingnostalgia

    Is there something wrong with you?

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